Thanks Dan. I just wanted to know what is the currently preferred method
of communication (given that in the long term it has scalability
implications). Your reasoning on using the RESTful interface to start
with makes sense to me.


From: Dan Wendlandt [] 
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 6:18 PM
To: Sumit Naiksatam (snaiksat)
Cc: Ishimoto, Ryu;
Subject: Re: "network-refactoring-l2" branch, and Quantum


Hi Sumit, 

On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Sumit Naiksatam (snaiksat)
<> wrote:

(4)    This last one is probably not specific to nova-refactoring - Dan
mentioned the use of Quantum Client library as a possible way to
communicate between nova  and Quantum. Other nova services use AMQP to
exchange messages. I am just wondering if that is an option as well in
communicating between nova and Quantum.


That's a good question and one we've discussed internally as well.  My
understanding is that nova uses AMQP to communicate between its various
components (nova-api, nova-schedule, nova-network, nova-compute), but
currently communication to different stand-alone OpenStack services
(e.g., Glance) occur via well-defined RESTful web services.  This was
the starting point for the Quantum design based on comments made during
the design summit, and I think it is the right step (at least initially)
to cement Quantum as a stand-alone service.  That said, nothing would
prevent you from using AMQP to communicate between your Quantum plugin
and a plugin-specific agent that might be running on a hypervisor, since
this is entirely within the plugin.  Long term, I think AMQP could be
used more widely, but I'd prefer that we at least first focus on making
sure the RESTful interface is solid (adding things like authentication,
etc.) before looking at expanding.









        From: Ishimoto, Ryu [] 
        Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 4:58 AM
        To: Sumit Naiksatam (snaiksat)
        Cc: Dan Wendlandt;

        Subject: Re: "network-refactoring-l2" branch, and Quantum


        Hi Sumit,


        Comments inline

                Thanks Dan for your detailed response. My question was
indeed based on the understanding that the current nova network managers
(in the network service) do perform some L3/DHCP/VPN configurations
apart from L2 configuration. As of today's implementation in the
network-refactoring-l2 branch, one would need to run the nova-network
service configured with either one of Flat/DHCP/VLANManagers even when
running Quantum as a separate service, right? If that is the case, how
does one correlate an entry in the network table in the nova database,
with a network created in Quantum? (I do realize that one could write a
different network manager within nova, but my question is more in the
context of what is available today.)


        Because Nova still relies on certain features provided by the
Nova network managers(like IP management), you have to run one of
Flat/DHCP/VlanManagers as a network service, or define your own manager.
I understand the confusion about the correlation between Networks in
Nova and Quantum, and I don't think this topic has been adequately
discussed, so might as well start here :-)  


        The confusion comes from the fact that Nova Network includes
both L3 and L2 information.  As far as I understand it, when integrating
with Quantum, the L2 data is ignored.  However, since currently the IP
management is still being done by the network managers, for Quantum to
work with Nova L3 networking, these Network records must still exist to
act as subnets in which the VIFs get their IP addresses from.  This
means that Networks in Quantum and Nova are managed separately, and mean
different things.   Dan, please comment if you were thinking something


                I am guessing that the current approach is to use the
Flat/DHCP/VLANManger to configure the L3/DHCP/VPN artifacts, and to use
Quantum to configure the L2 network (in cases where it's not a Linux


        The network host, when you run one of the existing Nova network
managers, still uses Linux bridge and VLAN to set up L2 connectivity.
This should be eventually refactored, but for now, one could extend the
NetworkManager class to setup L2 networking on the network host to match
that of the VIF plugins. 



                But, I did also want to ask, as to what is the thinking
around nova communicating with Quantum (if required). You have rightly
pointed out "reporting the interface binding" as one of the cases when
this might need to be done. Another case wherein I think this might be
relevant is if the VIF driver (within nova virt layer) needs some
information about the network from Quantum. There would need to be a
communication channel between the VIF driver and Quantum to achieve
this. I believe your suggestion is that in any of these cases, the
Quantum client library can be used to communicate with the Quantum API
(either core or extensions).


        I think we can do either:

        *       Have the VIF driver directly communicate with Quantum to
get the relevant data at the time of 'plugging' in the VIF in the virt
        *       At the time in which the compute manager gets network
information from the network manager(allocate_for_instance), have the
extended Quantum-aware network manager get the relevant data from
Quantum, and return it to the compute manager, which in turn passes this
data down to the virt layer(network_info dictionary).

        The first one is easier to implement, but you will end up with a
dependency of a particular VIF type(802.1Qbh) to a Quantum service.



