In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
          Richard Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 23 Mar 2008 Paul Vigay wrote:
> > Oddly, saving the source code to hard disc and then double-clicking on
> > it, views perfectly ok....
> Yes, I've had that experience before with another site.
> > I'd better file a bug report. :-)

The Barclaycard site produces similar results in the page that shows
my transactions, i.e. all or lots of the headers are there, but no
transactions are visible.  This one doesn't appear to show any more
when viewing the saved source, though.  124 errors from the W3C
validator... but that's common for web sites out there, and I assume
NetSurf is written to cope with loads of rubbish.

In the case of Barclaycard, filing a bug report is problematic in
that I should attach a file, but I'm not clear whether the HTML in
question would violate my privacy obligations to Barclaycard, but,
without the source, the bug report may not be useful.

The good news, of course, is that NetSurf gets into the Barclaycard
site at all.


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