Hi Dan,

Thanks for your answers, I appreciate.
I do not have much merit, there is some documentations with quantum and plugins.

Just some other questions pending your documentation.

On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Dan Wendlandt <d...@nicira.com> wrote:
> Hi Doude,
> Thanks for your questions.  Its still early days for Quantum and we're
> actually just now in the process of putting together the user facing
> documentation for.  So congrats on getting this far without the
> documentation :)
> Great questions.  I've responded to your questions below.
> Dan
> On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 9:34 AM, Doude <doudou...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I try to use Quantum with plugin OpenVSwitch on Nova.
>> I get the last trunk source of Nova (r) and Quantum (r).
>> I set flags for Nova and I start it. It use tyhe Quantum network
>> manager, the libvirt vif driver OVS, the linux net interface driver
>> OVS and the nova IPAM.
>> I configured Quantum and I start it.
>> Some questions:
>> 1) It's not possible to specified the VLAN id for a network ?
> Right now the OVS plugin treats VLANs as a pool, with each quantum network
> being allocated a VLAN ID chosen by the Plugin.  We'll soon have the ability
> to create a network with a specific VLAN + NIC, which has been on our TODO
> list for a while.  I would expect this as part of the first Essex drop.
>> 2) The network/port creation on quantum is not pass to nova ?
> With the QuantumManager, the flow actually works in the other direction.
>  You spin up a VM and the QuantumManager talks to the Quantum API to create
> a port on each appropriate network.

So If I add a network directly through the Quantum API, Nova will not
aware of it ?
For example, the dashboard proposes Quantum view where I can add
network/port and attach port. If I create a network with this GUI,
Nova will not be aware of it and if I start a new instance, it will
not attach to the created network.
Why Nova need to know the list of network ? Why it doesn't ask Quantum
to know available networks ? Is it for the IPAM ?

>> 3) It's possible to specified which network(s) an instance is
>> associated ? Actually, a new instance is associated with all available
>> networks
> Yes.  The QuantumManager actually has two mechanisms for this.
> First, when you create a network using nova-manage, you can associate it
> with a project using the --project_id flag.  This means each VM for the
> project will get this network.  If a network is created but not associated
> with a project, it is "global", meaning all VMs will get this network.  This
> is useful for service providers who want to have a network that all
> instances share (e.g., a public network).
> The second option is to use the os-create-server-ext API extension, which
> was recently added to Nova by folks at NTT.  This let's you pass in a list
> of Quantum network UUIDs when creating a server.  This feature is more
> experimental, as there is not built-in support for it in standard nova
> clients.
> I'll definitely send you drafts of the Quantum Docs which should lay out
> these concepts more clearly.  We're targeting a first cut of the docs for
> the Diablo release that is happening in one week on 9/22.

And, If I've got 3 networks available and if I start an instance
associated with only two networks with the os-create-server-ext API
Is it (or Will it be) possible to add a new VIF on the running VM and
attach it to the last available network (The networks and the VM
belong to the same tenant) ?


>> Regards,
>> Doude
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> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Dan Wendlandt
> Nicira Networks, Inc.
> www.nicira.com | www.openvswitch.org
> Sr. Product Manager
> cell: 650-906-2650
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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