Hi Soheil,

> Thank you for CCing us.
> The reason for PROTO_CMSG_DATA_ONLY is explained in the paragraph
> above in the commit message.  PROTO_CMSG_DATA_ONLY is basically to
> allow-list a protocol that is guaranteed not to have the privilege
> escalation in https://crbug.com/project-zero/1975.  TCP doesn't have
> that issue, and I believe UDP doesn't have that issue either (but
> please audit and confirm that with +Jann Horn).
> If you couldn't find any non-data CMSGs for UDP, you should just add
> PROTO_CMSG_DATA_ONLY to inet dgram sockets instead of introducing
> __sys_whitelisted_cmsghdrs as Stefan mentioned.

Was there a specific reason why you only added the PROTO_CMSG_DATA_ONLY check
in __sys_recvmsg_sock(), but not in __sys_sendmsg_sock()?


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