In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Chika
> On 06 Jan, Tim Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > [Snip]

> > > although bgcolor is a deprecated tag - CSS is preferred. See
> > > for
> > > more on this.

> > For the g'zillionth time, it may be deprecated for new content but
> > recommended that browsers support deprecated tags to support existing
> > pre-deprecation content. IYSWIM

> Hang on! I only said it was deprecated. I didn't say "don't use it, it
> doesn't work". If you look through some of the tables I use myself,
> you'll find that I use bgcolor rather a lot, and will be continuing to
> do so for some time to come! I've found that putting bgcolor in <table>
> tags has a mixed reception, not just in Netsurf, so I normally advise
> people to put it in the cells rather than the header.

Indeed. And I wasn't attempting to cast aspersions. IIRC there are only
three (now obscure) tags which are obsolete and therefore not meant to be
supported; all are replaced by <pre> which itself is, er, little used I

Of course, bgcolor in the headers has a different effect to bgcolor in
the cells or rows, as my example should have illustrated.

Tim Hill,

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