Signed-off-by: Karen Xie <>
Signed-off-by: Manoj Malviya <>
Signed-off-by: Hariprasad Shenai <>
 drivers/scsi/cxgbi/cxgb4i/cxgb4i.c | 396 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 382 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/scsi/cxgbi/cxgb4i/cxgb4i.c 
index 804806e..68e94e6 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/cxgbi/cxgb4i/cxgb4i.c
+++ b/drivers/scsi/cxgbi/cxgb4i/cxgb4i.c
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 static unsigned int dbg_level;
 #include "../libcxgbi.h"
+#include "../cxgbi_lro.h"
 #define        DRV_MODULE_NAME         "cxgb4i"
 #define DRV_MODULE_DESC                "Chelsio T4/T5 iSCSI Driver"
@@ -81,13 +82,6 @@ static int t4_uld_rx_handler(void *, const __be64 *, const 
struct pkt_gl *);
 static int t4_uld_state_change(void *, enum cxgb4_state state);
 static inline int send_tx_flowc_wr(struct cxgbi_sock *);
-static const struct cxgb4_uld_info cxgb4i_uld_info = {
-       .name = DRV_MODULE_NAME,
-       .add = t4_uld_add,
-       .rx_handler = t4_uld_rx_handler,
-       .state_change = t4_uld_state_change,
 static struct scsi_host_template cxgb4i_host_template = {
        .module         = THIS_MODULE,
        .name           = DRV_MODULE_NAME,
@@ -1182,8 +1176,9 @@ static void do_rx_data_ddp(struct cxgbi_device *cdev,
        log_debug(1 << CXGBI_DBG_TOE | 1 << CXGBI_DBG_PDU_RX,
-               "csk 0x%p,%u,0x%lx, skb 0x%p,0x%x, lhdr 0x%p.\n",
-               csk, csk->state, csk->flags, skb, status, csk->skb_ulp_lhdr);
+               "csk 0x%p,%u,0x%lx, skb 0x%p,0x%x, lhdr 0x%p, len %u.\n",
+               csk, csk->state, csk->flags, skb, status, csk->skb_ulp_lhdr,
+               ntohs(rpl->len));
@@ -1212,13 +1207,13 @@ static void do_rx_data_ddp(struct cxgbi_device *cdev,
                        csk->tid, ntohs(rpl->len), cxgbi_skcb_rx_pdulen(lskb));
        if (status & (1 << CPL_RX_DDP_STATUS_HCRC_SHIFT)) {
-               pr_info("csk 0x%p, lhdr 0x%p, status 0x%x, hcrc bad 0x%lx.\n",
-                       csk, lskb, status, cxgbi_skcb_flags(lskb));
+               pr_info("csk 0x%p, lhdr 0x%p, status 0x%x, hcrc bad.\n",
+                       csk, lskb, status);
                cxgbi_skcb_set_flag(lskb, SKCBF_RX_HCRC_ERR);
        if (status & (1 << CPL_RX_DDP_STATUS_DCRC_SHIFT)) {
-               pr_info("csk 0x%p, lhdr 0x%p, status 0x%x, dcrc bad 0x%lx.\n",
-                       csk, lskb, status, cxgbi_skcb_flags(lskb));
+               pr_info("csk 0x%p, lhdr 0x%p, status 0x%x, dcrc bad.\n",
+                       csk, lskb, status);
                cxgbi_skcb_set_flag(lskb, SKCBF_RX_DCRC_ERR);
        if (status & (1 << CPL_RX_DDP_STATUS_PAD_SHIFT)) {
@@ -1311,6 +1306,12 @@ static int alloc_cpls(struct cxgbi_sock *csk)
                                        0, GFP_KERNEL);
        if (!csk->cpl_abort_rpl)
                goto free_cpls;
+       csk->skb_lro_hold = alloc_skb(LRO_SKB_MIN_HEADROOM, GFP_KERNEL);
+       if (unlikely(!csk->skb_lro_hold))
+               goto free_cpls;
+       memset(csk->skb_lro_hold->data, 0, LRO_SKB_MIN_HEADROOM);
        return 0;
@@ -1539,7 +1540,7 @@ int cxgb4i_ofld_init(struct cxgbi_device *cdev)
