2012/2/21 Ghe Rivero <ghe.riv...@stackops.com>

> BigSwitch and Nicira have created different blueprints in quantum to add
> their plugins for essex-4 about ten days ago,  Cisco already have it
> included almost from the beginning.  No news of them for the moment, but i
> really hope that both of them make it in time!
>   Ghe Rivero
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/quantum/+spec/quantum-nvp-plugin
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/quantum/+spec/quantum-bigswitch-plugin

To be clear, there are several more existing and planned plugins for
Quantum, even beyond the three you mention.  Each plugin will make its own
trade-offs in terms of HA for control plane and data plane components.  I'm
planning on organizing a talk at the Folsom summit/conference where people
have a chance to talk about their plugins.  No need for a flame war here :)

One other point of confusion that I'd like to address is that there is NO
requirement that a plugin be merged into the main Quantum repo for it to be
a "valid" plugin.  I know of several plugins that are used despite not
being merged in (in fact, at the summit, we're going to discuss if ANY
plugins should remain in the main repo... this is likely a larger decision
that should be made consistently across all openstack projects).


> 2012/2/21 Diego Parrilla Santamaría <diego.parrilla.santama...@gmail.com>
>> This is the kind of flame war I love... ;-)
>> if you think the HA challenges in Openstack Nova are at MySQL and Rabbit
>> level, you are not putting the focus on the right components. The biggest
>> HA  (and scalability) challenges in Nova are in the networking side. There
>> are a lot of companies tackling the networking challenges of Nova
>> (BigSwitch, Nicira, Cisco, etc...), and I would like to see how they evolve
>> in the future and how they will address this problem. Right now, only
>> promises.
>> Fight!
>> --
>> Diego Parrilla
>> <http://www.stackops.com/>*CEO*
>> *www.stackops.com | * diego.parri...@stackops.com** | +34 649 94 43 29 |
>> skype:diegoparrilla*
>> * <http://www.stackops.com/>
>> **
>> On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 1:04 PM, i3D.net - Tristan van Bokkem <
>> tristanvanbok...@i3d.nl> wrote:
>>> **
>>> Hi Darren,
>>> No, I am not looking at a performance increasment at this moment. Just
>>> trying to make the different components Nova is build on redundant. Of
>>> course a master/master setup of mysql / rabbitmq with a floating IP will
>>> probably work but it bugs me that Nova is not really build with flexibility
>>> of it components in mind.
>>> I understand it is impossible to cover every scenario and you can make
>>> things redundant into the infinitive but why doesn't have Nova any of this
>>> build in? Why do I need to setup a Virtual IP/floating IP where Nova simple
>>> could accept multiple locations and failover if the first location fails.
>>> Or even round-robin to distribute the load. All I am doing now is yet add
>>> another component that can possibly fail as well.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Tristan van Bokkem
>>> Datacenter Operations
>>> Contact:
>>> E-mail Personal: tristanvanbok...@i3d.net
>>> E-mail Support: i...@i3d.net
>>> E-mail NOC: n...@i3d.net
>>> Website: http://www.i3d.net Office:
>>> Interactive 3D B.V.
>>> Meent 93b
>>> 3011 JG Rotterdam
>>> The Netherlands
>>> Visit www.smartdc.net – SmartDC is our in-house 36,000 sq. ft.
>>> datacenter in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. High density hosting – multiple
>>> fiber carriers in-house – Level3 PoP.
>>> Interactive 3D (i3D.net) is a company registered in The Netherlands at
>>> Meent 93b, Rotterdam. Registration #: 14074337 - VAT # NL 8202.63.886.B01.
>>> Interactive 3D (i3D.net) is CDSA certified on content protection and
>>> security. We are ranked in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 as one of the
>>> fastest growing technology companies.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Darren Birkett [mailto:darren.birk...@gmail.com]
>>> *To:* i3D.net - Tristan van Bokkem [mailto:tristanvanbok...@i3d.nl]
>>> *Cc:* Florian Haas [mailto:flor...@hastexo.com],
>>> openst...@lists.launchpad.net
>>> *Sent:* Tue, 21 Feb 2012 12:51:11 +0100
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Openstack] Howto Nova setup with HA?
>>> Surely it depends what you want out of it? If just pure high
>>> availability (ie ability to continue functioning when primary node
>>> goes down), then doesn't a master/master with floating IP fit the
>>> bill?
