On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Yapeng Wu <yapen...@me.com> wrote:

> In the multi-host quantum OVS plugin case, I am not clear how and when
> this 'host' in the 'network' table should be updated.
> From the code update, I doubt this would work in multi-host case.

It is documented that Quantum does not support multi-host for Essex:

Its something we'll tackle in Folsom.


> Currently I always use manually update of mysql command as Brad showed in
> the email.
> Yapeng
> On Mar 01, 2012, at 09:18 AM, Tomoe Sugihara <to...@midokura.com> wrote:
> Hi Doude,
> I was dealing with another issue caused by this NULL 'host', and Dan told
> me that has been fixed:
> https://github.com/openstack/nova/commit/43f2492175d11a3f8ea4198e65b2a6a6b38cbbb6
> I haven't verified, though. Good luck.
> Best,
> Tomoe
> On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 10:11 PM, Doude <doudou...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I tested it with Quantum and I confirm the field 'host' in the 'network'
>> table stays empty.
>> Someone filled a bug for that ?
>> Doude.
>> On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 8:06 AM, Vishvananda Ishaya <
>> vishvana...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> ...
>>> At least that is the case for nova-network without quantum.  I don't
>>> know if using Quantum leads to a different result.
>>> Vish
>>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 9:49 PM, Yapeng Wu wrote:
>>> Hello, Brad,
>>> I read your reply to Darragph's email:
>>> "Another thing to check .. when I run devstack by default my network
>>> doesn't get associated with a host [host is NULL in the database].
>>> Make sure the host for that network is set to the hostname of the
>>> compute node."
>>> I found that when I use "nova-manage network create" CLI command, the
>>> host is NULL in the database as well.
>>> Is this a bug? Where would this "host" field get updated?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Yapeng
>>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 04:02 PM, Yapeng Wu <yapen...@me.com> wrote:
>>> Hello, Darragh,
>>> I...
>>> 2) For the second problem: command line issue, I found that it was due
>>> to the code in nova/network/manager.py, line 435 to 452:
>>>         if network['multi_host']:
>>>             instance = self.db.instance_get(context, 
>>> fixed_ip['instance_id'])
>>>             host = instance['host']
>>>         else:
>>>             host = network['host']
>>>         interface = floating_ip['interface']
>>>         if host == self.host:
>>>             # i'm the correct host
>>>             self._associate_floating_ip(context, floating_address,
>>>                                         fixed_address, interface)
>>>         else:
>>>             # send to correct host
>>>             rpc.cast(context,
>>>                      self.db.queue_get_for(context, FLAGS.network_topic, 
>>> host),
>>>                      {'method': '_associate_floating_ip',
>>>                       'args': {'floating_address': floating_address,
>>>                                'fixed_address': fixed_address,
>>>                                'interface': interface}})
>>> The "host" should be self.host in this case, but not. So it calls
>>> rpc.cast. I thought host is read from the database by the 'instance_id'? I
>>> am not sure. If I "hacked" the code by calling self._associate_floating_ip
>>> directly, associate floating ip works.
>>> Maybe someone familiar with nova-network code could help us on this.
>>> Yapeng
>>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 12:18 PM, Dan Wendlandt <d...@nicira.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Darragh,
>>> Thanks for the detailed write-up.  Would be great if you could take this
>>> content and create a bug on launchpad.  We'll look into this.
>>> On a related note.  The check in stack.sh to avoid creating a floating
>>> IP pool if quantum is enabled is no longer valid, now that Quantum Manager
>>> does (or at least intends to :P ) support floating IPs.  But rather than
>>> remove it, it may be good to just change to the check to avoid creating
>>> floating IPs if melange is enabled, as Quantum Manager's current floating
>>> IP support requires using the traditional Nova IPAM, not Melange.
>>> Dan
>>> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 6:38 AM, Darragh OReilly <
>>> darragh.orei...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> When I try to associate a floating IP from the dash I get:
>>>> Error: Error associating Floating IP: Associate floating ip failed
>>>> (HTTP 500)
>>>> >From the command line I don't get any errors or exceptions on any of
>>>> the screens after nova add-floating-ip, but the association does not
>>>> happen. Are these steps right?
>>>> thanks Darragh
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$ cat localrc
>>>> LOGFILE=stacklog
>>>> SWIFT_HASH=nova
>>>> ENABLED_SERVICES="g-api,g-reg,key,n-api,n-cpu,n-net,n-sch,n-vnc,horizon,mysql,rabbit,openstackx,n-vol,q-svc,q-agt,swift,quantum"
>>>> Q_PLUGIN=openvswitch
>>>> After running stack.sh have:
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$ nova-manage network list
>>>> id       IPv4                  IPv6               start address
>>>> DNS1               DNS2               VlanID             project
>>>> uuid
>>>> 2012-02-27 13:38:04 DEBUG nova.utils
>>>> [req-7b6febc7-c8cd-49e5-ac48-5707c70d8bb5 None None] backend <module
>>>> 'nova.db.sqlalchemy.api' from '/opt/stack/nova/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.pyc'>
>>>> from (pid=4776) __get_backend /opt/stack/nova/nova/utils.py:603
>>>> 1           None     
>>>>            None               None               None
>>>> 20cda3a7-f4a8-4b3c-b399-4dd624cb7a40
