
I am looking to offload bond interfaces to hardware for forwarding.  Linux 
allows for configuring 
a variety of parameters on bonds or slave interfaces.  Not all configurations 
can be offloaded to 
hardware.  For example, certain hardware cannot support bonds with mode of 
adaptive load balancing.

When such a configuration is provided by user, we have two options at hand (for 
platforms supporting
hardware offloads):

1. Reject the configuration.  

2. Handle the bond interface in software.  In a scenario where this bond 
interface is part
of a bridge interface, for simplicity purpose, all other interfaces in the 
bridge need to be 
handled in software - which results in a very low packet processing performance.

I'm writing to gather feedback on the approach to take, including any other 
We have discussed this briefly in our weekly netdev meeting, and I received 
votes for
option #1.

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