On 11/27/20 10:59 AM, Jeroen Hofstee wrote:
> Losing arbitration is normal in a CAN-bus network, it means that a
> higher priority frame is being send and the pending message will be
> retried later. Hence most driver only increment arbitration_lost, but
> the sja1000 and sun4i driver also incremeant tx_error, causing errors
> to be reported on a normal functioning CAN-bus. So stop counting them
> as errors.

Sounds plausible.

> For completeness, the Kvaser USB hybra also increments the tx_error
> on arbitration lose, but it does so in single shot. Since in that
> case the message is not retried, that behaviour is kept.

You mean only in one shot mode? What about one shot mode on the sja1000 cores?

> Signed-off-by: Jeroen Hofstee <jhofs...@victronenergy.com>

I've split this into two patches, and added Fixes: lines, and pushed this for
now to linux-can/sja1000.



Pengutronix e.K.                 | Marc Kleine-Budde           |
Embedded Linux                   | https://www.pengutronix.de  |
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