Hi Michal Kubecek and Network dev team,

Good day! Hope you are doing well.
This is Bruce from China, and please allow me to cc Rudy from Cisco Systems in China team.

We are facing a weird behavior about "master-slave configuration" function in ethtool.
Please correct me if I am wrong....

As you know, start from ethtool 5.8,  "master/slave configuration support" added.

Confirm and discuss workaround

Issue description:
As we test in lab, no "master-slave" option supported.

Issue reproduce:
root@raspberrypi:~# ethtool -s eth0 master-slave master-preferred
ethtool: bad command line argument(s)
For more information run ethtool -h

Kernel 5.4.79
ethtool 5.10
Source code: https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/software/network/ethtool/ethtool-5.10.tar.xz

root@raspberrypi:~# ethtool -h
ethtool version 5.10
        ethtool [ FLAGS ] DEVNAME       Display standard information
about device
        ethtool [ FLAGS ] -s|--change DEVNAME   Change generic options
                [ speed %d ]
                [ duplex half|full ]
                [ port tp|aui|bnc|mii|fibre|da ]
                [ mdix auto|on|off ]
                [ autoneg on|off ]
                [ advertise %x[/%x] | mode on|off ... [--] ]
                [ phyad %d ]
                [ xcvr internal|external ]
                [ wol %d[/%d] | p|u|m|b|a|g|s|f|d... ]
                [ sopass %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x ]
                [ msglvl %d[/%d] | type on|off ... [--] ]
                [ master-slave
master-preferred|slave-preferred|master-force|slave-force ]

root@raspberrypi:~# ethtool -s eth0 [double tab here]
advertise  autoneg    duplex     mdix       msglvl     phyad port
      speed      wol        xcvr

Review 5.10 source code:
ethtool.c line:5616

static const struct option args[] = {
.opts = "-s|--change",
.func = do_sset,
.nlfunc = nl_sset,
.help = "Change generic options",
.xhelp = " [ speed %d ]\n"
 " [ duplex half|full ]\n"
 " [ port tp|aui|bnc|mii|fibre|da ]\n"
 " [ mdix auto|on|off ]\n"
 " [ autoneg on|off ]\n"
 " [ advertise %x[/%x] | mode on|off ... [--] ]\n"
 " [ phyad %d ]\n"
 " [ xcvr internal|external ]\n"
 " [ wol %d[/%d] | p|u|m|b|a|g|s|f|d... ]\n"
 " [ sopass %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x ]\n"
 " [ msglvl %d[/%d] | type on|off ... [--] ]\n"
 " [ master-slave master-preferred|slave-preferred|master-force|slave-force ]\n"

ethtool.c line:2912  do_sset function
There is NOT an "else if" to catch "master-slave" option, and the
options matched final else, and print an error message   "ethtool: bad
command line argument(s)\n""For more information run ethtool -h\n""

ethtool.c line: 3069

  } else {

root@raspberrypi:~# ethtool -s eth0 master-slave master-preferred
ethtool: bad command line argument(s)
For more information run ethtool -h

Look forward to your reply.

Bruce Liu (UTC +08)
Email: ccie...@gmail.com


Bruce Liu    (UTC +08)
Email: ccie...@gmail.com

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