As reported by a Debian user, mqprio output in json mode is

     "kind": "mqprio",
     "handle": "8021:",
     "dev": "enp1s0f0",
     "root": true,
     "options": { tc 2 map 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
          queues:(0:3) (4:7)

json-ify it, while trying to maintain the same formatting
for standard output.

Signed-off-by: Luca Boccassi <>
I do not have hardware where I can configure mqprio, so I can't really
test this apart from compiling it. Stephen and David, do you have machines
where you can quickly check that this works as expected? Thanks!

 tc/q_mqprio.c | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tc/q_mqprio.c b/tc/q_mqprio.c
index f26ba8d7..f62ccbc6 100644
--- a/tc/q_mqprio.c
+++ b/tc/q_mqprio.c
@@ -243,13 +243,19 @@ static int mqprio_print_opt(struct qdisc_util *qu, FILE 
*f, struct rtattr *opt)
        qopt = RTA_DATA(opt);
-       fprintf(f, " tc %u map ", qopt->num_tc);
+       print_uint(PRINT_ANY, "tc", "tc %u ", qopt->num_tc);
+       open_json_array(PRINT_ANY, is_json_context() ? "map" : "map ");
        for (i = 0; i <= TC_PRIO_MAX; i++)
-               fprintf(f, "%u ", qopt->prio_tc_map[i]);
-       fprintf(f, "\n             queues:");
-       for (i = 0; i < qopt->num_tc; i++)
-               fprintf(f, "(%u:%u) ", qopt->offset[i],
-                       qopt->offset[i] + qopt->count[i] - 1);
+               print_uint(PRINT_ANY, NULL, "%u ", qopt->prio_tc_map[i]);
+       close_json_array(PRINT_ANY, "");
+       open_json_array(PRINT_ANY, is_json_context() ? "queues" : "\n           
+       for (i = 0; i < qopt->num_tc; i++) {
+               open_json_array(PRINT_JSON, "");
+               print_uint(PRINT_ANY, NULL, "(%u:", qopt->offset[i]);
+               print_uint(PRINT_ANY, NULL, "%u) ", qopt->offset[i] + 
qopt->count[i] - 1);
+               close_json_array(PRINT_JSON, "");
+       }
+       close_json_array(PRINT_ANY, "");
        if (len > 0) {
                struct rtattr *tb[TCA_MQPRIO_MAX + 1];
@@ -262,18 +268,18 @@ static int mqprio_print_opt(struct qdisc_util *qu, FILE 
*f, struct rtattr *opt)
                        __u16 *mode = RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_MQPRIO_MODE]);
                        if (*mode == TC_MQPRIO_MODE_CHANNEL)
-                               fprintf(f, "\n             mode:channel");
+                               print_string(PRINT_ANY, "mode", "\n             
mode:%s", "channel");
                } else {
-                       fprintf(f, "\n             mode:dcb");
+                       print_string(PRINT_ANY, "mode", "\n             
mode:%s", "dcb");
                if (tb[TCA_MQPRIO_SHAPER]) {
                        __u16 *shaper = RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_MQPRIO_SHAPER]);
                        if (*shaper == TC_MQPRIO_SHAPER_BW_RATE)
-                               fprintf(f, "\n             shaper:bw_rlimit");
+                               print_string(PRINT_ANY, "shaper", "\n           
  shaper:%s", "bw_rlimit");
                } else {
-                       fprintf(f, "\n             shaper:dcb");
+                       print_string(PRINT_ANY, "shaper", "\n             
shaper:%s", "dcb");
                if (tb[TCA_MQPRIO_MIN_RATE64]) {
@@ -287,9 +293,9 @@ static int mqprio_print_opt(struct qdisc_util *qu, FILE *f, 
struct rtattr *opt)
                                        return -1;
                                *(min++) = rta_getattr_u64(r);
-                       fprintf(f, "    min_rate:");
+                       open_json_array(PRINT_ANY, is_json_context() ? 
"min_rate" : "   min_rate:");
                        for (i = 0; i < qopt->num_tc; i++)
-                               fprintf(f, "%s ", sprint_rate(min_rate64[i], 
+                               print_string(PRINT_ANY, NULL, "%s ", 
sprint_rate(min_rate64[i], b1));
                if (tb[TCA_MQPRIO_MAX_RATE64]) {
@@ -303,9 +309,9 @@ static int mqprio_print_opt(struct qdisc_util *qu, FILE *f, 
struct rtattr *opt)
                                        return -1;
                                *(max++) = rta_getattr_u64(r);
-                       fprintf(f, "    max_rate:");
+                       open_json_array(PRINT_ANY, is_json_context() ? 
"max_rate" : "   max_rate:");
                        for (i = 0; i < qopt->num_tc; i++)
-                               fprintf(f, "%s ", sprint_rate(max_rate64[i], 
+                               print_string(PRINT_ANY, NULL, "%s ", 
sprint_rate(max_rate64[i], b1));
        return 0;

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