I'm not reporting this as a Netsurf bug because I don't think it is one;
but apparently Google have recently upgraded their webmail software in
such a way that attempting to log in via http://mail.google.com/ results
in an endless loop instead of redirection to a suitable log-in page
giving the non-JavaScript options.   This is apparently a known bug in
the new software (users with JavaScript enabled are likewise complaining
that they are locked out in an endless refresh loop or else are being
forced into the 'plain' HTML instead of the JavaScript pages), and the
official workarounds currently advised are either to switch your Gmail
configuration to UK instead of US English, or else to use the URL
https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=1 to gain access to the non-JavaScript
pages.   Obviously the first option is a non-starter via Netsurf -
especially if you can't log in in the first place - but I can confirm
that the second one seems foolproof.

Anyway, I've been advised to mention this on the mailing list, so I

Harriet Bazley                     ==  Loyaulte me lie ==

A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.

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