Hi Dean,
I am responsible for new quantum client blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/quantum/+spec/new-cli. I have implemented the openstack commands to call the client code. I see there is also a blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-openstackclient/+spec/quantum-client. How can I contribute these codes ( just git review, or need I must be a member of openstackclient?), Can I have that blueprint?

Yong Sheng Gong

-----netstack-bounces+gongysh=cn.ibm....@lists.launchpad.net wrote: -----
To: Doug Hellmann <doug.hellm...@dreamhost.com>
From: Dean Troyer
Sent by: netstack-bounces+gongysh=cn.ibm....@lists.launchpad.net
Date: 05/19/2012 01:06AM
Cc: andrewbog...@gmail.com, netstack@lists.launchpad.net, "openst...@lists.launchpad.net" <openst...@lists.launchpad.net>
Subject: Re: [Netstack] [Openstack] About openstack common client

On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Doug Hellmann
<doug.hellm...@dreamhost.com> wrote:
>> I expect non-common shell clients to be deprecated and eventually ripped
>> out.  We're probably a bit too early in the game to explicitly discourage
>> development on those shell commands though.
> I'm waffling on agreeing with you here. It is true that (AFAIK) we aren't
> set up for packaging builds yet for semi-official installations (i.e., not
> using devstack), but I would like to have people who are more familiar with
> the other command line programs contributing to the common client, too.

I expect the existing project-specific CLIs to be around fot some
time.  The bit that openstackclient replaces is actually pretty small
code-wise so maintaining them isn't as much duplicated work as it
might seem.



Dean Troyer

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