In commit 36e584ad8af6 ("iplink_can: fix format output of clock with
flag -details") from Antonio Borneo a single space has been added to
separate the CAN controller clock value from the numtxqueues value
which is printed in ipaddress.c directly after the CAN info output.

To maintain a common indention every line in the CAN info output now
ends with eight spaces on the next line. While commit 36e584ad8af6
fixed the '-details' option, the '-statistics' option now works too.

Signed-off-by: Oliver Hartkopp <>
 ip/iplink_can.c | 60 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ip/iplink_can.c b/ip/iplink_can.c
index 6a26f3ff..592b036e 100644
--- a/ip/iplink_can.c
+++ b/ip/iplink_can.c
@@ -272,10 +272,15 @@ static void can_print_json_timing_min_max(const char 
*attr, int min, int max)
        print_int(PRINT_JSON, "min", NULL, min);
        print_int(PRINT_JSON, "max", NULL, max);
+/* all our lines end with 8 spaces in the next line to align numtxqueue
+ * output which is just added in ipaddress.c after the CAN info.
+ * The indention of 8 consists of 4 spaces + link_type ("can") + 1 space
+ * as provided by print_linktype() in ipaddress.c  */
 static void can_print_opt(struct link_util *lu, FILE *f, struct rtattr *tb[])
        if (!tb)
@@ -315,10 +320,12 @@ static void can_print_opt(struct link_util *lu, FILE *f, 
struct rtattr *tb[])
                          "restart-ms %d ",
+       fprintf(f, "\n        ");
        /* bittiming is irrelevant if fixed bitrate is defined */
                struct can_bittiming *bt = RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_CAN_BITTIMING]);
                if (is_json_context()) {
@@ -337,14 +344,14 @@ static void can_print_opt(struct link_util *lu, FILE *f, 
struct rtattr *tb[])
                        print_int(PRINT_ANY, "phase_seg2",
                                  NULL, bt->phase_seg2);
                        print_int(PRINT_ANY, "sjw", NULL, bt->sjw);
                } else {
-                       fprintf(f, "\n    bitrate %d sample-point %.3f ",
+                       fprintf(f, "bitrate %d sample-point %.3f\n        ",
                                bt->bitrate, (float) bt->sample_point / 1000.);
-                       fprintf(f,
-                               "\n       tq %d prop-seg %d phase-seg1 %d 
phase-seg2 %d sjw %d",
+                       fprintf(f, "tq %d prop-seg %d phase-seg1 %d phase-seg2"
+                               "%d sjw %d\n        ",
                                bt->tq, bt->prop_seg,
                                bt->phase_seg1, bt->phase_seg2,
@@ -368,12 +375,12 @@ static void can_print_opt(struct link_util *lu, FILE *f, 
struct rtattr *tb[])
                        print_int(PRINT_JSON, "brp_inc", NULL, btc->brp_inc);
                } else {
-                       fprintf(f, "\n    %s: tseg1 %d..%d tseg2 %d..%d "
-                               "sjw 1..%d brp %d..%d brp-inc %d",
+                       fprintf(f, "%s: tseg1 %d..%d tseg2 %d..%d "
+                               "sjw 1..%d brp %d..%d brp-inc %d\n        ",
                                btc->name, btc->tseg1_min, btc->tseg1_max,
                                btc->tseg2_min, btc->tseg2_max, btc->sjw_max,
                                btc->brp_min, btc->brp_max, btc->brp_inc);
@@ -399,24 +406,24 @@ static void can_print_opt(struct link_util *lu, FILE *f, 
struct rtattr *tb[])
                        for (i = 0; i < bitrate_cnt; ++i)
                                print_uint(PRINT_JSON, NULL, NULL,
                        close_json_array(PRINT_JSON, NULL);
                } else {
-                       fprintf(f, "\n    bitrate %u", bitrate);
-                       fprintf(f, "\n       [");
+                       fprintf(f, "bitrate %u\n        ", bitrate);
+                       fprintf(f, "[");
                        for (i = 0; i < bitrate_cnt - 1; ++i) {
                                /* This will keep lines below 80 signs */
                                if (!(i % 6) && i)
-                                       fprintf(f, "\n        ");
+                                       fprintf(f, "\n        ");
                                fprintf(f, "%8u, ", bitrate_const[i]);
                        if (!(i % 6) && i)
-                               fprintf(f, "\n        ");
-                       fprintf(f, "%8u ]", bitrate_const[i]);
+                               fprintf(f, "\n        ");
+                       fprintf(f, "%8u ]\n        ", bitrate_const[i]);
        /* data bittiming is irrelevant if fixed bitrate is defined */
@@ -439,15 +446,15 @@ static void can_print_opt(struct link_util *lu, FILE *f, 
struct rtattr *tb[])
                        print_int(PRINT_JSON, "phase_seg2",
                                  NULL, dbt->phase_seg2);
                        print_int(PRINT_JSON, "sjw", NULL, dbt->sjw);
                } else {
