And here my comments (also posted previously):

I don't have anything in principle against extending core API entities. My only 
concern is  "portability" of client apps.
If I write my application using the core API, and I get extended attributes in 
responses (or I'm supposed to specify extended attributes in requests), then I 
cannot guarantee that my client app continues to work  when the someone swaps 
RAX-PIE with another extension. This might imply that client applications 
should somehow be aware of extensions.

For instance, I would structure the previous example as follows:
<image xmlns="";
       id="1" name="CentOS 5.2"

    "image" : {
        "id" : 1,
        "name" : "CentOS 5.2",
        "serverId" : 12,
        "updated" : "2010-10-10T12:00:00Z",
        "created" : "2010-08-10T12:00:00Z",
        "status" : "ACTIVE",
    "RAX-PIE:image" : {
        "id" : "ext_res_id",
        "ref-id" : "1",
        "RAX-PIE:shared" : true

In this way a client for the Core API will always get the responses the core 
API is supposed to receive, whereas a client specifically written for RAX-PIE 
extension will retrieve the "extended" image resource and then the original 
image resource through the ref-id attribute.

Anyway, I don't have a very strong opinion on this topic, and I also agree that 
allowing direct extension of resources has its own benefits. If the majority 
agrees on allowing resource extensions, then I will be happy to have them :).

From: Dan Wendlandt []
Sent: 04 August 2011 22:01

To: Salvatore Orlando
Cc: Ying Liu (yinliu2); Santhosh Kumar M;
Subject: Re: [Netstack] [Merge]lp:~raxnetworking/quantum/api_extensions into 

I'm in favor of making a decision on whether we allow data extensions or not 
before approving this.  If the code goes in allowing data extensions, it would 
be hard to reverse.

I personally am in favor of allowing data extensions, but want to make sure 
there is general agreement.  Below are the comments on this that I posted to 
the list previously.


I think this is great design discussion to have on the netstack list.  Here are 
a couple thoughts to get the ball rolling:

- Data extension of core objects will probably lead to the most intuitive API 
from a user perspective, as there can be a smaller number of unique objects to 
deal with.
- Data extension of core objects may complicate API internals + validation, as 
the core API code no longer knows exactly what is or is not valid within a 
network or port object.
- I believe nova currently allows data extension of core objects, and our bias 
is to "do as OpenStack does" unless we have a strong reason to differ.
- My goal is that people will propose extensions with the goal of them being 
incorporated as part of the "core" eventually.  Thus, it would seem logical 
that they could implement the extension so that it is exposed the same way it 
would be exposed as part of the core API (i.e., data extension is an option).
- It is important that we make it easy for API clients to validate that a 
particular extension is supported by a Quantum instance.  I believe this is 
possible both with and without data extension, but doing so may be simpler 
without data extension.

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 1:45 PM, Salvatore Orlando 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Ying,

Santosh fixed a couple of minor issues I found in the code.
In Tuesday's meeting we did not really discuss about whether API extensions 
should allow to extend core resources as well.
However, I do not want to hold up this branch for too long. I just want to be 
sure that it allows to implement at least a clean separation between namespace 
as you explained in the email which started this thread.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ying Liu (yinliu2) [<>]
> Sent: 04 August 2011 21:09
> To: Salvatore Orlando; Santhosh Kumar M
> Cc:<>
> Subject: RE: [Netstack] [Merge]lp:~raxnetworking/quantum/api_extensions
> into lp:quantum
> Hi Santhosh and Salvatore,
> I saw api_extensions merge request is still pending.
> Are there any fixes going on?
> Best,
> Ying
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Tyler Smith -X (tylesmit)
> > Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 12:00 PM
> > To: Ying Liu (yinliu2)
> > Cc:<>
> > Subject: Re: [Netstack]
> [Merge]lp:~raxnetworking/quantum/api_extensions
> > into lp:quantum
> >
> > Hi Ying,
> >
> > You (and Salvatore) were right.  I checked out the branch, but now I
> > get a 500 error:
> >
> > RoutesException: URL or environ must be provided
> >
> > I'm looking into fixing it now.  Regardless,
> >
> > extensions
> > <
> > extensions>
> > should do it.  Once I get my server working to test against I'll send
> a
> > merge request.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -Tyler
> >
> > On 8/4/2011 11:25 AM, Ying Liu (yinliu2) wrote:
> > > Hi Tyler,
> > >
> > > /v0.1/extensions works for me.
> > > You can check your quantum.conf file to see whether the extension is
> > > configured or not.
> > >
> > > BTW, this extension framework is not merged with quantum yet. You
> > need
> > > to directly check out Santosh's branch to use /v0.1/extensions
> > >
> > > Best,
> > > Ying

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Dan Wendlandt
Nicira Networks, Inc.<> |<>
Sr. Product Manager
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