Test different encapsulation modes of the bareudp module:
  * Unicast MPLS,
  * IPv4 only,
  * IPv4 in multiproto mode (that is, IPv4 and IPv6),
  * IPv6.

Each mode is tested with both an IPv4 and an IPv6 underlay.

Signed-off-by: Guillaume Nault <gna...@redhat.com>
 tools/testing/selftests/net/Makefile   |   1 +
 tools/testing/selftests/net/bareudp.sh | 523 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 524 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 tools/testing/selftests/net/bareudp.sh

diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/Makefile 
index ef352477cac6..fa5fa425d148 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/Makefile
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/Makefile
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ TEST_PROGS += rxtimestamp.sh
 TEST_PROGS += devlink_port_split.py
 TEST_PROGS += drop_monitor_tests.sh
 TEST_PROGS += vrf_route_leaking.sh
+TEST_PROGS += bareudp.sh
 TEST_PROGS_EXTENDED := in_netns.sh
 TEST_GEN_FILES =  socket nettest
 TEST_GEN_FILES += psock_fanout psock_tpacket msg_zerocopy reuseport_addr_any
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/bareudp.sh 
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..e565900789c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/bareudp.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# Test various bareudp tunnel configurations.
+# The bareudp module allows to tunnel network protocols like IP or MPLS over
+# UDP, without adding any intermediate header. This scripts tests several
+# configurations of bareudp (using IPv4 or IPv6 as underlay and transporting
+# IPv4, IPv6 or MPLS packets on the overlay).
+# Network topology:
+#   * A chain of 4 network namespaces, connected with veth pairs. Each veth
+#     is assigned an IPv4 and an IPv6 address. A host-route allows a veth to
+#     join its peer.
+#   * NS0 and NS3 are at the extremities of the chain. They have an additional
+#     IPv4 and IPv6 address on their loopback device. A route is added to NS0
+#     and NS3, so that they can communicate using these "overlay" IP addresses.
+#     For IPv4 and IPv6 reachability tests, the route simply sets the peer's
+#     veth address as gateway. For MPLS reachability tests, an MPLS header is
+#     also pushed before the IP header.
+#   * NS1 and NS2 are the intermediate namespaces. They use a bareudp device to
+#     encapsulate the traffic between NS0 and NS3 into UDP.
+# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+# |                                  NS0                                  |
+# |                                                                       |
+# |   lo:                                                                 |
+# |      * IPv4 address:                                   |
+# |      * IPv6 address: 2001:db8::100/128                                |
+# |      * IPv4 route: reachable via            |
+# |      * IPv6 route: 2001:db8::103/128 reachable via 2001:db8::11       |
+# |                    (optionally MPLS encapsulated, depending on test)  |
+# |                                                                       |
+# |   veth01:                                                             |
+# |   ^  * IPv4 address:, peer                   |
+# |   |  * IPv6 address: 2001:db8::10, peer 2001:db8::11/128              |
+# |   |                                                                   |
+# +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+#     |
+#     | Traffic type: IP or MPLS (depending on test)
+#     |
+# +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+# |   |                              NS1                                  |
+# |   |                                                                   |
+# |   v                                                                   |
+# |   veth10:                                                             |
+# |      * IPv4 address:, peer                   |
+# |      * IPv6 address: 2001:db8::11, peer 2001:db8::10/128              |
+# |                                                                       |
+# |   bareudp_ns1:                                                        |
+# |      * Encapsulate IP or MPLS packets received on veth10 into UDP     |
+# |        and send the resulting packets through veth12.                 |
+# |      * Decapsulate bareudp packets (either IP or MPLS, over UDP)      |
+# |        received on veth12 and send the inner packets through veth10.  |
+# |                                                                       |
+# |   veth12:                                                             |
+# |   ^  * IPv4 address:, peer                   |
+# |   |  * IPv6 address: 2001:db8::21, peer 2001:db8::22/128              |
+# |   |                                                                   |
+# +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+#     |
+#     | Traffic type: IP or MPLS (depending on test), over UDP
+#     |
