On 06/10/2012 03:19 PM, Irena Berezovsky wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> May I add to your question also considerations regarding network creation - 
> POST operation?
> I may be wrong in my understanding, but it seems to me that in case of 
> RequestExtension it will be possible to create Provider Network via a single 
> call. 
> In case of ResourceExtension it will require 2 calls; one for network 
> creation and second for "provider" attributes setting for previously created 
> network. Am I right? 
> In case of ResourceExtension Plugin on network creation should behave 
> differently for "provider" and other(virtual) network, i.e. skip VLAN 
> allocation.  Seems that Plugin should be aware about Network type already 
> during network creation. 
> What do you think?

Hi Irena,

I'd like to avoid this sort of two-step resource creation process.
Adding new optional arguments to the existing POST operation that
creates a new resource such as network seems to work, at least with
JSON. I haven't looked into XML support for this yet. These arguments
get passed through to the plugin as kwargs. Their names should use the
extension's namespace prefix, but otherwise I don't think any explicit
support in the extension framework is involved.


> Thanks,
> Irena
> -----Original Message-----
> From: netstack-bounces+irenab=mellanox....@lists.launchpad.net 
> [mailto:netstack-bounces+irenab=mellanox....@lists.launchpad.net] On Behalf 
> Of Robert Kukura
> Sent: Friday, June 08, 2012 6:21 PM
> To: Dan Wendlandt; netstack@lists.launchpad.net
> Subject: [Netstack] Provider Networks extension advice (was Re: [Openstack] 
> question on get_network_details api call)
> Dan, Netstackers,
> I need some advice ASAP so I can proceed with the provider-networks BP
> (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/quantum/+spec/provider-networks)
> implementation. This BP will be implemented using a "provider" extension that 
> adds a number of optional attributes (eg. vlan tags) to the core network 
> resource. These attributes will be settable by and visible to those with 
> admin rights.
> The main decision I'm looking for advice on is whether to implement this 
> extension as a RequestExtension or as a ResourceExtension. See the email 
> quoted below for details.
> If implemented as a RequestExtension, these provider attributes would be 
> returned along with the core attributes from "GET 
> /tenants/{tenant_id}/networks/{network_id}.json", and potentially from all 
> API actions that return the core attributes.
> If implemented as a ResourceExtension, the provider attributes would be 
> accessed from a separate sub-resource, such as "GET 
> /tenants/{tenant_id}/networks/{network_id}/provider.json".
> As Dan suggested below, I think it would be preferable to extend the core 
> resource itself rather than define a new sub-resource. This would mean using 
> the RequestExtension approach. The issue with this is that I see no way to 
> support XML with this approach, but the ResourceExtension approach can 
> support both JSON and XML.
> Is the RequestExtension approach preferable? Is it acceptable even if it 
> cannot (currently) support XML? Or is there a way to extend the XML using a 
> RequestExtension that I'm missing?
> Thanks,
> -Bob
> On 06/07/2012 05:19 PM, Robert Kukura wrote:
>> On 06/02/2012 01:56 PM, Dan Wendlandt wrote:
>>> Hi Irena, Bob, Salvatore,
>>> Just catching up the thread, and looping the netstack and openstack 
>>> lists in as well, as this info is general useful in my opinion.
>>> Our model with Quantum, like Nova, is that it is definitely ok to 
>>> extend the content of a core object with additional attributes.  
>>> These attributes should be formatted properly as extended attribute, 
>>> so that the "key" of the attribute is 
>>> <extension-alias>:<attribute-name>
>>> This is done pretty commonly within Nova.  Two simple examples are: 
>>> - nova/api/openstack/compute/contrib/scheduler_hints.py
>>> - nova/api/openstack/compute/contrib/extended_status.py
>>> I do not believe you need to (or should) modify the view-builder code 
>>> for the core object when you want to add an extended attribute to it.
>> Thanks Dan! I've now had some success implementing an extension that 
>> creates a RequestExtension that adds extended attributes to the 
>> response for a core resource. At least with JSON - I have not been 
