On Wed, 30 Jan 2008 16:24:08 GMT, Bryn Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Visiting similar review pages in El Reg gives the same
> effect but now with a 'Bad Redirect URL' meeasge from
> NS after a few seconds.
> Toady's example can be found here -
> http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2008/01/30/review_toshiba_hd_ep30/
> on the lower left of the page is a Box 'Price Finder'
> and at the bottem, below the editable window is the
> link line 'Reg Hardware's price comparison site'

This is fixed in r3809.

> Clicking on this enters the following URL in NS status bar -
>   http://theregister.pgpartner.co.uk/: Compare Prices
>        Note the colon : and space after uk/ above.

That's simply how NetSurf displays link targets in the status bar (i.e.
<url>: <link title attribute contents>)


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