        cdev->csk_alloc_cpls = alloc_cpls;
        cdev->csk_init_act_open = init_act_open;
-       pr_info("cdev 0x%p, offload up, added.\n", cdev);
+       pr_info("cdev 0x%p, offload up, added, f 0x%x.\n", cdev, cdev->flags);
        return 0;
@@ -1891,6 +1892,373 @@ static int t4_uld_state_change(void *handle, enum 
cxgb4_state state)
        return 0;
+static void proc_ddp_status(unsigned int tid, struct cpl_rx_data_ddp *cpl,
+                           struct cxgbi_rx_pdu_cb *pdu_cb)
+       unsigned int status = ntohl(cpl->ddpvld);
+       cxgbi_rx_cb_set_flag(pdu_cb, SKCBF_RX_STATUS);
+       pdu_cb->ddigest = ntohl(cpl->ulp_crc);
+       pdu_cb->pdulen = ntohs(cpl->len);
+       if (status & (1 << CPL_RX_DDP_STATUS_HCRC_SHIFT)) {
+               pr_info("tid 0x%x, status 0x%x, hcrc bad.\n", tid, status);
+               cxgbi_rx_cb_set_flag(pdu_cb, SKCBF_RX_HCRC_ERR);
+       }
+       if (status & (1 << CPL_RX_DDP_STATUS_DCRC_SHIFT)) {
+               pr_info("tid 0x%x, status 0x%x, dcrc bad.\n", tid, status);
+               cxgbi_rx_cb_set_flag(pdu_cb, SKCBF_RX_DCRC_ERR);
+       }
+       if (status & (1 << CPL_RX_DDP_STATUS_PAD_SHIFT)) {
+               pr_info("tid 0x%x, status 0x%x, pad bad.\n", tid, status);
+               cxgbi_rx_cb_set_flag(pdu_cb, SKCBF_RX_PAD_ERR);
+       }
+       if ((status & (1 << CPL_RX_DDP_STATUS_DDP_SHIFT)) &&
+           !cxgbi_rx_cb_test_flag(pdu_cb, SKCBF_RX_DATA)) {
+               cxgbi_rx_cb_set_flag(pdu_cb, SKCBF_RX_DATA_DDPD);
+       }
+static void lro_skb_add_packet_rsp(struct sk_buff *skb, u8 op,
+                                  const __be64 *rsp)
+       struct cxgbi_rx_lro_cb *lro_cb = cxgbi_skb_rx_lro_cb(skb);
+       struct cxgbi_rx_pdu_cb *pdu_cb = cxgbi_skb_rx_pdu_cb(skb,
+                                               lro_cb->pdu_cnt);
+       struct cpl_rx_data_ddp *cpl = (struct cpl_rx_data_ddp *)(rsp + 1);
+       proc_ddp_status(lro_cb->csk->tid, cpl, pdu_cb);
+       lro_cb->pdu_totallen += pdu_cb->pdulen;
+       lro_cb->pdu_cnt++;
+static void lro_skb_add_packet_gl(struct sk_buff *skb, u8 op,
+                                 const struct pkt_gl *gl)
+       struct cxgbi_rx_lro_cb *lro_cb = cxgbi_skb_rx_lro_cb(skb);
+       struct cxgbi_rx_pdu_cb *pdu_cb = cxgbi_skb_rx_pdu_cb(skb,
+                                               lro_cb->pdu_cnt);
+       struct skb_shared_info *ssi = skb_shinfo(skb);
+       int i = ssi->nr_frags;
+       unsigned int offset;
+       unsigned int len;
+       if (op == CPL_ISCSI_HDR) {
+               struct cpl_iscsi_hdr *cpl = (struct cpl_iscsi_hdr *)gl->va;
+               offset = sizeof(struct cpl_iscsi_hdr);
+               cxgbi_rx_cb_set_flag(pdu_cb, SKCBF_RX_HDR);
+               pdu_cb->seq = ntohl(cpl->seq);
+               len = ntohs(cpl->len);
+       } else {
+               struct cpl_rx_data *cpl = (struct cpl_rx_data *)gl->va;
+               offset = sizeof(struct cpl_rx_data);
+               cxgbi_rx_cb_set_flag(pdu_cb, SKCBF_RX_DATA);
+               len = ntohs(cpl->len);
+       }
+       memcpy(&ssi->frags[i], &gl->frags[0], gl->nfrags * sizeof(skb_frag_t));
+       ssi->frags[i].page_offset += offset;