-                       fprintf(f, "\n    dbitrate %d dsample-point %.3f ",
+                       fprintf(f, "dbitrate %d dsample-point %.3f\n        ",
                                (float) dbt->sample_point / 1000.);
-                       fprintf(f, "\n    dtq %d dprop-seg %d dphase-seg1 %d "
-                               "dphase-seg2 %d dsjw %d",
+                       fprintf(f, "dtq %d dprop-seg %d dphase-seg1 %d "
+                               "dphase-seg2 %d dsjw %d\n        ",
                                dbt->tq, dbt->prop_seg, dbt->phase_seg1,
                                dbt->phase_seg2, dbt->sjw);
@@ -472,12 +479,12 @@ static void can_print_opt(struct link_util *lu, FILE *f, 
struct rtattr *tb[])
                        print_int(PRINT_JSON, "brp_inc", NULL, dbtc->brp_inc);
                } else {
-                       fprintf(f, "\n    %s: dtseg1 %d..%d dtseg2 %d..%d "
-                               "dsjw 1..%d dbrp %d..%d dbrp-inc %d",
+                       fprintf(f, "%s: dtseg1 %d..%d dtseg2 %d..%d "
+                               "dsjw 1..%d dbrp %d..%d dbrp-inc %d\n        ",
                                dbtc->name, dbtc->tseg1_min, dbtc->tseg1_max,
                                dbtc->tseg2_min, dbtc->tseg2_max, dbtc->sjw_max,
                                dbtc->brp_min, dbtc->brp_max, dbtc->brp_inc);
@@ -504,24 +511,24 @@ static void can_print_opt(struct link_util *lu, FILE *f, 
struct rtattr *tb[])
                        for (i = 0; i < dbitrate_cnt; ++i)
                                print_uint(PRINT_JSON, NULL, NULL,
                        close_json_array(PRINT_JSON, NULL);
                } else {
-                       fprintf(f, "\n    dbitrate %u", dbitrate);
-                       fprintf(f, "\n       [");
+                       fprintf(f, "dbitrate %u\n        ", dbitrate);
+                       fprintf(f, "[");
                        for (i = 0; i < dbitrate_cnt - 1; ++i) {
                                /* This will keep lines below 80 signs */
                                if (!(i % 6) && i)
-                                       fprintf(f, "\n        ");
+                                       fprintf(f, "\n        ");
                                fprintf(f, "%8u, ", dbitrate_const[i]);
                        if (!(i % 6) && i)
-                               fprintf(f, "\n        ");
-                       fprintf(f, "%8u ]", dbitrate_const[i]);
+                               fprintf(f, "\n        ");
+                       fprintf(f, "%8u ]\n        ", dbitrate_const[i]);
                __u16 *trm = RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_CAN_TERMINATION]);
@@ -535,28 +542,27 @@ static void can_print_opt(struct link_util *lu, FILE *f, 
struct rtattr *tb[])
                        open_json_array(PRINT_JSON, "termination_const");
                        for (i = 0; i < trm_cnt; ++i)
                                print_hu(PRINT_JSON, NULL, NULL, trm_const[i]);
                        close_json_array(PRINT_JSON, NULL);
                } else {
-                       fprintf(f, "\n    termination %hu [ ", *trm);
+                       fprintf(f, "termination %hu [ ", *trm);
                        for (i = 0; i < trm_cnt - 1; ++i)
                                fprintf(f, "%hu, ", trm_const[i]);
-                       fprintf(f, "%hu ]", trm_const[i]);
+                       fprintf(f, "%hu ]\n        ", trm_const[i]);
        if (tb[IFLA_CAN_CLOCK]) {
                struct can_clock *clock = RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_CAN_CLOCK]);
-                         "\n     clock %d ",
+                         "clock %d\n        ",
 static void can_print_xstats(struct link_util *lu,
                             FILE *f, struct rtattr *xstats)
@@ -576,13 +582,13 @@ static void can_print_xstats(struct link_util *lu,
                                  NULL, stats->error_warning);
                        print_int(PRINT_JSON, "error_passive",
                                  NULL, stats->error_passive);
                        print_int(PRINT_JSON, "bus_off", NULL, stats->bus_off);
                } else {
-                       fprintf(f, "\n    re-started bus-errors arbit-lost "
-                               "error-warn error-pass bus-off");
-                       fprintf(f, "\n    %-10d %-10d %-10d %-10d %-10d %-10d",
+                       fprintf(f, "re-started bus-errors arbit-lost "
+                               "error-warn error-pass bus-off\n        ");
+                       fprintf(f, "%-10d %-10d %-10d %-10d %-10d %-10d\n       
                                stats->restarts, stats->bus_error,
                                stats->arbitration_lost, stats->error_warning,
                                stats->error_passive, stats->bus_off);

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