> Hi Nikola,
> Seems like the link below is the same file you shared before - I don't see 
> any errors there.

ouch, the file was correct, but the permissions were wrong..
so maybe you were getting older file from some proxy?

anyways, I've copied file so you can get it from
new location:


> Two things you can collect for me to help debug this issue:
> 1.
> Output of ethtool -d eth1 after problem occurs (redirect to a file)

here it is:

> 2.
> dmesg after enabling link related debug messages. Use
> modprobe bnx2x debug=0x4
> Or
> ethtool -s eth1 msglvl 0x4

I have set this for both interfaces, but don't see anything new
in dmesg..

> to enable these prints.
> This holds for both of your problems (unless it is the same issue).
> Thanks,
> Ariel

Ing. Nikola CIPRICH
LinuxBox.cz, s.r.o.
28.rijna 168, 709 00 Ostrava

tel.:   +420 591 166 214
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email servis: ser...@linuxbox.cz

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