On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 20:48:30 -0400, Jesse Nicholson wrote:
> I've been downloading the libs linked on the website such as libCSS/ hubbub
> and so on, but as you note, there isn't an API reference (not complaining,
> just saying). So I thought I'd just ask here to see if such functionality
> exists. Thanks for your time.

Currently, as the libraries are more meant for internal use than external use,
there is no official API documentation but we do tend to write
code-documentation into the headers so you could extract it from there
relatively easily.

Our CI extracts the documentation from the NetSurf project but not from our
libraries currently.  Perhaps we might look at that in the future.

We do have an IRC channel though -- #netsurf on Freenode.  If you join that,
please be aware that we're mostly UK based and we all have day jobs so
responses might be slow and constrained in when they occur.


Daniel Silverstone                       http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
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