In a dim and distant universe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
   Harriet Bazley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> enlightened us thusly:
> Why does this page - - and other blogs
> I've encountered - appear to sport a dark-grey and black colour scheme?

Looking at that page, it's a problem with the HTML. Neither the <body> tag
or the CSS (div 'container') specify a font colour, so NetSurf is
defaulting to black text.

> And is there any way of forcing NetSurf to ignore CSS colour schemes when
> they result in unreadable displays such as these?

You can temporarily change it by editing the !NetSurf.Resources.CSS file
and adding color: #ffffff; to the end of the body { ... } style default
definition. This will change the colour of the text to white on the above

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