                As for the part on APIs which was not clear in my email,
yes I was referring to the "nova-api (i.e. the OpenStack API) will
expose interface-ids as an API extension", as you point out. I believe,
the extension referred to here is on the nova API side (and not on the
Quantum side as my email seemed to suggest), right?


        Right, the exposure of interface IDs will be done through Nova's
OpenStack API extension.  I will get this extension in for the next


        Hope that helped!









                From: Dan Wendlandt [] 
                Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2011 10:46 PM
                To: Sumit Naiksatam (snaiksat)
                Cc: Ishimoto, Ryu;
                Subject: Re: "network-refactoring-l2" branch, and


                Hi Sumit,


                Very good questions.  I'll give you my take inline, and
Ryu should jump in as well :) 



                On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 12:50 PM, Sumit Naiksatam
(snaiksat) <> wrote:

                Hi Ryu, Dan, and others involved,
                I had some questions regarding how the code base in the
                "network-refactoring-l2" branch currently works (or is
supposed to) with


                The network-refactoring-l2 branch itself doesn't
actually interact with Quantum.  It is really just a first step to
providing more flexibility within nova for how VM interfaces are created
and plugged into a "switch".  This will be very helpful for many people
using Quantum, as the existing nova code was hard-coded to use the Linux


                        As I understand, eventually we want to get to a
point where one should
                        be able to run the Quantum service instead of
the nova-network service.


                I actually don't think that's necessarily true.  The
existing nova-network service does many things beyond L2 networking,


                - IP address management (melange project is targeting
providing an improved version of this)

                - Network Node capabilities, including DHCP, L3 gateway,
VPN, metadata server, floating IP forwarding, etc (such functionality
may grow to be their own independent services, or an addon to Quantum in
the future).  

                - Network orchestration, in the sense that it
automatically attaches VIFs to networks based on config (vlan vs. flat
manager) and project assignment (donabe aims to become the primary
mechanism for this type of orchestration, though some simple behavior
equivalent to the existing flat/flatdhcp/vlan models may make sense to
stay in nova for a while).  


                There are some obvious next steps for D4:

                - Ryu will continue the work to merge his work that
makes sure that other nova services retrieve network info via the API
(not the DB).  This is a critical step. 

                - We'll expose interface-ids via the nova API (likely as
an extension)

                - Troy's team will continue integrating the melange code
with nova.  

                - We'll probably create an alternate NetworkManager
class (and corresponding manager utility) that uses melange for IPAM,
quantum for L2 networks, and supports several different orchestration


                        However, we are not there yet. Currently one
still needs to run the
                        nova-network service in order to be able create
the network on the nova
                        side of things. If this understanding is
correct, here are few thoughts
                        and questions -
                        (1) How are you reconciling the network created
within nova, with that
                        created in Quantum?


                Current nova networks are a bit tricky, as they
represent both L2 networks and IP subnets.  A new network manager class
+ utility will give us the flexibility to handle this however we want.  


                        (2) The blueprint for this branch indicates that
OpenStack APIs will be
                        implemented as extension APIs in Quantum. Do we
have any documentation
                        on this API? (Also, I did not find any
implementation in the Quantum
                        trunk, I am guessing we haven't done that yet,


                I'm not sure I follow what you're saying here.  I
suspect you are referring to the fact that nova-api (i.e. the OpenStack
API) will expose interface-ids as an API extension?  Those changes have
not gone into nova yet, but are on the list I mentioned above.  



                        (3) There was earlier some talk about nova using
an "administrative API"
                        to communicate with Quantum. Is that still the
plan? In general, what is
                        the thinking around how nova would communicate
with Quantum?


                There are possible uses that I have mentioned for such
an admin API:


                - Reporting "interface bindings" from nova to a quantum
plugin.  Right now, since the nature of the binding is specific to the
nova vif-plugin itself, we're leaving the communication of this binding
info up to the plugin itself, so you're free to do whatever you want
(your quantum plugin can expose additional APIs if needed).  If there is
code to share here, we'll probably just do it by sharing a code library
(I suspect the new network manager we build will also require the
quantum client library, which I would see an a nova dependency if using

                - Communicating permission to plug a vif.  There have
been a couple emails back and forth about this on the list.  I am hoping
we can use keystone for this, which in case no direct nova/quantum
communication is needed.  Otherwise, we'll probably create an admin API
for this.  




                Dan Wendlandt 
                Nicira Networks, Inc. 
                Sr. Product Manager 
                cell: 650-906-2650


Dan Wendlandt 
Nicira Networks, Inc. |
Sr. Product Manager 
cell: 650-906-2650

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