+       ssi->frags[i].size -= offset;
+       ssi->nr_frags += gl->nfrags;
+       pdu_cb->frags += gl->nfrags;
+       skb->len += len;
+       skb->data_len += len;
+       skb->truesize += len;
+       for (i = 0; i < gl->nfrags; i++)
+               get_page(gl->frags[i].page);
+static inline int cxgbi_sock_check_rx_state(struct cxgbi_sock *csk)
+       if (unlikely(csk->state >= CTP_PASSIVE_CLOSE)) {
+               log_debug(1 << CXGBI_DBG_TOE | 1 << CXGBI_DBG_SOCK,
+                         "csk 0x%p,%u,0x%lx,%u, bad state.\n",
+                         csk, csk->state, csk->flags, csk->tid);
+               if (csk->state != CTP_ABORTING)
+                       send_abort_req(csk);
+               return -1;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static void do_rx_iscsi_lro(struct cxgbi_sock *csk, struct sk_buff *skb)
+       struct cxgbi_rx_lro_cb *lro_cb = cxgbi_skb_rx_lro_cb(skb);
+       struct cxgbi_rx_pdu_cb *pdu_cb = cxgbi_skb_rx_pdu_cb(skb, 0);
+       log_debug(1 << CXGBI_DBG_TOE | 1 << CXGBI_DBG_PDU_RX,
+                 "%s: csk 0x%p,%u,0x%lx, tid %u, skb 0x%p,%u, %u.\n",
+                 __func__, csk, csk->state, csk->flags, csk->tid, skb,
+                 skb->len, skb->data_len);
+       cxgbi_skcb_set_flag(skb, SKCBF_RX_LRO);
+       spin_lock_bh(&csk->lock);
+       if (cxgbi_sock_check_rx_state(csk) < 0)
+               goto discard;
+       if (cxgbi_rx_cb_test_flag(pdu_cb, SKCBF_RX_HDR) &&
+           pdu_cb->seq != csk->rcv_nxt) {
+               pr_info("%s, csk 0x%p, tid 0x%x, seq 0x%x != 0x%x.\n",
+                       __func__, csk, csk->tid, pdu_cb->seq, csk->rcv_nxt);
+               cxgbi_lro_skb_dump(skb);
+               goto abort_conn;
+       }
+       /* partial pdus */
+       if (!lro_cb->pdu_cnt) {
+               lro_cb->pdu_cnt = 1;
+       } else {
+               struct cxgbi_rx_pdu_cb *pdu_cb = cxgbi_skb_rx_pdu_cb(skb,
+                                                       lro_cb->pdu_cnt);
+               if (!(cxgbi_rx_cb_test_flag(pdu_cb, SKCBF_RX_STATUS)) &&
+                   pdu_cb->frags)
+                       lro_cb->pdu_cnt++;
+       }
+       csk->rcv_nxt += lro_cb->pdu_totallen;
+       skb_reset_transport_header(skb);
+       __skb_queue_tail(&csk->receive_queue, skb);
+       cxgbi_conn_pdu_ready(csk);
+       spin_unlock_bh(&csk->lock);
+       return;
+       send_abort_req(csk);
+       spin_unlock_bh(&csk->lock);
+       __kfree_skb(skb);
+static struct sk_buff *lro_init_skb(struct cxgbi_sock *csk, u8 op,
+                                   const struct pkt_gl *gl, const __be64 *rsp)
+       struct sk_buff *skb;
+       struct cxgbi_rx_lro_cb *lro_cb;
+       skb = alloc_skb(LRO_SKB_MAX_HEADROOM, GFP_ATOMIC);
+       if (unlikely(!skb))
+               return NULL;
+       memset(skb->data, 0, LRO_SKB_MAX_HEADROOM);
+       lro_cb = cxgbi_skb_rx_lro_cb(skb);
+       cxgbi_sock_get(csk);
+       lro_cb->csk = csk;
+       return skb;
+static void lro_flush(struct t4_lro_mgr *lro_mgr, struct sk_buff *skb)
+       struct cxgbi_rx_lro_cb *lro_cb = cxgbi_skb_rx_lro_cb(skb);
+       struct cxgbi_sock *csk = lro_cb->csk;
+        /* Update head pointer */