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$ TENANT=
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$ USERNAME=
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$ . openrc
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$ nova boot --flavor 6 --image
>>>> 21b0573e-8dd6-4b42-9c01-4c8684b0b080 guest1
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$ nova show guest1
>>>> +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+
>>>> |      Property     |
>>>> Value                           |
>>>> +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+
>>>> | OS-DCF:diskConfig |
>>>> MANUAL                                                   |
>>>> | accessIPv4
>>>> |                                                          |
>>>> | accessIPv6
>>>> |                                                          |
>>>> | config_drive
>>>> |                                                          |
>>>> | created           |
>>>> 2012-02-27T13:49:00Z                                     |
>>>> | flavor            |
>>>> micro                                                    |
>>>> | hostId            |
>>>> 372f92b8889526d07feaa81ec5ab9bb80228350db4cfa563c15baf6f |
>>>> | id                |
>>>> 3d931521-9ea2-4344-ad52-13faf4172e96                     |
>>>> | image             |
>>>> cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-blank                                |
>>>> | key_name
>>>> |                                                          |
>>>> | metadata          |
>>>> {}                                                       |
>>>> | name              |
>>>> guest1                                                   |
>>>> | private network   |
>>>>                                                 |
>>>> | progress          |
>>>> None                                                     |
>>>> | status            |
>>>> ACTIVE                                                   |
>>>> | tenant_id         |
>>>> 5b5a2c42b5874058962c6f543ee91c72                         |
>>>> | updated           |
>>>> 2012-02-27T13:49:30Z                                     |
>>>> | user_id           |
>>>> demo                                                     |
>>>> +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$ ssh cirros@
>>>> The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
>>>> RSA key fingerprint is ed:b0:be:78:26:23:2a:8d:81:22:84:84:f0:6c:ec:3c.
>>>> Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
>>>> Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
>>>> cirros@'s password:
>>>> $ ping www.openstack.org
>>>> PING www.openstack.org ( 56 data bytes
>>>> 64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=61 time=182.020 ms
>>>> 64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=61 time=182.166 ms
>>>> ^C
>>>> --- www.openstack.org ping statistics ---
>>>> 3 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 33% packet loss
>>>> round-trip min/avg/max = 182.020/182.093/182.166 ms
>>>> $ Connection to closed.
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$
>>>> stack.sh is not creating any floating range with quantum enabled:
>>>>    if is_service_enabled q-svc; then
>>>>         echo "Not creating floating IPs (not supported by
>>>> QuantumManager)"
>>>>     else
>>>>         # create some floating ips
>>>>         $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-manage floating create $FLOATING_RANGE
>>>>         # create a second pool
>>>>         $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-manage floating create
>>>>     fi
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$ nova-manage floating create --ip_range=
>>>> --interface=eth2
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$ nova-manage floating list 2>/dev/null | head -3
>>>> None    None    nova    eth2
>>>> None    None    nova    eth2
>>>> None    None    nova    eth2
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$ nova floating-ip-create
>>>> +-------------+-------------+----------+------+
>>>> |      Ip     | Instance Id | Fixed Ip | Pool |
>>>> +-------------+-------------+----------+------+
>>>> | | None        | None     | nova |
>>>> +-------------+-------------+----------+------+
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$ nova add-floating-ip guest1
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$ echo $?
>>>> 0
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$ nova floating-ip-list
>>>> +-------------+-------------+----------+------+
>>>> |      Ip     | Instance Id | Fixed Ip | Pool |
>>>> +-------------+-------------+----------+------+
>>>> | | None        | None     | nova |
>>>> +-------------+-------------+----------+------+
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$ ip link show dev eth2
>>>> 2: eth2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN qlen 1000
>>>>     link/ether 08:00:27:1a:5c:69 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
>>>> u1@u1110srv:~/devstack$ sudo iptables -t nat -vnL | grep -i float
>>>> Chain nova-api-float-snat (1 references)
>>>>    81  4863 nova-api-float-snat  all  --  *      *
>>>> Chain nova-compute-float-snat (1 references)
>>>>    82  4947 nova-compute-float-snat  all  --  *      *
>>>> Chain nova-manage-float-snat (1 references)
>>>>    81  4863 nova-manage-float-snat  all  --  *      *
>>>> Chain nova-network-float-snat (1 references)
>>>>    82  4947 nova-network-float-snat  all  --  *      *
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>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> Dan Wendlandt
>>> Nicira Networks: www.nicira.com
>>> twitter: danwendlandt
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Dan Wendlandt
Nicira Networks: www.nicira.com
twitter: danwendlandt
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