>> able to figure out how to do this for XML, if that is even possible in 
>> quantum.
>>>  Instead, the extension framework has you write a wsgi controller 
>>> specific to the extension that is inserted as its own stage into the 
>>> wsgi request and response processing pipeline.  Thus, when the 
>>> request is passed in, your code gets a chance to parse the data, and 
>>> the the response is passed back, your code gets a chance to add data to it.
>> The above description sounds more like a ResourceExtension than a 
>> RequestExtension. A ResourceExtension introduces a new Controller, 
>> whereas a RequestExtension just adds a handler function called by the 
>> core's RequestExtensionController. All examples and descriptions I've 
>> seen use ResourceExtension to introduce a new type of resource. Are 
>> you suggesting this mechanism can also be used to extend an existing 
>> core resource? Would this have any advantage over using a 
>> RequestExtension? I still don't see any way a ResourceExtension could 
>> add extended attributes into an XML response.
>>> Using the Nova code as example is probably the best bet if you can 
>>> find a good example within quantum.  Quantum's extension framework 
>>> (and several other openstack projects) all use essentially the same model.
>> The nova and quantum code seem to have diverged significantly. The 
>> nova examples use a nova.api.openstack.wsgi.extends decorator on 
>> methods of an extension-implemented Controller to do "request 
>> extensions", but quantum doesn't have this decorator. Also, nova uses 
>> XML templates that are extensible, whereas the _serialization_metadata 
>> in quantum core resources does not seem to be extensible.
>> At this point, quantum's RequestExtension mechanism seems able to do 
>> the job for the provider-networks BP, assuming that a JSON-only 
>> solution is acceptable. If both JSON and XML support are needed, then, 
>> unless I am missing something, creating a new (sub-)resource using a 
>> ResourceExtension (similar to the portstats extension) seems like the 
>> only straightforward option.
>> -Bob
>>> Dan
>>> On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 8:43 AM, Robert Kukura <rkuk...@redhat.com 
>>> <mailto:rkuk...@redhat.com>> wrote:
>>>     On 06/02/2012 05:02 AM, Irena Berezovsky wrote:
>>>     > Hi,
>>>     > Bob, Dan,
>>>     > I ran into following wiki page:
>>>     >
>>> http://wiki.openstack.org/QuantumAPIExtensionsaction=AttachFile&do=view&target=quantum_api_extension.pdf
>>> <http://wiki.openstack.org/QuantumAPIExtensionsaction=AttachFile&do=view&target=quantum_api_extension.pdf>
>>>     > 'port profile' is exactly what I was looking for to expose in the
>>>     plugin.
>>>     > I would like to add the port profile retrieval capability and
>>>     contribute the implementation.
>>>     >
>>>     > Can you please advise if there is any disagreement on getting it
>>>     into core API? Shall I do it via extension?
>>>     > Bob, seems that you are dealing with similar issues.
>>>     > What do you suggest?
>>>     >
>>>     > Thanks a lot,
>>>     > Irena
>>>     Irena,
>>>     I'm not sure there is any consensus around using a "network profile" for
>>>     this. I did see that document as well as archived discussion about
>>>     defining "port profile" and "network profile" as extensible collections
>>>     of attributes. But the existing "port profile" extension looks to be
>>>     Cisco-specific, and seems to serve a somewhat different purpose.
>>>     My current thinking is that we'd be better off long term following the
>>>     lead of Nova and other projects in supporting "extension data" within
>>>     the existing resources instead of requiring introduction of a new
>>>     resource just to hold plugin-specific attributes.
>>>     But, in the short term, it might make the most sense for each extension
>>>     just to provide its own resource extension with its attributes. That's
>>>     what I'm tentatively planning to do for the provider-network blueprint,
>>>     but would reconsider if there was consensus that either the "extension
>>>     data" support or a more general "network profile" should be added now.
>>>     -Bob
>>> --
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> Dan Wendlandt
>>> Nicira, Inc: www.nicira.com <http://www.nicira.com>
>>> twitter: danwendlandt
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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