Somik is actually going to take the lead on this from our end.

After talking a bit more, our thinking is to explore just doing the
integration against keystone to start, since that is our thinking of what
the right long-term approach is.  Somik will send out an update once he's
looked into this a bit more.


On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 1:50 PM, Dan Wendlandt <> wrote:

> Adding netstack list, as this originally started out as a discussion on a
> merge prop.
> Salvatore, I think we have a lot of the same concerns and goals here.
> I would actually love for Keystone obviate the need for this direct path
> all together, with the model being that any service that can leverage
> Quantum grants a "role/capability" of quantum-iface-attach:<iface-id> to a
> particular set of identifies, then all Quantum does is check that a tenant
> plugging an interface with id = "foo" has the role/capability
> quantum-iface-attach:foo .  This way, Quantum does not actually have to
> store any of the ownership state, nor worry about details like having stale
> ownership info if a user is removed from keystone, etc.  Keystone is still
> just coming together though, and my sense if that such fine-grained
> capabilities are not yet something they are targeting, so I'm not sure how
> this would scale.
> If we're using a cloud platform other than nova, either that service either
> also needs to talk with Keystone, or make sure that Quantum can talk to
> whatever it uses for identity (hand wave, hand wave).
> If we think this is the right long-term path, I would vote for a model with
> the same "directionality", even if we are not yet talking to keystone (i.e.,
> one where nova calls out to a remote entity to report ownership info).  In
> the short-term, the call that it makes could just be a Quantum Admin API.
> I've gone back and forth on whether this should happen in the vif-plugging
> "driver" or in the network manager.  For now, I think it seems most
> straight-forward to implement this in the Quantum-aware NetworkManager, as
> this requires changing only one entity (as opposed to everyone's vif
> drivers) but I can definitely see arguments either way.
> I think I'll at least prototype this in the network manager, then we can
> see what we think about it.  Ideally we can soon revisit this and compare it
> against using keystone.
> Dan
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 1:14 PM, Salvatore Orlando <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Dan, ****
>> ** **
>> Thanks for resending me this. Your previous email ended up in the junk
>> folder. ****
>> I’m changing the subject to avoid this happens again.****
>> ** **
>> My replies are inline. ****
>> The bottom line is that I don’t have any specific preference; my only goal
>> is to keep Quantum and nova enough loosely coupled, in order to fulfil one
>> the principles behind the whole NetStack project, which is the ability of
>> working with IaaS software stacks different from Openstack. ****
>> ** **
>> Cheers,****
>> Salvatore****
>> ** **
>> *From:* Dan Wendlandt []
>> *Sent:* 12 August 2011 08:03
>> *To:* Salvatore Orlando
>> *Subject:* Fwd: [Merge]
>> lp:~salvatore-orlando/quantum/quantum-api-alignment into lp:quantum****
>> ** **
>> Hi Salvatore,****
>> ** **
>> I've had to be helping with customer deployments all week and haven't
>> gotten to this yet, but since you'll be out next week I wanted to check and
>> see if you had any thoughts on this, as I'll try to do a first cut of this
>> over the weekend.  ****
>> ** **
>> Also, is your thinking that the API itself would store this data, or that
>> the plugin would store it.  Long term I think we agree that ownership info
>> should be managed by keystone, so hopefully either decision will just be
>> temporary.  I think when we last talked, we had planned on having the API
>> store the data directly.****
>> ** **
>> I think you are referring to ownership information here. Looking at the
>> plugin interface, ownership information are implicitly stored when you
>> create the network. For the simple model we are implementing for Quantum, I
>> think this is good enough for ports and networks. As concerns interfaces,
>> this really depends on how we design the Admin API. See other comments.**
>> **
>> ** **
>> When we will move to a full RBAC model, we can do two things:****
>> **·         **Provide data storage in the quantum service layer; we will
>> probably have to devise a solution with strict scalability and reliability
>> requirements, and I’m pretty sure you guys can help a lot here. ****
>> **·         **Have the Quantum service layer use a database model, with
>> the implementation of the database API provided a 3rd party (which could
>> be the plugin implementor or somebody else). In this way if a particular
>> service provider has a super-scalable, super-fast, super-reliable database,
>> such database can be used to store Quantum data. ****
>> ** **
>> Dan****
>> ** **
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *Dan Wendlandt* <>
>> Date: Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 6:23 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Merge] lp:~salvatore-orlando/quantum/quantum-api-alignment
>> into lp:quantum
>> To:
>> ****
>> On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 3:13 PM, Salvatore Orlando <
>>> wrote:****
>> > One other question for you:  as part of nova + quantum integration, I'm
>> > prototyping the "admin API" interfaces to communicate information like
>> > interface-ownership (for authenticating attachments) and
>> interface-bindings
>> > (for knowing where a vif was deployed).
>> >
>> > My gut says that we should not hold up the 1.0 version while waiting to
>> > include these items, but I wanted to get your thoughts there.  We
>> definitely
>> > will need to document these eventually though, as there will be other
>> > openstack services that want to integrate with Quantum.****
>> Good point. I guess the admin API has a different endpoint, as it should
>> be exposed by nova, is that correct?****
>> ** **
>> I think one could think of doing it in two ways: ****
>> ** **
>> 1) exposing an endpoint on nova, with quantum as the client.****
>> 2) exposing an endpoints on quantum, with nova as the client. ****
>> ** **