>>> It sounds like what you're after is better performance/throughput
>>> rather than HA - the ability to write to multiple masters at the same
>>> time. Even here if nova *was* able to hit multiple databases, a
>>> master/master setup isn't going to suit, as each write to one master
>>> still needs to be replicated to the other so throughput is going to be
>>> the same. You'd then need to look to something like a native mysql
>>> cluster to get actual increased throughput.
>>> Darren
>>> On 21 February 2012 11:34, i3D.net - Tristan van Bokkem
>>> <tristanvanbok...@i3d.nl> wrote:
>>> > Ho Florian,
>>> >
>>> > I respect your opinion of course and I am not here to start a fight.
>>> Point
>>> > is, how I understand it Nova really isn't very flexible on High
>>> Availability
>>> > terms. I have now a master/master mysql setup with a Virtual IP
>>> working just
>>> > to work around the shortcomings Nova imo introduces. This same story
>>> goes
>>> > for RabbitMQ, I need to setup RabbitMQ in HA (which is fine) but I
>>> need to
>>> > setup a Virtual IP for it as well just so Nova can correctly connect
>>> to it.
>>> > Without the VIP the hole point of setting it up in a cluster is
>>> useless as
>>> > you still will point nova to one single host.
>>> >
>>> > It shouldn't be that hard to make Nova listen to multiple mysql
>>> addresses
>>> > and rabbitmq hosts in a cluster?
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Best regards,
>>> >
>>> > Tristan van Bokkem
>>> > Datacenter Operations
>>> >
>>> > Contact:
>>> > E-mail Personal: tristanvanbok...@i3d.net
>>> > E-mail Support: i...@i3d.net
>>> > E-mail NOC: n...@i3d.net
>>> > Website: http://www.i3d.net Office:
>>> > Interactive 3D B.V.
>>> > Meent 93b
>>> > 3011 JG Rotterdam
>>> > The Netherlands
>>> >
>>> > Visit www.smartdc.net – SmartDC is our in-house 36,000 sq. ft.
>>> datacenter in
>>> > Rotterdam, The Netherlands. High density hosting – multiple fiber
>>> carriers
>>> > in-house – Level3 PoP.
>>> >
>>> > Interactive 3D (i3D.net) is a company registered in The Netherlands at
>>> Meent
>>> > 93b, Rotterdam. Registration #: 14074337 - VAT # NL 8202.63.886.B01.
>>> > Interactive 3D (i3D.net) is CDSA certified on content protection and
>>> > security. We are ranked in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 as one of
>>> the
>>> > fastest growing technology companies.
>>> >
>>> > ________________________________
>>> > From: Florian Haas [mailto:flor...@hastexo.com]
>>> > To: openst...@lists.launchpad.net
>>> > Sent: Fri, 17 Feb 2012 13:32:51 +0100
>>> >
>>> > Subject: Re: [Openstack] Howto Nova setup with HA?
>>> >
>>> > On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 3:28 PM, i3D.net - Tristan van Bokkem
>>> > <tristanvanbok...@i3d.nl> wrote:
>>> >> Hi Tom,
>>> >>
>>> >> Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge, this will help not
>>> only
>>> >> me!
>>> >> As I am still working on the MySQL part, you mentioned multi-master
>>> which
>>> >> I
>>> >> have running indeed, but I suppose there still will need to be some
>>> kind
>>> >> of
>>> >> entering point within the cluster. How did you managed this?
>>> >
>>> > Virtual cluster IP addresses and highly available MySQL (either DRBD
>>> > or MySQL replication based). Pacemaker is very well capable of
>>> > managing this.
>>> >
>>> > Of course, since you also quoted
>>> >
>>> http://openlife.cc/blogs/2011/july/ultimate-mysql-high-availability-solution
>>> > parts of which I wholeheartedly disagree with (as with all of Henrik's
>>> > Pacemaker bashing, but he's of course entitled to his own opinion),
>>> > then you might run away screaming from anything that barely mentions
>>> > Pacemaker in passing. But in reality[1], Pacemaker is an extremely
>>> > capable HA stack that would be well suited for this.
>>> >
>>> > Cheers,
>>> > Florian
>>> >
>>> > [1] To be polite, I should say "in my humble opinion," but my opinion
>>> > on this really isn't humble at all, so I prefer being honest over
>>> > being polite. :)
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Need help with High Availability?
>>> > http://www.hastexo.com/now
>>> >
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>>> >
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> --
> Ghe Rivero
> *OpenStack & Distribution Engineer
> **www.stackops.com | * ghe.riv...@stackops.com<diego.parri...@stackops.com>
> ** | +34 625 63 45 23 | skype:ghe.rivero*
> * <http://www.stackops.com/>
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> *
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