On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 10:06 AM Jonas Bonn <jo...@norrbonn.se> wrote:
> Hi Pravin et al;
> TL;DR:  we don't need to introduce an entire collect_md mode to the
> driver; we just need to tweak what we've got so that metadata is
> "always" added on RX and respected on TX; make the userspace socket
> optional and dump GTP packets to netstack if it's not present; and make
> a decision on whether to allow packets into netstack without validating
> their IP address.
Thanks for summarizing the LWT mechanism below. Overall I am fine with
the changes, a couple of comments inlined.

> On 23/01/2021 20:59, Jonas Bonn wrote:
> > From: Pravin B Shelar <pbshe...@fb.com>
> >
> > This patch adds support for flow based tunneling, allowing to send and
> > receive GTP tunneled packets via the (lightweight) tunnel metadata
> > mechanism.  This would allow integration with OVS and eBPF using flow
> > based tunneling APIs.
> >
> > The mechanism used here is to get the required GTP tunnel parameters
> > from the tunnel metadata instead of looking up a pre-configured PDP
> > context.  The tunnel metadata contains the necessary information for
> > creating the GTP header.
> So, I've been investigating this a bit further...
> What is being introduced in this patch is a variant of "normal
> functionality" that resembles something called "collect metadata" mode
> in other drivers (GRE, VXLAN, etc).  These other drivers operate in one
> of two modes:  more-or-less-point-to-point mode, or this alternative
> collect metadata varaint.  The latter is something that has been bolted
> on to an existing implementation of the former.
> For iproute2, a parameter called 'external' is added to the setup of
> links of the above type to switch between the two modes; the
> point-to-point parameters are invalid in 'external' (or 'collect
> metadata') mode.  The name 'external' is because the driver is
> externally controlled, meaning that the tunnel information is not
> hardcoded into the device instance itself.
> The GTP driver, however, has never been a point-to-point device.  It is
> already 'externally controlled' in the sense that tunnels can be added
> and removed at any time.  Adding this 'external' mode doesn't
> immediately make sense because that's roughly what we already have.
> Looking into how ip_tunnel_collect_metadata() works, it looks to me like
> it's always true if there's _ANY_ routing rule in the system with
> 'tunnel ID' set.  Is that correct?  I'll assume it is in order to
> continue my thoughts.
Right. It is just optimization to avoid allocating tun-dst in datapath.

> So, with that, either the system is collecting SKB metadata or it isn't.
>   If it is, it seems reasonable that we populate incoming packets with
> the tunnel ID as in this patch.  That said, I'm not convinced that we
> should bypass the PDP context mechanism entirely... there should still
> be a PDP context set up or we drop the packet for security reasons.
> For outgoing packets, it seems reasonable that the remote TEID may come
> from metadata OR a PDP context.  That would allow some routing
> alternatives to what we have right now which just does a PDP context
> lookup based on the destination/source address of the packet.  It would
> be nice for OVS/BPF to be able to direct a packet to a remote GTP
> endpoint by providing that endpoint/TEID via a metadata structure.
> So we end up with, roughly:
> On RX:
> i) check TEID in GTP header
> ii) lookup PDP context
> iii) validate IP of encapsulated packet
> iv) if ip(tunnel_collect_metadata()) { /* add tun info */ }
> v) decapsulate and pass to network stack
> On TX:
> i) if SKB has metadata, get destination and TEID from metadata (tunnel ID)
> ii) otherwise, lookup PDP context for packet
> For RX, only iv) is new; for TX only step i) is new.  The rest is what
> we already have.
> The one thing that this complicates is the case where an external entity
> (OVS or BPF) is doing validation of packet IP against incoming TEID.  In
> that case, we've got double validation of the incoming address and, I
> suppose, OVS/BPF would perhaps be more efficient (?)...  In that case,
> holding a PDP context is a bit of a waste of memory.
> It's somewhat of a security issue to allow un-checked packets into the
> system, so I'm not super keen on dropping the validation of incoming
> packets; given the previous paragraph, however, we might add a flag when
> creating the link to decide whether or not we allow packets through even
> if we can't validate them.  This would also apply to packets without a
> PDP context for an incoming TEID, too.  This flag, I suppose, looks a
> bit like the 'collect_metadata' flag that Pravin has added here.
Yes. user should have the option to use GTP devices in LTW mode and
bypass PDP session context completely. Lets add a flag for GTP link to
have consistent behaviour for all types of LWT devices.

> The other difference to what we currently have is that this patch sets
> up a socket exclusively in kernel space for the tunnel; currently, all
> sockets terminate in userspace:  userspace receives all packets that
> can't be decapsulated and re-injected in to the network stack.  With
> this patch, ALL packets (without a userspace termination) are
> re-injected into the network stack; it's just that anything that can't
> be decapsulated gets injected as a "GTP packet" with some metadata and
> an UNKNOWN protocol type.  If nothing is looking at the metadata and
> acting on it, then these will just get dropped; and that's what would
> happen if nothing was listening on the userspace end, too.  So we might
> as well just make the FD1 socket parameter to the link setup optional
> and be done with it.
Good idea to make FD1 optional argument.


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