On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 23:21:05 +0200 Francois Romieu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ...
> +
> +static void ipg_dump_tfdlist(struct net_device *dev)
> +{
> +     struct ipg_nic_private *sp = netdev_priv(dev);
> +     void __iomem *ioaddr = sp->ioaddr;
> +     unsigned int i;
> +     u32 offset;
> +
> +     IPG_DEBUG_MSG("_dump_tfdlist\n");
> +
> +     printk(KERN_INFO "tx_current         = %2.2x\n", sp->tx_current);
> +     printk(KERN_INFO "tx_dirty = %2.2x\n", sp->tx_dirty);
> +     printk(KERN_INFO "TFDList start address = %16.16lx\n",
> +            (unsigned long) sp->txd_map);
> +     printk(KERN_INFO "TFDListPtr register   = %8.8x%8.8x\n",
> +            ipg_r32(IPG_TFDLISTPTR1), ipg_r32(IPG_TFDLISTPTR0));
> +
> +     for (i = 0; i < IPG_TFDLIST_LENGTH; i++) {
> +             offset = (u32) &sp->txd[i].next_desc - (u32) sp->txd;
> +             printk(KERN_INFO "%2.2x %4.4x TFDNextPtr = %16.16lx\n", i,
> +                    offset, (unsigned long) sp->txd[i].next_desc);
> +
> +             offset = (u32) &sp->txd[i].tfc - (u32) sp->txd;

Is the u32 cast safe here on all architectures?

> +             printk(KERN_INFO "%2.2x %4.4x TFC        = %16.16lx\n", i,
> +                    offset, (unsigned long) sp->txd[i].tfc);
> +             offset = (u32) &sp->txd[i].frag_info - (u32) sp->txd;
> +             printk(KERN_INFO "%2.2x %4.4x frag_info   = %16.16lx\n", i,
> +                    offset, (unsigned long) sp->txd[i].frag_info);
> +     }
> +}
> ...
> +static int mdio_read(struct net_device * dev, int phy_id, int phy_reg)
> +{
> +     void __iomem *ioaddr = ipg_ioaddr(dev);
> +     /*
> +      * The GMII mangement frame structure for a read is as follows:
> +      *
> +      * |Preamble|st|op|phyad|regad|ta|      data      |idle|
> +      * |< 32 1s>|01|10|AAAAA|RRRRR|z0|DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD|z   |
> +      *
> +      * <32 1s> = 32 consecutive logic 1 values
> +      * A = bit of Physical Layer device address (MSB first)
> +      * R = bit of register address (MSB first)
> +      * z = High impedance state
> +      * D = bit of read data (MSB first)
> +      *
> +      * Transmission order is 'Preamble' field first, bits transmitted
> +      * left to right (first to last).
> +      */
> +     struct {
> +             u32 field;
> +             unsigned int len;
> +     } p[] = {
> +             { GMII_PREAMBLE,        32 },   /* Preamble */
> +             { GMII_ST,              2  },   /* ST */
> +             { GMII_READ,            2  },   /* OP */
> +             { phy_id,               5  },   /* PHYAD */
> +             { phy_reg,              5  },   /* REGAD */
> +             { 0x0000,               2  },   /* TA */
> +             { 0x0000,               16 },   /* DATA */
> +             { 0x0000,               1  }    /* IDLE */
> +     };

This will be built on the stack at runtime.

> +     unsigned int i, j;
> +     u8 polarity, data;
> +
> +     polarity  = ipg_r8(PHY_CTRL);
> +
> +     /* Create the Preamble, ST, OP, PHYAD, and REGAD field. */
> +     for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
> +             for (i = 0; i < p[j].len; i++) {
> +                     /* For each variable length field, the MSB must be
> +                      * transmitted first. Rotate through the field bits,
> +                      * starting with the MSB, and move each bit into the
> +                      * the 1st (2^1) bit position (this is the bit position
> +                      * corresponding to the MgmtData bit of the PhyCtrl
> +                      * register for the IPG).
> +                      *
> +                      * Example: ST = 01;
> +                      *
> +                      *          First write a '0' to bit 1 of the PhyCtrl
> +                      *          register, then write a '1' to bit 1 of the
> +                      *          PhyCtrl register.
> +                      *
> +                      * To do this, right shift the MSB of ST by the value:
> +                      * [field length - 1 - #ST bits already written]
> +                      * then left shift this result by 1.
> +                      */
> +                     data  = (p[j].field >> (p[j].len - 1 - i)) << 1;
> +                     data &= IPG_PC_MGMTDATA;
> +                     data |= polarity | IPG_PC_MGMTDIR;
> +
> +                     ipg_drive_phy_ctl_low_high(ioaddr, data);
> +             }
> +     }
> +
> +     send_three_state(ioaddr, polarity);
> +
> +     read_phy_bit(ioaddr, polarity);
> +
> +     /*
> +      * For a read cycle, the bits for the next two fields (TA and
> +      * DATA) are driven by the PHY (the IPG reads these bits).
> +      */
> +     for (i = 0; i < p[6].len; i++) {
> +             p[6].field |=
> +                 (read_phy_bit(ioaddr, polarity) << (p[6].len - 1 - i));
> +     }

Simply because we're using p[6] as a temporary variable.

This can be tightened up.