+       if (skb == lro_mgr->skb_head) {
+               if (!skb->next) {
+                       /* Only skb in the list */
+                       lro_mgr->skb_head = NULL;
+                       lro_mgr->skb_tail = NULL;
+               } else {
+                       lro_mgr->skb_head = skb->next;
+               }
+       } else if (skb == lro_mgr->skb_tail) {
+               /* Update tail pointer */
+               skb->prev->next = NULL;
+               lro_mgr->skb_tail = skb->prev;
+       } else {
+               skb->prev->next = skb->next;
+               skb->next->prev = skb->prev;
+       }
+       csk->skb_lro = NULL;
+       do_rx_iscsi_lro(csk, skb);
+       cxgbi_sock_put(csk);
+       lro_mgr->lro_pkts++;
+       lro_mgr->lro_session_cnt--;
+static int lro_receive(struct cxgbi_sock *csk, u8 op, const __be64 *rsp,
+                      const struct pkt_gl *gl, struct t4_lro_mgr *lro_mgr)
+       struct sk_buff *skb;
+       struct cxgbi_rx_lro_cb *lro_cb;
+       struct cxgb4_lld_info *lldi = cxgbi_cdev_priv(csk->cdev);
+       if (!is_t5(lldi->adapter_type))
+               return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+       if (!csk) {
+               pr_err("%s: csk NULL, op 0x%x.\n", __func__, op);
+               goto out;
+       }
+       if (csk->skb_lro)
+               goto add_packet;
+       /* Did we reach the hash size limit */
+       if (lro_mgr->lro_session_cnt >= MAX_LRO_SESSIONS)
+               goto out;
+       skb = lro_init_skb(csk, op, gl, rsp);
+       csk->skb_lro = skb;
+       if (unlikely(!skb))
+               goto out;
+       lro_mgr->lro_session_cnt++;
+       if (lro_mgr->skb_tail) {
+               lro_mgr->skb_tail->next = skb;
+               skb->prev = lro_mgr->skb_tail;
+       } else {
+               lro_mgr->skb_head = skb;
+       }
+       lro_mgr->skb_tail = skb;
+       /* continue to add the packet */
+       skb = csk->skb_lro;
+       lro_cb = cxgbi_skb_rx_lro_cb(skb);
+       /* Check if this packet can be aggregated */
+       if ((gl && ((skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags + gl->nfrags) >= MAX_SKB_FRAGS ||
+                   lro_cb->pdu_totallen >= LRO_FLUSH_TOTALLEN_MAX)) ||
+           /* lro_cb->pdu_cnt must be less than MAX_SKB_FRAGS */
+           lro_cb->pdu_cnt >= (MAX_SKB_FRAGS - 1)) {
+               lro_flush(lro_mgr, skb);
+               goto start_lro;
+       }
+       if (gl)
+               lro_skb_add_packet_gl(skb, op, gl);
+       else
+               lro_skb_add_packet_rsp(skb, op, rsp);
+       lro_mgr->lro_merged++;
+       return 0;
+       return -1;
+static int t4_uld_rx_lro_handler(void *hndl, const __be64 *rsp,
+                                const struct pkt_gl *gl,
+                                struct t4_lro_mgr *lro_mgr,
+                               unsigned int napi_id)
+       struct cxgbi_device *cdev = hndl;
+       struct cxgb4_lld_info *lldi = cxgbi_cdev_priv(cdev);
+       struct cpl_act_establish *rpl = NULL;
+       struct cxgbi_sock *csk = NULL;
+       unsigned int tid = 0;
+       struct sk_buff *skb;
+       unsigned int op = *(u8 *)rsp;
+       if (lro_mgr && (op != CPL_FW6_MSG) && (op != CPL_RX_PKT) &&
