On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 1:42 PM, Singhai, Anjali
<anjali.sing...@intel.com> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Miller [mailto:da...@davemloft.net]
> Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2015 7:23 PM
> To: t...@herbertland.com
> Cc: Brandeburg, Jesse <jesse.brandeb...@intel.com>; Singhai, Anjali 
> <anjali.sing...@intel.com>; je...@kernel.org; netdev@vger.kernel.org; Patil, 
> Kiran <kiran.pa...@intel.com>
> Subject: Re: [PATCH v1 1/6] net: Generalize udp based tunnel offload
> From: Tom Herbert <t...@herbertland.com>
> Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 09:32:11 -0800
>>> FWIW, I've brought the issue to the attention of the architects here,
>>> and we will likely be able to make changes in this space.  Intel
>>> hardware (as demonstrated by your patches) already is able to deal
>>> with this de-ossification on transmit.  Receive is a whole different beast.
>> Please provide the specifics on why "Receive is a whole different
>> beast.". Generic receive checksum is already a subset of the
>> functionality that you must have implement to support the protocol
>> specific offloads. All the hardware needs to do is calculate the 1's
>> complement checksum of the packet and return the value on the to the
>> host with that packet. That's it. No parsing of headers, no worrying
>> about the pseudo header, no dealing with any encapsulation. Just do
>> the calculation, return the result to the host and the driver converts
>> this to CHECKSUM_COMPLETE. I find it very hard to believe that this is
>> any harder than specific support the next protocol du jour.
> The reason for receive being different than transmit is, on TX side driver 
> can provide the meta data for where the checksum field is and what is the 
> length that needs to be check summed to the HW on a per packet basis. On Rx 
> the HW parser has to parse the packet to identify the tunnel type and based 
> on that figure out the checksum locations and length in the packet, so 
> definitely HW has to parse the packet and it can parse only based on next 
> header type information or in case of udp tunnels based on udp port mapping 
> to a particular protocol. I am not sure why you say it doesn't need to parse 
> the packet, maybe I am miss- understanding something.  Although it's not 
> difficult to reduce protocol ossification on the RX side but it is certainly 
> different and particularly in case of udp-tunnels it needs the port to 
> protocol mapping.
Please look at how CHECKSUM_COMPLETE interface works. Description is
in sk_buff.h or

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