Ah, that explains it why I didn¹t see them fail when I wrote those tests. I
used django¹s manage.py to run tests on the django_openstack module and the
individual views.
I¹ll check out your fix branch and take a look.


On 8/31/11 6:57 PM, "Joseph Heck" <he...@mac.com> wrote:

> I have a branch of Dashboard at
> https://github.com/heckj/openstack-dashboard/tree/quantum_dep_fix  (branch
> name "quantum dep fix").
> The openstack dashboard project is a bit unusual in that it has two distinct
> areas inside it, both of which need the dependencies added. You got the deps
> added the virtual env, which worked correctly - that effects the
> "openstack-dashboard" components and tests. If you read through "run_tests.sh"
> you'll see the craziness that is running the whole set of tests. ( I have a
> pull request in place to expand on that further (hopefully happening soon)
> that will include the pep8, pylint, and coverage metrics - they don't
> currently exist. )
> There is another set of tests and setup that are run with buildout (blame
> Devin Carlen there... I think) - the buildout.cfg under django-openstack is
> where I added the dependencies as well
> (https://github.com/heckj/openstack-dashboard/commit/9f11bb0cc0f51da8a9c764e3c
> 4e1d850de79af25). This component is the non-django-project specific code and
> is where the majority of the unit tests live. Even after adding the dependeny,
> I'm seeing unit tests failure (running ./run_tests.sh from the top) on a clean
> system - hence my odd questions. I'd happily welcome some eyes on that branch
> so we can get the tests passing on the openstack-dashboard project.
> -joe
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:40 PM, asomya wrote:
>> Hey Joe
>> I added the dependency to Quantum to the venv installer pip-required but for
>> some reason jenkins doesn't seem to install it.
>> As for the unit tests, these were for the network and port views in the
>> dashboard  and I mocked these. I'll double check if I set the testsettings
>> correctly. 
>> Thanks
>> Arvind
>> On 8/31/11 6:32 PM, "Joseph Heck" <he...@mac.com> wrote:
>>> Next dumb question -
>>> I've added in the dependency to the buildout section of the dashboard, but
>>> the
>>> unit tests are now failing asking for settings.QUANTUM_URL. Do the tests
>>> that
>>> were added there require a running instance of Quantum (or at least the API)
>>> to complete, or is that mocked out and they're just stumbling over not
>>> having
>>> defaults in the no-django-project test setup?
>>> -joe
>>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 3:10 PM, Salvatore Orlando wrote:
>>>> Hi Joe,
>>>> The official and only Quantum repository we have at the moment is
>>>> lp:quantum.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Salvatore
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: netstack-
>>>>> bounces+salvatore.orlando=eu.citrix....@lists.launchpad.net
>>>>> [mailto:netstack-
>>>>> bounces+salvatore.orlando=eu.citrix....@lists.launchpad.net] On Behalf Of
>>>>> Joseph Heck
>>>>> Sent: 31 August 2011 23:04
>>>>> To: netstack@lists.launchpad.net
>>>>> Subject: [Netstack] Quantum dependency
>>>>> Dumb question - but where is quantum formally residing these days? Aiming
>>>>> to fix a dependency bug that came in when we merged the Quantum stuff
>>>>> into openstack dashboard, but I wasn't sure where to grab it...
>>>>> lp:quantum the most appropriate place?
>>>>> -joe
>>>>> --
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