On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 12:32 PM Vladimir Oltean <olte...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > May boil down to preference too, but I don't believe "dev" is a happy
> > > name to give to a driver private data structure.
> >
> > There are other drivers in the subsystem that do this. If there was a
> > consistent pattern followed in the subsystem I would have followed it.
> > Trust me I was a bit frustrated with home much time I spent going
> > through multiple drivers trying to determine the best practices for
> > organization, naming, etc.
> > If it's a big let me know and I'll change it.
> Funny that you are complaining about consistency in other drivers,
> because if I count correctly, out of a total of 22 occurrences of
> struct xrs700x variables in yours, 13 are named priv and 9 are named
> dev. So you are not even consistent with yourself. But it's not a major
> issue either way.

Touché. This ended up happening because I followed the pattern used by
different drivers in different places. Specifically ksz was using
regmap to work on multiple buses but wasn't a very clean example for
much else.
I'll just change it to priv everywhere.

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