Hi Brad and Dan,

Thanks for comments Brad. I definitely want to make things as nova-like as possible. I'd love to be able to have it finished for diablo, but I think at this point with the level of changes that need to be made it would be wise to hold off so we can not be rushed about getting it in.
As far as the issues raised, it will be easy to get it running from 
source.  I'll fix that and should have it going this weekend.  I'm still 
ironing out the kinds in Deb packaging, but that's something else I hope 
is done this weekend.
The configuration stuff is something I'm still trying to nail down.  
Currently it installs config information to /etc/quantum.  I'm not 
familiar enough with the different packaging methods (RPM, Deb, Egg) to 
know how allow users to specify an alternate installation directory for 
configuration files.  This is something I've been trying to look into 
Nova and other packages about, but it's going to take some time to get 
right.  It's definitely the biggest hurdle to getting everything finished.
I'll update you guys when I have these issues resolved.


On 9/1/2011 5:32 PM, Dan Wendlandt wrote:
Hi Brad,

Thanks for testing this out. I think the goal of Tyler's work is inline with what you're envisioning. The general goal is to have a layout very similar to nova, and I agree that being able to run from source, with a top level bin directory like nova, is an important part of that. I know Tyler still had a few changes to make.
I am getting a bit worried about whether we'll have time to get this 
in for diablo without adding risk of breaking other things.  If we 
think we can get these changes wrapped up by monday or tuesday, I 
think we should probably get them in, as there has not been too much 
churn in the rest of the code base, but otherwise we may need to push 
this out.

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 4:26 PM, Brad Hall <b...@nicira.com <mailto:b...@nicira.com>> wrote:
    Hey Tyler,

    As a general comment: It feels like we're diverging quite a bit from
    the way that the nova directory tree is set up.  Are we sure that we
    want to do that?  My vote is to keep it similar so that it is more
    familiar to someone who has previously worked on or used nova.

    A couple of comments/questions so far:

    1) I think we need to have a top level setup.py (or Makefile or
    whatever) that will go through and make all the underlying packages
    (common, client, server, etc) which is also capable of running tests.

    2) With this directory structure its hard to actually run any tests
    without installing the packages.  Ideally I'd like for run_tests.sh
    and run_tests.py to remain in the top level so that they can be run
    from there.  (i.e. (imho) the development cycle should be: make
    changes, run tests .. not make changes, build packages, install
    packages, run tests)

    [edit: I just pulled the branch with your latest changes and I see
    that you now moved run_tests.py to the toplevel but I think we need to
    move run_tests.sh as well .. and run-tests.py is calling
    "quantum-tests" but I don't see that file anywhere]

    3) How do we now run quantum out of the tree with this directory
    structure?  Used to be: bin/quantum <args> .. now I see a
    server/lib/quantum/server.py but it fails when I try to run it (i.e.
    the python paths are all different and it gets confused .. it doesn't
    know where its topdir is, can't find config files, etc).  We should
    still be able to run it directly from the tree after the directory
    structure changes.

    4) It says in the README that it can build deb packages but I don't
    see how to do that.  I'm probably just missing something :)

    5) Running bdist_egg in server gives me an error:

    to portprofile.pyc
    installing package data to build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg
    running install_data
    creating /etc/quantum
    error: could not create '/etc/quantum': Permission denied

    (Should it be using relative paths there?  I want to be able to do
    this as non-root :))


    On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 9:32 AM, Tyler Smith <tyles...@cisco.com
    <mailto:tyles...@cisco.com>> wrote:
    > Hi Dan,
    > I just pushed the plugin changes.  The bzr repo is intact; I
    used bzr mv/cp,
    > etc.  Merging changes isn't a walk in the park, but it's not too
    >  There's typically only 1 or 2 issues that crop up related to
    moving things.
    > Now that I have pushed the plugin changes I don't know what else
    needs to be
    > done.  I'm sure there's plenty of tweaks and bug-fixes to be
    had, so if
    > everyone can test it out (especially on different systems), we
    should know
    > before too long how much is left to do to have it be solid.
    > The repo is here:
    > https://code.launchpad.net/~tylesmit/quantum/quantum-packages
    > working on merging in the changes since 08/26/11, but you can
    install, run
    > the server, run tests, use the CLI, and configure different
    plugins.  As far
    > as I know everything is in proper working order.  It could be
    done in time
    > for diablo-rbp if I get feedback and can fix any problems I'm
    > Thanks,
    > -Tyler
    > On 8/30/2011 11:33 AM, Dan Wendlandt wrote:
    >> Hi Tyler,
    >> I wanted to reach out to you directly to see if you still
    thought it was
    >> feasible to have the packaging changes completed for diablo-rbp.
    >> It looks like the branch still doesn't have plugins other than
    the Cisco
    >> plugin in it.  Is it just a matter of copying the directories?
     Also, does
    >> the fact that the plugins aren't there at all mean that you
    started this
    >> branch from scratch rather than using "bzr mv"?  I suspect that
    would make
    >> merges very tough (and would probably lose commit history,
    which would also
    >> be bad).
    >> We would probably need to get these changes wrapped up in the
    next few
    >> days if we want to get it in.  To do so, we would have to give
    people a
    >> chance to test the new branch for a couple days to confirm it
    works for
    >> them, clear the merge pipeline of other changes, then get this
    branch in.
    >>  diable-rbp is 9/10, but that means we'd have to get the
    process started
    >> soon.
    >> If you think we can move forward in the short-term, please send
    an update
    >> to the main list with your thoughts on what work remains.
     Perhaps we can
    >> get others to pitch in as well if needed.  Thanks!
    >> Dan
    >> --
    >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    >> Dan Wendlandt
    >> Nicira Networks, Inc.
    >> www.nicira.com <http://www.nicira.com> <http://www.nicira.com>
    | www.openvswitch.org <http://www.openvswitch.org>
    >> <http://www.openvswitch.org>
    >> Sr. Product Manager
    >> cell: 650-906-2650 <tel:650-906-2650>
    >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    > --
    > Tyler Smith
    > --
    > Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~netstack
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Dan Wendlandt
Nicira Networks, Inc.
www.nicira.com <http://www.nicira.com> | www.openvswitch.org <http://www.openvswitch.org>
Sr. Product Manager
cell: 650-906-2650

Tyler Smith

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