+           (op != CPL_ACT_OPEN_RPL)) {
+               /* Get the TID of this connection */
+               rpl = gl ? (struct cpl_act_establish *)gl->va :
+                               (struct cpl_act_establish *)(rsp + 1);
+               tid = GET_TID(rpl);
+               csk = lookup_tid(lldi->tids, tid);
+       }
+       /*
+        * Flush the LROed skb on receiving any cpl other than FW4_ACK and
+        * CPL_ISCSI_XXX
+        */
+       if (csk && csk->skb_lro && op != CPL_FW6_MSG && op != CPL_ISCSI_HDR &&
+           op != CPL_ISCSI_DATA && op != CPL_RX_ISCSI_DDP) {
+               lro_flush(lro_mgr, csk->skb_lro);
+       }
+       if (!gl) {
+               unsigned int len;
+               if (op == CPL_RX_ISCSI_DDP) {
+                       if (!lro_receive(csk, op, rsp, NULL, lro_mgr))
+                               return 0;
+               }
+               len = 64 - sizeof(struct rsp_ctrl) - 8;
+               skb = alloc_wr(len, 0, GFP_ATOMIC);
+               if (!skb)
+                       goto nomem;
+               skb_copy_to_linear_data(skb, &rsp[1], len);
+       } else {
+               if (unlikely(op != *(u8 *)gl->va)) {
+                       pr_info("? FL 0x%p,RSS%#llx,FL %#llx,len %u.\n",
+                               gl->va, be64_to_cpu(*rsp),
+                               be64_to_cpu(*(u64 *)gl->va),
+                               gl->tot_len);
+                       return 0;
+               }
+               if (op == CPL_ISCSI_HDR || op == CPL_ISCSI_DATA) {
+                       if (!lro_receive(csk, op, rsp, gl, lro_mgr))
+                               return 0;
+               }
+               skb = cxgb4_pktgl_to_skb(gl, RX_PULL_LEN, RX_PULL_LEN);
+               if (unlikely(!skb))
+                       goto nomem;
+       }
+       rpl = (struct cpl_act_establish *)skb->data;
+       op = rpl->ot.opcode;
+       log_debug(1 << CXGBI_DBG_TOE,
+                 "cdev %p, opcode 0x%x(0x%x,0x%x), skb %p.\n",
+                 cdev, op, rpl->ot.opcode_tid, ntohl(rpl->ot.opcode_tid), skb);
+       if (op < NUM_CPL_CMDS && cxgb4i_cplhandlers[op]) {
+               cxgb4i_cplhandlers[op](cdev, skb);
+       } else {
+               pr_err("No handler for opcode 0x%x.\n", op);
+               __kfree_skb(skb);
+       }
+       return 0;
+       log_debug(1 << CXGBI_DBG_TOE, "OOM bailing out.\n");
+       return 1;
+static void t4_uld_lro_flush_all(struct t4_lro_mgr *lro_mgr)
+       struct sk_buff *skb = lro_mgr->skb_head;
+       struct sk_buff *temp;
+       while (skb) {
+               temp = skb->next;
+               lro_flush(lro_mgr, skb);
+               skb = temp;
+       }
+       lro_mgr->skb_head = NULL;
+       lro_mgr->skb_tail = NULL;
+static const struct cxgb4_uld_info cxgb4i_uld_info = {
+       .name = DRV_MODULE_NAME,
+       .add = t4_uld_add,
+       .rx_handler = t4_uld_rx_handler,
+       .state_change = t4_uld_state_change,
+       .lro_rx_handler = t4_uld_rx_lro_handler,
+       .lro_flush = t4_uld_lro_flush_all,
 static int __init cxgb4i_init_module(void)
        int rc;

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