On Mar 21, 2012, at 6:36 PM, Sumit Naiksatam (snaiksat) wrote:

> Hi Dave,
> Thanks for sharing this. I had been independently working on this a few
> days back, and wanted to compare notes with you (I saw other emails as
> well on this topic, hence thought it might be helpful to have a broader
> discussion).

Hi Sumit:

No problem!

> For the localrc files, 
> * Would it be better to use HOST_IP_IFACE instead of just the HOST_IP.
> stack.sh seems to derive the IP from the interface, so in case someone
> is not using eth0 as their host interface, setting the HOST_IP_IFACE
> might help to set the interface as well as the IP.

Yes. HOST_IP_IFACE is definitely a cleaner place to set this.

> * On the Compute node, you have n-sch and quantum included. Are these
> required to run on the Compute node? Shouldn't it just be n-cpu and
> q-agt?

"quantum" is included to enable some dependencies to be downloaded. It should 
work without n-sch, but from memory, it did not work. I will revisit and try 

> For the stack.sh script, since we are not starting glance on the Compute
> node, I had to add the following:

Yes, that is correct.

> And since I was not running Quantum on the compute host, I had to do
> something like this:
> if is_service_enabled q-svc || is_service_enabled q-agt; then
>    # quantum
> fi

Yes, that is correct.

> so that the quantum repo gets pulled.
> Please let me know your thoughts on the above.

There are a few additional commands required to get things up and running. I'll 
send them out later today.



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