NetSurf AGM - 2014


* Daniel Silverstone
* Rob Kendrick
* Michael Drake
* Vincent Sanders
* John-Mark Bell
* Chris Young

Secretary's report

Last year's society committee consisted of:

* Michael Drake, Chair
* John-Mark Bell, Treasurer
* Daniel Silverstone, Secretary

Last year's non-committee membership consisted of:

* Rob Kendrick
* Chris Young
* Vincent Sanders
* François Revol
* Steve Fryatt

This year we welcome Rupinder Singh Khokhar and Anthony J. Bentley

Noone has dropped out

The society is therefore quorate

Treasurer's report

Chair's report

* NetSurf is still actively developed, and new people turn up who are
  interested in both the browser and its libraries.  We've made releases in the
  last year, and have done plenty of work since the last release.
* We had a successful GSoC student, who made nice progress on the libraries.
* At the developer hack weekend we are discussing future development.
* Thanks to everyone for their contributions this year.

GSoC Donation

Due to difficulty navigating through the complexities of international tax law,
we won't be receiving the mentor payment from this year's GSoC.

We have the option of donating it to the Software Freedom Conservancy
Kinnison seconds this option
tlsa votes that we do that

The committee has hereby voted to donate our mentor payment from GSoC 2014 to
the Software Freedom Conservancy

AI: John-Mark Bell to organise that donation.


Each of the RISC OS, Atari and Cocoa frontends are not being actively supported
by any of the developers on the project at this time.  Noone was prepared to
step forward to offer assistance during the AGM.

When asked what impact this would have, Vincent explained that the releases are
therefore at risk of being unreleasable for verison 3.3 and forward from there.

The Atari toolchain (NetSurf toolchain) is currently not functional on our CI
infrastructure.  When asked what impact this would have Vincent noted that we
are unable to build newer toolchains and thus close security holes

Vincent also noted that the support burden for maintaining the Cocoa frontend
means that it is very much at risk of being dropped without an active

AI: Release Manager to produce report to development *and* user mailing lists
detailing at-risk builds and their likely remaining lifetime


Michael thanked everyone and made special note that Daniel Silverstone donated
an SSD to the Cocoa CI engine.

Daniel Silverstone             
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