On 21 Jul, in article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Keith Hopper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>    Tricia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Not sure whether this has been raised before - apologies if I am
> > inadvertently going over old ground. When accessing some sites which
> > require user names, passwords etc. the 'boxes' where they should be
> > entered are too small for the text to show. This is particularly
> > noticeable on the www.barclays.co.uk login page. Is there a setting
> > which I have missed in configuration which can solve this?

>      I am told this is an error in the web-site and also that Netsurf
> doesn't yet always respect the minimum font size you specified in your
> choices. This is a known bug which I reported some time ago.

Thanks for the info.


Tricia Garner

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