> +     send_three_state(ioaddr, polarity);
> +     send_three_state(ioaddr, polarity);
> +     send_three_state(ioaddr, polarity);
> +     send_end(ioaddr, polarity);
> +
> +     /* Return the value of the DATA field. */
> +     return p[6].field;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> + * Write to a register from the Physical Layer device located
> + * on the IPG NIC, using the IPG PHYCTRL register.
> + */
> +static void mdio_write(struct net_device *dev, int phy_id, int phy_reg, int 
> val)
> +{
> +     void __iomem *ioaddr = ipg_ioaddr(dev);
> +     /*
> +      * The GMII mangement frame structure for a read is as follows:
> +      *
> +      * |Preamble|st|op|phyad|regad|ta|      data      |idle|
> +      * |< 32 1s>|01|10|AAAAA|RRRRR|z0|DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD|z   |
> +      *
> +      * <32 1s> = 32 consecutive logic 1 values
> +      * A = bit of Physical Layer device address (MSB first)
> +      * R = bit of register address (MSB first)
> +      * z = High impedance state
> +      * D = bit of write data (MSB first)
> +      *
> +      * Transmission order is 'Preamble' field first, bits transmitted
> +      * left to right (first to last).
> +      */
> +     struct {
> +             u32 field;
> +             unsigned int len;
> +     } p[] = {
> +             { GMII_PREAMBLE,        32 },   /* Preamble */
> +             { GMII_ST,              2  },   /* ST */
> +             { GMII_WRITE,           2  },   /* OP */
> +             { phy_id,               5  },   /* PHYAD */
> +             { phy_reg,              5  },   /* REGAD */
> +             { 0x0002,               2  },   /* TA */
> +             { val & 0xffff,         16 },   /* DATA */
> +             { 0x0000,               1  }    /* IDLE */
> +     };

similar here

> +     unsigned int i, j;
> +     u8 polarity, data;
> +
> +     polarity  = ipg_r8(PHY_CTRL);
> +
> +     /* Create the Preamble, ST, OP, PHYAD, and REGAD field. */
> +     for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
> +             for (i = 0; i < p[j].len; i++) {
> +                     /* For each variable length field, the MSB must be
> +                      * transmitted first. Rotate through the field bits,
> +                      * starting with the MSB, and move each bit into the
> +                      * the 1st (2^1) bit position (this is the bit position
> +                      * corresponding to the MgmtData bit of the PhyCtrl
> +                      * register for the IPG).
> +                      *
> +                      * Example: ST = 01;
> +                      *
> +                      *          First write a '0' to bit 1 of the PhyCtrl
> +                      *          register, then write a '1' to bit 1 of the
> +                      *          PhyCtrl register.
> +                      *
> +                      * To do this, right shift the MSB of ST by the value:
> +                      * [field length - 1 - #ST bits already written]
> +                      * then left shift this result by 1.
> +                      */
> +                     data  = (p[j].field >> (p[j].len - 1 - i)) << 1;
> +                     data &= IPG_PC_MGMTDATA;
> +                     data |= polarity | IPG_PC_MGMTDIR;
> +
> +                     ipg_drive_phy_ctl_low_high(ioaddr, data);
> +             }
> +     }
> +
> +     /* The last cycle is a tri-state, so read from the PHY. */
> +     for (j = 7; j < 8; j++) {
> +             for (i = 0; i < p[j].len; i++) {
> +                     ipg_write_phy_ctl(ioaddr, IPG_PC_MGMTCLK_LO | polarity);
> +
> +                     p[j].field |= ((ipg_r8(PHY_CTRL) &
> +                             IPG_PC_MGMTDATA) >> 1) << (p[j].len - 1 - i);
> +
> +                     ipg_write_phy_ctl(ioaddr, IPG_PC_MGMTCLK_HI | polarity);
> +             }
> +     }

although it might be tricky to avoid

> +}
> +
> ...
> +static int ipg_reset(struct net_device *dev, u32 resetflags)
> +{
> +     /* Assert functional resets via the IPG AsicCtrl
> +      * register as specified by the 'resetflags' input
> +      * parameter.
> +      */
> +     void __iomem *ioaddr = ipg_ioaddr(dev); //JES20040127EEPROM:
> +     unsigned int timeout_count = 0;
> +
> +     IPG_DEBUG_MSG("_reset\n");
> +
> +     ipg_w32(ipg_r32(ASIC_CTRL) | resetflags, ASIC_CTRL);
> +
> +     /* Delay added to account for problem with 10Mbps reset. */
> +     mdelay(IPG_AC_RESETWAIT);
> +
> +     while (IPG_AC_RESET_BUSY & ipg_r32(ASIC_CTRL)) {
> +             mdelay(IPG_AC_RESETWAIT);
> +             if (++timeout_count > IPG_AC_RESET_TIMEOUT)
> +                     return -ETIME;

Is ETIME an appropriate errno here?  Zillions of drivers use it, but I
think it's for posix timers or something like that?

> +     }
> +     /* Set LED Mode in Asic Control JES20040127EEPROM */
> +     ipg_set_led_mode(dev);
> +
> +     /* Set PHYSet Register Value JES20040127EEPROM */
> +     ipg_set_phy_set(dev);
> +     return 0;
> +}
> +
> [vast amounts trimmed]

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