On Wed, Jul 02, 2014 at 05:36:09PM +0100, Chris Young wrote:
> I'm missing a load of emails so I've had to manually copy this from
> the archive to reply to it, so apologies for thread breakage.

no worries, just FYI i received a bounce from your email earlier when
I posted the reply.

> Vincent Sanders wrote:
> > As an *extension* fetcher_fdset() exists. This allows a frontend to
> > obtain a set of file descriptors the fetchers are using. The
> > frontend may then wait for activity on those file descriptors in
> > addition to events from the windowing system. Thus only servicing
> > the fetchers when there is activity.
> OK, that sounds useful.  I should be able to use that.

Cool, if you need any more help just let me know.

> > The fetch servicing occurs specifically when fetcher_fdset() is
> > called. In addition the polling is rescheduled to a "long" time in
> > the future (currently a second) rather than cancelled altogether.
> Just as an aside, I notice this does a schedule for 1s every time it
> is called.  Should the schedule code be ignoring/rescheduling/deleting
> events that are the same?  As if this is scheduling a lot of events
> for 1s in the future, after a second all those events are going to
> fire, which is nearly as bad as polling?  Or is there a deletion of
> the pending event happening somewhere that I've overlooked?

I think I properly documented these API as part of the great operation
table rework.

Ah yes
desktop/gui.h:453 has the API docs, the relevant bit is:

 * Additional calls with the same callback and user parameter will
 * reset the callback time to the newly specified value.

> >> I should be able to check the reformat one tonight, would have done
> >> so yesterday but my Internet was playing up and (possibly
> >> unrelated)
> >> this email account wasn't receiving messages - so I didn't see it
> >> until this morning.
> > Thats fine, that one I am a bit suspect of, hence the not merging
> > yet.
> Seems to be working fine, although I'm not entirely sure what triggers
> a reformat event (other than me manually resizing the window, which
> might not go the same route), so maybe something is broken and I just
> don't know it yet!

scale changes are the main reason, although gtk uses it when the debug
rendering is turned on too.

If noone else has any objections I will merge this tonight then.

Regards Vincent

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