On Thu, Jul 03, 2014 at 11:49:22PM +0100, Chris Young wrote:
> On Thu, 03 Jul 2014 22:05:23 +0100, Michael Drake wrote:
> > >     Wait for network activity instead of polling.
> > 
> > I'd be interested to know if that made any noticeable difference to page
> > load times.  e.g. for BBC News homepage.
> None whatsoever.

I would not have expected it to impact load times significantly unless
you were pulling web pages from a very fast local web server.

Polling every 10ms is probably capable of dealing with all the data a
home internet link is capable of delivering

The fdset function will mainly improve responsiveness as NetSurf does
not need to poll the fetchers unecessarily. On slow connections
instead of polling the fetchers 100 times a second for data that
simply has not arrived yet it will instead only use processor when
data is available to process.

> I even did a quick test with three pages:
>                  | CI#1995 | CI#1996
> news.bbc.co.uk   |   6.1s  |   6.0s
> www.bbc.co.uk    |   3.5s  |   3.4s
> en.wikipedia.org |   4.8s  |   5.1s
> Entirely non-scientific, but it doesn't seem any faster.  They are
> both significantly quicker than the values in the screenshots on the
> NetSurf site though. :)

we should update those then ;-)

fyi GTK port on my laptop (at work with 200Mbit) connection completes
news.bbc.co.uk in 0.8s using fdset, and 1.9s using polled (no cache)

> I'm hoping it is stopping NetSurf taking processor time away from
> other tasks.

Thats exactly what it will be doing, if there is any to spare ;-)

> Chris

Regards Vincent

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