On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 18:43:08 +0530, Naman Bhayani wrote:
>  I am Naman,i study EEE,2nd year at BITS Pilani.
>  I am relatively new to opensource contribution.I have started contributing
> since a few days and i am actively contributing BinPy organisation,and it
> participated in gsoc  2014.
> My Github Profile: https://github.com/Rapternmn
> My skills:C,C++,Python,Basic web development.
> I am willing to learn a lot more things.
> Please tell me what do i need to know to start contributing to netsurf and
> how should i begin contributing?

Hi Namam, thanks for contacting us.

As with all people interested in contributing to the NetSurf Browser project,
we recommend that you start by acquiring the source code, building it for your
platform and familiarising yourself with the layout of the various libraries
and code.

Once you feel that you have a reasonable idea of the shape of the project
codebase, we recommend you go to our bug tracker and from there find something
you feel you can fix and have a go at a patch.  Once you have a reasonable
patch worked up, use git send-email to provide a patch series to this mailing
list and we'll review it from there.

Kind regards,


Daniel Silverstone                       http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
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