Wed, May 22, 2024 at 05:45:47AM CEST, wrote:
>When the dim worker is scheduled, if it no longer needs to issue
>commands, dim may not be able to return to the working state later.
>For example, the following single queue scenario:
>  1. The dim worker of rxq0 is scheduled, and the dim status is
>     changed to DIM_APPLY_NEW_PROFILE;
>  2. dim is disabled or parameters have not been modified;
>  3. virtnet_rx_dim_work exits directly;
>Then, even if net_dim is invoked again, it cannot work because the
>state is not restored to DIM_START_MEASURE.
>Fixes: 6208799553a8 ("virtio-net: support rx netdim")
>Signed-off-by: Heng Qi <>

Reviewed-by: Jiri Pirko <>

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