On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 01:22:01AM +0100, Chris Young wrote:
> I have just discovered that
> http://git.netsurf-browser.org/netsurf.git/tree/amiga/gui.c is using
> ~450K of stack space.
> Visiting
> http://libxad.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/libxad/libxad/portable/clients/LhA.c?view=markup
> uses just short of 1MB of stack.

well that would seem to be excessive on any scale!

> I don't know about the second link, but I'm sure it wasn't that long
> ago when the top link was viewable in 256K of stack or maybe even
> 128K.

I would have expected 64k or so at most but analysis of stack usage
seems to be somewhat difficult.

> I doubt much can be done about it, but am curious as to what has
> changed to increase stack usage this much?
> Whilst NetSurf is usually pretty good at not going mad with the stack
> (it usually sits at <64K), suddenly using 1MB on certain pages seems a
> bit excessive.

I have done an experiment with the gtk frontend which you migth want
to do for amiga.

add -fstack-usage to your CFLAGS in your Makefile.target and recompile
from clean (needs gcc 4.6 or later) though this seems to interact
badly with ccache so I just commented it out in netsurfs Makefile
(line 307)

this generates a lot of .su files in the build directory, I did:

$ cat build-Linux-gtk/*.su | sort | sort -n -f -k2 |uniq

which showed me the stack usage for each function in ascending order
of size.

about.c:724:13:fetch_about_can_fetch    16      static
about.c:782:13:fetch_about_start        16      static
about.c:788:13:fetch_about_abort        16      static
base64.c:57:1:to_uchar  16      static
bloom.c:105:10:bloom_items      16      static
bloom.c:36:24:fnv       16      static


curl.c:841:6:fetch_curl_done    6368    static
gui.c:486:13:nsgtk_poll 8480    static
urldb.c:346:6:urldb_load        9040    static
urldb.c:3625:6:urldb_load_cookies       16608   static
completion.c:38:10:nsgtk_completion_match       32816   static

most of which does not seem exsessive (aside from urldb, which we
already know "as a project" smells bad)

so assuming amiga gets similar output I must conclude eiher we are
recursing somewhere or something is dynamicaly allocating to the stack
where it should not.

My recent adventures looking at the ssl message issues (the corrupted
treeviews on bad ssl certificates) do lead me to suspect some pages
will cause our curl handling to dynamicly allocate several k on the
stack, but nothing like the hundreds you are seeing.

The recent move to scheduled callback out to (if anything) reduce
stack usage as all calls are from the scheduler now serviced in each
fontends poll loop which is a single function call down from the main

if anyone else has more insights into this I would apreciate some input.

Regards Vincent

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