On 16 Dec 2007 Kevin Wells wrote:

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>           Dave Symes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>Got a problem... guess there is an answer but can't seem to find it.
>>Silly people create sites with black backgrounds, then plonk grey text on
>>it... or Dark blue text.
>>In Oregano, If I tick Off the "Use Document colours" the black background
>>is replaced with white and I can see the grey text.

> That would be a good idea for Netsurf I think.
>>Is there a comparable option in NetSurf? I'm using NS (02 Dec 2007 06:00)

> A bodge is to highlight the text, that sometimes works.

Please see Feature Request 1528285 "Turn off document colours" raised 
on 2006-07-25.

|_|. _   Richard Porter               http://www.minijem.plus.com/
|\_||_                                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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