Hi Dan,

Thanks for the email. 

Sure, this is what I did. After the devstack install

I created a vm in the default tenant
. openrc
nova boot --flavor 1 --image eeb1801e-a143-4669-96e5-55f753ad26bd def_vm1

The vm was created.

Next I created a network in the admin tenant and then placed a vm in that 

nova-manage --flagfile=/opt/stack/nova/bin/nova.conf  network create 
--label=admin-net1 --fixed_range_v4= --project_id=admin --priority=1
. openrc
nova boot --flavor 1 --image eeb1801e-a143-4669-96e5-55f753ad26bd --nic 
net-id=b1f828c1-d769-4aab-a77a-c999e3b49ecf admin_nw1_vm1

So here is the tenant and the network list

This is the tenant list
~/devstack$ /opt/stack/keystone/bin/keystone-manage tenant list
| Tenants                                                         |
| id                               | name               | enabled |
| ba2436c876564ef985a094a4f71b61c2 | admin              | True    |
| ea1170fdb1df4023aad9c39ff1b85a7d | demo               | True    |
| d6d48b0112eb47d48702a9c04ebcc98d | invisible_to_admin | True    |

This is the network list

nova-manage --flagfile=/opt/stack/nova/bin/nova.conf  network quantum_list
uuid                                    project         priority        cidr_v4 
, cidr_v6
2012-02-07 18:54:11,091 DEBUG nova.utils 
[req-1bbf9dc4-2949-4f4f-ac33-cc9b5d854436 None None] backend <module 
'nova.db.sqlalchemy.api' from '/opt/stack/nova/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.pyc'> 
from (pid=6998) __get_backend /opt/stack/nova/nova/utils.py:589
904bb84d-5d69-4146-8b44-83b01df786d9    None            None    , None
b1f828c1-d769-4aab-a77a-c999e3b49ecf    admin           1       , None

But this vm creation gave me the following error in the nova-compute logs

2012-02-07 18:03:34,554 ERROR nova.rpc [-] Exception during message handling
(nova.rpc): TRACE: Traceback (most recent call last):
(nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/rpc/amqp.py", line 249, in 
(nova.rpc): TRACE:     rval = node_func(context=ctxt, **node_args)
(nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/exception.py", line 126, in 
(nova.rpc): TRACE:     return f(*args, **kw)
(nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/compute/manager.py", line 173, 
in decorated_function
(nova.rpc): TRACE:     self.add_instance_fault_from_exc(context, instance_uuid, 
(nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/contextlib.py", line 24, in 
(nova.rpc): TRACE:     self.gen.next()
(nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/compute/manager.py", line 168, 
in decorated_function
(nova.rpc): TRACE:     return function(self, context, instance_uuid, *args, 
(nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/compute/manager.py", line 613, 
in run_instance
(nova.rpc): TRACE:     self._run_instance(context, instance_uuid, **kwargs)
(nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/compute/manager.py", line 441, 
in _run_instance
(nova.rpc): TRACE:     vm_state=vm_states.ERROR)
(nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/contextlib.py", line 24, in 
(nova.rpc): TRACE:     self.gen.next()
(nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/compute/manager.py", line 417, 
in _run_instance
(nova.rpc): TRACE:     requested_networks)
(nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/compute/manager.py", line 524, 
in _allocate_network
(nova.rpc): TRACE:     requested_networks=requested_networks)
(nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/network/api.py", line 164, in 
(nova.rpc): TRACE:     'args': args})
(nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/rpc/__init__.py", line 70, in 
(nova.rpc): TRACE:     return _get_impl().call(context, topic, msg, timeout)
(nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/rpc/impl_kombu.py", line 611, 
in call
(nova.rpc): TRACE:     return rpc_amqp.call(context, topic, msg, timeout)
(nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/rpc/amqp.py", line 334, in call
(nova.rpc): TRACE:     rv = list(rv)
(nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/rpc/amqp.py", line 302, in 
(nova.rpc): TRACE:     raise result
(nova.rpc): TRACE: RemoteError: Remote error: KeyError 
(nova.rpc): TRACE: [u'Traceback (most recent call last):\n', u'  File 
"/opt/stack/nova/nova/rpc/amqp.py", line 249, in _process_data\n    rval = 
node_func(context=ctxt, **node_args)\n', u'  File 
"/opt/stack/nova/nova/network/quantum/manager.py", line 363, in 
allocate_for_instance\n    instance_type_id, host)\n', u'  File 
"/opt/stack/nova/nova/network/quantum/manager.py", line 476, in 
get_instance_nw_info\n    net_tenant_id = 
net_tenant_dict[network[\'uuid\']]\n', u"KeyError: 
(nova.rpc): TRACE:


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Wendlandt [mailto:d...@nicira.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2012 9:13 PM
To: Shweta Padubidri (shpadubi)
Cc: netstack@lists.launchpad.net
Subject: Re: [Netstack] VM creation error in Devstack

Hi Shweta,

Thanks for sending this out, its great to have more people banging on
Quantum to flush out issues.  I don't think this is the issue Brad
fixed.  When I was writing unit tests, I actually saw an error very
similar to this, but it was using a config that was invalid.  Would be
good if you could describe all of the commands to repo, including what
projects exist, what networks were created, and what command you used
to create the VM.  Once we have that, it should be pretty easy to
track down.  Thanks!


On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 9:53 PM, Shweta Padubidri (shpadubi)
<shpad...@cisco.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> So in the devstack setup that I have(its about 3-4 days old), when I create
> a vm in the default tenant it comes up without any problems.
> But when I create a network within the admin tenant and provide that net-id
> when creating a vm in that network, it gives me the following error.
> nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/rpc/__init__.py", line 70, in
> call
> (nova.rpc): TRACE:     return _get_impl().call(context, topic, msg, timeout)
> (nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/rpc/impl_kombu.py", line
> 611, in call
> (nova.rpc): TRACE:     return rpc_amqp.call(context, topic, msg, timeout)
> (nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/rpc/amqp.py", line 334, in
> call
> (nova.rpc): TRACE:     rv = list(rv)
> (nova.rpc): TRACE:   File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/rpc/amqp.py", line 302, in
> __iter__
> (nova.rpc): TRACE:     raise result
> (nova.rpc): TRACE: RemoteError: Remote error: KeyError
> '80ee39d4-170c-4822-90b4-2ab947d80823'
> (nova.rpc): TRACE: [u'Traceback (most recent call last):\n', u'  File
> "/opt/stack/nova/nova/rpc/amqp.py", line 249, in _process_data\n    rval =
> node_func(context=ctxt, **node_args)\n', u'  File
> "/opt/stack/nova/nova/network/quantum/manager.py", line 363, in
> allocate_for_instance\n    instance_type_id, host)\n', u'  File
> "/opt/stack/nova/nova/network/quantum/manager.py", line 476, in
> get_instance_nw_info\n    net_tenant_id =
> net_tenant_dict[network[\'uuid\']]\n', u"KeyError:
> '80ee39d4-170c-4822-90b4-2ab947d80823'\n"].
> Is this a known error? If so what is the work around?
> I know there was an error observed on the Bug Squashing day related to
> Tenant Id not being set. I am not sure if the KeyError listed above was
> observed as well.
> Please let me know.
> Thanks
> Shweta
> --
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Dan Wendlandt
Nicira Networks: www.nicira.com
twitter: danwendlandt

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