On 2018-07-09 13:41, Daniel Silverstone wrote:

Hello Daniel!

Oddly, as you were writing this I was sending you an e-mail requesting write access to the git repository!

On Mon, Jul 09, 2018 at 11:09:17 +0100, Glen Walker wrote:
I have been around in the RISC OS world since about 2015 but have just
formally announced to the RISC OS Open community that I will be devoting my
spare time to developing NetSurf on RISC OS...I know this is a little
back-to-front but I'm announcing it here too!

Cool, we'll be glad to have some help.


Once concern I have, having read that, is your intent to work on RISC
OS for this.

Sadly we've not supported building NetSurf under RISC OS for many years now. We've invested no effort into making the build systems, code generators, etc work under RISC OS, we use Perl and Python, as well as building C-based code generators, and very little is meant to work under RISC OS any more. It's
possible you might be able to make some of it happen, but I'd strongly
recommend you pick a more competent development environment such as Linux. You could still use RISC OS hosted editors if that's your bag, but compilation etc
will be much more effectively done under Linux.

I suspected as much and will no-doubt fall back to that position until RISC OS is dragged up to standard! Ever the optimist I'll have a go and see what breaks first though...

Progress is likely to be slow and I don't know if anyone else out there is working on RISC OS (if you are please say "hi" so I can work with you!) but
when I have something more to contribute I'll let you all know...

We look forward to hearing from you wrt. patches, and if you would like to be involved in the next NetSurf developer weekend, please do raise your hand, we'll
be meeting in a few weeks in Cambridgeshire.

Thanks - I hope to get stuck in this week once I've figured out what I did to my OS when I was upgrading from 5.23 to 5.24! I'm up in The North and don't get out much but thank's for the offer...will keep tabs online, here and join the irc as well most likely.

In the mean-time happy coding everyone!

And to you.


Technical Writing and Programming Solutions for RISC OS or UNIX

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