
On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 6:23 PM, Dan Wendlandt <> wrote:

> Thanks Somik,
> One question:  in the "Quantum-Dashboard workflow today", what determines
> how many vNICs a VM is given?

Nothing, Nova knows nothing about networks that are created via Dashboard
today, therefore Nova doesn't allocate multiple Nics.
This is something we will need to work on in the Essex timeframe.

> In general, I see a couple key areas for improvement in the network
> workflow:
> - Be able to use the Dashboard to create a network with a specified subnet.
> Under the covers, this would create the Quantum network, and a Melange
> subnet.

Agreed, we will finalize the mechanism but yes, creation of subnets and
association of subnets with Quantum networks is not happening via the
Dashboard today.

> - When creating a VM, you should be able to specify the # of VIFs for that
> VM.  Each VIF could optionally specify a quantum network to be connected to
> and a Melange subnet to get an IP from.   This provides the flexibility to
> make interesting network topologies, because you no longer have the
> requirement that every VM for a project is connected to the same set of
> networks.
This is a little more interesting use case as we will have to see if we want
the Dashboard to leverage the OpenStackx API that allows one to specify # of
Vif for every VM being launched and then allows the user to specify which
networks those Vifs should  attached with.

This flow is similar to what I prototyped with the "simple quantum
> orchestrator" here:
> One interesting point to discuss is whether L2 networks and subnets should
> be tightly coupled in a GUI or not.  I can certainly think of cases where
> you might not want them to be coupled, but in the common case they are.

Coupled or not, we should be able to create both(L2 network & subnet) from a
single interface( CLI, GUI, WS) or atleast create both separately and
associate them together. This will be needed to replace the functionality
Nova offers today.

> Dan
> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 5:38 PM, Salvatore Orlando <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Somik, ****
>> ** **
>> These are exactly the kind of questions I would like to answer in the
>> session I have proposed. ****
>> I don’t think we need to schedule a different session in the unconference.
>> ****
>> ** **
>> I hope we can use this thread to precisely define the agenda of the
>> session.****
>> ** **
>> Salvatore****
>> ** **
>> *From:* netstack-bounces+salvatore.orlando=
>> [mailto:
>>] *On
>> Behalf Of *Devin Carlen
>> *Sent:* 29 September 2011 01:19
>> *To:* Somik Behera
>> *Cc:*
>> *Subject:* Re: [Netstack] Pre-summit Quantum & Dashboard integration
>> discussions****
>> ** **
>> Hi all,****
>> ** **
>> I have some notes inline for you.****
>> ** **
>> On Sep 28, 2011, at 2:59 PM, Somik Behera wrote:****
>> ****
>> Hi All,
>> I just wanted to send few initial thoughts on enhancing our Dashboard
>> integration to better enable the end-user(tenant) to manage their
>> networking( L2, IPAM all together) as well as provide the Cloud Admin a
>> location, where they can interact with Quantum, and perform Quantum specific
>> functions( i.e. use cases specific to the Network Admin) I installed
>> Dashboard with Quantum,Keystone and Nova all working together, after
>> navigating few landmines, I got it running and had some early feedback and I
>> was hoping to collect what ideas other folks in the team had around
>> Dashboard. I know Arvind and Mark Voelker from Cisco have quite a few ideas
>> and I am hoping by the end of summit, we can all together crystallize all
>> the ideas into blueprints for Essex.****
>> ** **
>> Yes, we got bit by the Keystone bug a bit.  They have committed to
>> dropping code by Friday so we should be able to release a Diablo stable
>> version of Dashboard by then.****
>> ****
>> I am sure there are a lot of thoughts and ideas around how we should
>> integrate Quantum with various OpenStack services, and then how does
>> Dashboard orchestrate all these underlying OpenStack services in a cohesive
>> manner( from networking perspective.) I just wanted to get the discussion
>> started and hopefully, we can tackle the discussions around these flows in
>> the unconference area or together with Salvatore's Quantum integration
>> workflows session <>
>> Quantum-Nova workflow today:
>> 1. OpenStack cloud provider configures QuantumManager as the
>> NetworkManager and the appropriate IPAM service,Nova's IPAM or Melange.
>> 2. Using nova-manage, Cloud “admin” creates global shared networks in
>> nova with a priority & subnet
>> 3. Using nova-manage, Cloud “admin” or tenant “admin” creates tenant
>> specific networks with a priority & subnet
>> 4. Tenant spins up a VM, VM contains appropriate # of nics(multi-nic)
>> based on # of networks the VM is associated with, injected IP, and Vifs
>> plugged into the correct network.
>> Quantum-Dashboard workflow today:
>> 1. OpenStack cloud provider configures Quantum service integration.
>> 2. Tenant logs in with keystone credentials
>> 3. Tenant can view networks owned  by the tenant
>> 4. Tenant can create, update, delete tenant owned network & ports
>> 5. Tenant can plug/unplug Vifs to/from networks.
>> Workflow items not supported by dashboard today:
>> 1. A SysPanel UI for "Quantum" only for Network-only admin functionality.
>> ****
>> 2. Networks created via dashboard are unknown to nova, the networks also
>> are not associated with Nova IPAM or Melange IPAM
>>     - This requires that once a Quantum network has been created, user
>> still has to use nova-manage CLI to associate the quantum network within
>> Nova DB
>>        and create an associated IP block with the network.****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> 3. A mechanism for dashboard UI to support additional UI for various
>> extensions, in a pluggable manner.****
>> ** **
>> This is in progress now.  We'll have the ability to register functionality
>> in the side and top bars as needed for top level functionality.****
>> ** **
>> To enable functions at a more granular level (eg specifiying a network to
>> use when launching an instance?) you'll need to create code in the launch
>> instance template to pivot around settings.QUANTUM_ENABLED.  Bit of a pain
>> but totally doable.****
>> ****
>> While we can discuss what the real workflow should be and what kind of UI
>> we should create, at the summit, I just wanted to open this thread to gather
>> some input ahead of the summit.****
>> ** **
>> Let me know when and where and I'll be there. :)****
>> ****
>> I am hoping we can merge this discussions with Salvatore's integration
>> workflow discussion or do a unconference session as having a robust UI will
>> definitely help Quantum's adoption as well as Demo's :)
>> Thanks,
>> Somik
>> --
>> Somik Behera | Nicira Networks, Inc. |<> |
>> office: 650-390-6790 | cell: 512-577-6645
>> --
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> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Dan Wendlandt
> Nicira Networks, Inc.
> |
> Sr. Product Manager
> cell: 650-906-2650
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Somik Behera | Nicira Networks, Inc. | <> |
office: 650-390-6790 | cell: 512-577-6645
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