>> My mental model had always been #2, but I'm not wedded to it.  ****
>> ** **
>> I think both models somehow increase the degree of coupling between
>> Quantum and nova. In case #1 nova is “passive”, as Quantum asks for
>> interface ownership information; where in case #2 nova has an active role,
>> as it pushes out interface information to Quantum. ****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> #2 seemed natural to me as the "interface service" (e.g., nova) seemed to
>> need to be able to "push" an interface binding to quantum (e.g., in the case
>> where a VM migrates, changing the binding).  Also, requring "interface
>> service" to make a JSON call (ideally with the help of the client lib)
>> seemed easier than requiring each interface service to expose and
>> authenticate a new API call. ****
>> ** **
>> I agree that a “push” mechanisms for interface information is a rather
>> natural solution; we also agreed that these notifications would happen
>> through standardized APIs, without “plugin black magic”.****
>> On the minus side, I see this as something which increases quite a lot the
>> degree of coupling between Quantum and nova, as nova should be aware of the
>> fact that it needs to push the interface information to Quantum; I expect a
>> rather uncool “if network_manager==’Quantum’:” to be somewhere in the code.
>> Another comment I have on approach #2, is that it would be quite hard to
>> integrate Quantum with other IaaS stack unless we have the same degree of
>> influence that we have with nova. ****
>> ** **
>> For this reason I think maybe we should consider the first approach as
>> well. Required APIs on nova could be implemented as an API extension; I
>> think this will also keep nova and Quantum rather loose. However, the big
>> cons here is that you wouldn’t have “real-time” notifications for events
>> regarding interfaces; not sure how that is important, though.****
>> ** **
>> So let’s say that I slightly lean towards approach #1, but my position is
>> rather soft, especially considering the fact that it seems you’ve already
>> done a lot of work around approach #2, and the last thing I want is to
>> hinder progress.****
>> ** **
>> This would be particularly true if an interface service was already acting
>> as a quantum client for other reasons, which is the case with nova.****
>> ** **
>> One case where #2 is a bit funky is if quantum is deployed after an
>> interface service like nova is already running (and thus has already spun up
>> a set of VMs).  It would seem that nova would need to support a method where
>> it "resends" all of its data.  Seems possible, but kind of clunky.  ****
>> ** **
>> Do you have a strong feeling on this one?  ****
>> ** **
>> IMHO in this scenario, “resending” all the data would only one of the
>> problems to be faced. Assuming that this is a use case we aim to support, I
>> think what we need here is a migration procedure, which, among the other
>> things, will include interfaces as well.****
>> ** **
>>  ****
>> In that case I'm not entirely sure this should be part of the Quantum API
>> at all (for instance if it going to be an Openstack API extension, why
>> should it be documented in Quantum API). I can't find a blueprint for
>> tracking this piece of work, can you give me a pointer?****
>> ** **
>> The original blueprint for this work is:
>> ****
>> ** **
>> There's not a whole lot there.  I'm hoping to do this as part of the
>> Quantum Manager work in nova:
>> ** **
>> Just last night I started stubbing out out a possible Controller for this
>> admin API.  I've decided my first cut wasn't how I wanted it to work, so I'm
>> going to tweak it (hopefully tonight), then I will push the branch and see
>> what feedback people have.  Main goals are: ****
>> ** **
>> **1)      **transmit "vif ownership" info to quantum, so we can tell what
>> tenant owns a vif (and thus whether they are allowed to plug it in to one of
>> their ports). ****
>> I guess this is information is supposed to be transmitted when the VIF is
>> created, is that correct?****
>> ** **
>> **2)      **for plugins that need it, have a channel to report interface
>> bindings.****
>> ** **
>> #2 is somewhat trickier (not clear if it should live in the
>> network-manager, in the vif-plug driver, somewhere else), but #1 seems
>> pretty straightforward.  ****
>> I need to understand a little bit better what you guys are doing in nova;
>> unfortunately I did not have enough spare cycles to have a look at it is.
>> I’m particularly intrigued by the “network-manager”: is that a
>> network-manager for nova-network which actually turns out to be a proxy for
>> Quantum? Or is it something different? ****
>> ** **
>> Anyway I think that the most natural point where plugins should do this is
>> the vif-plug driver. ****
>> My plan to lock down the API for this week is motivated by the fact that
>> we have to lock down features by Aug 25, and then do bug fixing and system
>> testing until diablo release. If you think that we only have two weeks left,
>> and given that code review process usually takes a week, this means that the
>> best way to ensure a timely completion for the API blueprint is to start
>> locking down the spec this week, and then work the week after on the code.
>> ****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> Agreed.  If we wanted to we could have plugins expose these admin apis as
>> extensions for now, if we can't get them locked down in time. ****
>>  ****
>> --****
>> You are reviewing the proposed merge of
>> lp:~salvatore-orlando/quantum/quantum-api-alignment into lp:quantum.****
>> ****
>> --
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Dan Wendlandt
>> Nicira Networks, Inc.
>> |
>> Sr. Product Manager
>> cell: 650-906-2650
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~****
>> --
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Dan Wendlandt
>> Nicira Networks, Inc.
>> |
>> Sr. Product Manager
>> cell: 650-906-2650
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~****
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Dan Wendlandt
> Nicira Networks, Inc.
> |
> Sr. Product Manager
> cell: 650-906-2650
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dan Wendlandt
Nicira Networks, Inc. |
Sr. Product Manager
cell: 650-906-2650
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