Some parts of the documentation may lead the reader to think that the
socket's own frames are always received when CAN_RAW_RECV_OWN_MSGS is
enabled, but all frames are subject to filtering.

As explained by Marc Kleine-Budde:

On TX complete of a CAN frame it's pushed into the RX path of the
networking stack, along with the information of the originating socket.

Then the CAN frame is delivered into AF_CAN, where it is passed on to
all registered receivers depending on filters. One receiver is the
sending socket in CAN_RAW. Then in CAN_RAW the it is checked if the
sending socket has RECV_OWN_MSGS enabled.

Signed-off-by: Erik Flodin <>
 Documentation/networking/can.rst | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Documentation/networking/can.rst b/Documentation/networking/can.rst
index f8dae662e454..f34cb0e4460e 100644
--- a/Documentation/networking/can.rst
+++ b/Documentation/networking/can.rst
@@ -608,6 +608,8 @@ demand:
     setsockopt(s, SOL_CAN_RAW, CAN_RAW_RECV_OWN_MSGS,
                &recv_own_msgs, sizeof(recv_own_msgs));
+Note that reception of a socket's own CAN frames are subject to the same
+filtering as other CAN frames (see :ref:`socketcan-rawfilter`).
 .. _socketcan-rawfd:

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