Hi Bob, Thanks for taking this up. Responses inline.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Kukura [mailto:rkuk...@redhat.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9:40 AM
> To: Sumit Naiksatam (snaiksat); Dan Wendlandt; Brad Hall;
> netstack@lists.launchpad.net
> Cc: Christopher Wright
> Subject: bug 948467 - agent root_helper
> I intend to submit a patch today for RC1 so that the linuxbridge and
> openvswitch agents will no longer need to run as root. Instead, they
> will read a root_helper config variable and prepend that to the
> commands
> they execute, as nova does when it executes commands for which
> run_as_root is specified to nova.utils.execute(). Don't worry, I'm not
> pulling in nova.utils, just making minimal modifications to the
> single-file agent implementations.
> I'd like to get buy-in from the plugin agent owners and any other
> interested parties before submitting this, and get consensus on a
> couple
> of choices:
> 1) The default value for the root_helper could be "sudo" (as it is in
> nova), or could be empty. If the agent is already running as root,
> using sudo shouldn't hurt anything except for adding a tiny bit of
> overhead, so I'm inclined to put sudo in the .ini files for both
> plugins
> as the value for root_helper. In test situations where the user is not
> root but has unconstrained sudo privileges, it should no longer be
> necessary to run the agents as root. Any objection to defaulting to
> sudo?

<Sumit> In the LinuxBridge plugin README we do recommend running the
agent as sudo, so your suggestion is consistent. </Sumit>

> 2) Running the agents with unconstrained sudo privileges is not much
> more secure than running them as root. One option is for
> packages/deployments to run the agents as users who only have the
> needed
> sudo privileges (we could ship a specific sudoers file for each
> But a more secure option is to use the rootwrap functionality from
> nova,
> since it filters on the entire command line using regular expressions.
> Unfortunately, nova's rootwrap is not currently extensible, so we'd
> need
> to copy it into quantum, renaming the executable from nova-rootwrap to
> quantum-rootwrap. This seems like a good candidate for
> in folsom, but for now copying would be necessary, and also would
> depending on nova. So I am intending to copy the rootwrap
> implementation
> from nova into quantum and modify it as necessary to support these two
> agents. This will involve adding bin/quantum-rootwrap and adding a
> couple of modules in the quantum/rootwrap namespace, all with no
> non-standard imports. Note that, just as in nova, rootwrap will not be
> used at all unless packages/deployments explicitly enable it by
> changing
> root_helper from "sudo" to "quantum-rootwrap". Is everyone OK with
> plan?

<Sumit> I do agree with the requirement for this, and your approach
seems a good one. However, I am a little jittery about this being
introduced late in the game. Would like to hear what the other folks
think. </Sumit>

> 3) Would anyone object to adding a command line option to these two
> agents that causes them to log to a file as part of this patch? Or
> should that be handled separately?

<Sumit> Definitely a very good suggestion. I would tend to think this is
a separate patch though. </Sumit>

> Please let me know if you have any questions or issues and whether you
> are on board with this as soon as possible, as I'm proceeding with the
> work.
> Thanks,
> -Bob

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