Hi Dan,


On the documentation part, I can try to help to the extent I can. Please
let me know how I can pitch in.






From: netstack-bounces+snaiksat=cisco....@lists.launchpad.net
[mailto:netstack-bounces+snaiksat=cisco....@lists.launchpad.net] On
Behalf Of Dan Wendlandt
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 10:15 AM
To: netstack@lists.launchpad.net
Subject: [Netstack] quantum essex-rc2 is out


Hi team,


Quantum Essex RC2 is available:


This will be the final build unless something very major pops up, as the
release is thursday.  


Its VERY important that we test on distros and work on documentation,
since this is how many of our users will experience Quantum.  If you're
putting all of your quantum cycles toward summit stuff, please take a
break to help out and make sure this release is high quality.  


I've been doing such testing on Ubuntu and Fedora and have been finding
important items that we need to clean up and or document. 


The Fedora work is documented here:
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Quantum  .  Bob and created some nice
scripts to automate many parts of the setup process.  


We've been working through various Ubuntu packaging issues, but last
night got to the point where the basic quantum and quantum-server
binaries could communicate using the FakePlugin.  Seems like there are
still issues around running the agents that need to be resolved though.
At a glance, it seems like the agents aren't even installed as binaries,
but I could be missing something.  


Here's a summary of the Ubuntu packages for those interested in testing:


So we have two main packages for quantum in Ubuntu, quantum-server and
python-quantumclient. The quantum-server package in Ubuntu contains the
quantum-server binaries. The python-quantumclient package contains the
quantum "client" (quantum). So it breaks down like this:

quantum-server - quantum-server binaries
quantum-common - Configuration files for quantum-server
plus /var/log/quantum, etc
python-quantum - python libaries for quantum-server and plugins
quantum-plugin-{cisco,nicira,openvswitch,ryu} - Plugin configuration


As I also mentioned, we need to update the API guides and Admin Guides
to make sure they are accurate for the release.  If you have some cycles
to help, PLEASE contact me.  





Dan Wendlandt 

Nicira Networks: www.nicira.com

twitter: danwendlandt


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