+# +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+# |   |                              NS2                                  |
+# |   |                                                                   |
+# |   v                                                                   |
+# |   veth21:                                                             |
+# |      * IPv4 address:, peer                   |
+# |      * IPv6 address: 2001:db8::22, peer 2001:db8::21/128              |
+# |                                                                       |
+# |   bareudp_ns2:                                                        |
+# |      * Decapsulate bareudp packets (either IP or MPLS, over UDP)      |
+# |        received on veth21 and send the inner packets through veth23.  |
+# |      * Encapsulate IP or MPLS packets received on veth23 into UDP     |
+# |        and send the resulting packets through veth21.                 |
+# |                                                                       |
+# |   veth23:                                                             |
+# |   ^  * IPv4 address:, peer                   |
+# |   |  * IPv6 address: 2001:db8::32, peer 2001:db8::33/128              |
+# |   |                                                                   |
+# +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+#     |
+#     | Traffic type: IP or MPLS (depending on test)
+#     |
+# +---+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
+# |   |                              NS3                                  |
+# |   v                                                                   |
+# |   veth32:                                                             |
+# |      * IPv4 address:, peer                   |
+# |      * IPv6 address: 2001:db8::33, peer 2001:db8::32/128              |
+# |                                                                       |
+# |   lo:                                                                 |
+# |      * IPv4 address:                                   |
+# |      * IPv6 address: 2001:db8::103/128                                |
+# |      * IPv4 route: reachable via            |
+# |      * IPv6 route: 2001:db8::100/128 reachable via 2001:db8::32       |
+# |                    (optionally MPLS encapsulated, depending on test)  |
+# |                                                                       |
+# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ERR=4 # Return 4 by default, which is the SKIP code for kselftest
+readonly NS0=$(mktemp -u ns0-XXXXXXXX)
+readonly NS1=$(mktemp -u ns1-XXXXXXXX)
+readonly NS2=$(mktemp -u ns2-XXXXXXXX)
+readonly NS3=$(mktemp -u ns3-XXXXXXXX)
+# Check if ping is usable for IPv6. Use ping6 if it isn't.
+ping -w 1 -c 1 ::1 > /dev/null 2>&1 && PING6="ping" || PING6="ping6"
+# Exit the script after having removed the network namespaces it created
+# Parameters:
+#   * The list of network namespaces to delete before exiting.
+       for ns in "$@"; do
+               ip netns delete "${ns}" 2>/dev/null || true
+       done
+       if [ "${ERR}" -eq 4 ]; then
+               printf "Error: Setting up the testing environment failed.\n" >&2
+       fi
+       exit "${ERR}"
+# Create the four network namespaces used by the script (NS0, NS1, NS2 and NS3)
+# New namespaces are cleaned up manually in case of error, to ensure that we're
+# not going to delete pre-existing namespaces.
+       ip netns add "${NS0}" || exit_cleanup
+       ip netns add "${NS1}" || exit_cleanup "${NS0}"
+       ip netns add "${NS2}" || exit_cleanup "${NS0}" "${NS1}"
+       ip netns add "${NS3}" || exit_cleanup "${NS0}" "${NS1}" "${NS2}"
+# The trap function handler
+       exit_cleanup "${NS0}" "${NS1}" "${NS2}" "${NS3}"
+# Configure a network interface using a host route
+# Parameters
+#   * $1: the netns the network interface resides in,
+#   * $2: the network interface name,
+#   * $3: the local IPv4 address to assign to this interface,
+#   * $4: the IPv4 address of the remote network interface,
+#   * $5: the local IPv6 address to assign to this interface,
+#   * $6: the IPv6 address of the remote network interface.
+       local NS="${1}"; readonly NS
+       local DEV="${2}"; readonly DEV
+       local LOCAL_IP4="${3}"; readonly LOCAL_IP4
+       local PEER_IP4="${4}"; readonly PEER_IP4
+       local LOCAL_IP6="${5}"; readonly LOCAL_IP6
+       local PEER_IP6="${6}"; readonly PEER_IP6
+       ip -netns "${NS}" link set dev "${DEV}" up
+       ip -netns "${NS}" address add dev "${DEV}" "${LOCAL_IP4}" peer 
+       ip -netns "${NS}" address add dev "${DEV}" "${LOCAL_IP6}" peer 
"${PEER_IP6}" nodad
+# Create base networking topology:
+#   * set up the loopback device in all network namespaces (NS0..NS3),
+#   * set up a veth pair to connect each netns in sequence (NS0 with NS1,
+#     NS1 with NS2, etc.),
+#   * add and IPv4 and an IPv6 address on each veth interface.
+       for ns in "${NS0}" "${NS1}" "${NS2}" "${NS3}"; do
+               ip -netns "${ns}" link set dev lo up
+       done;
+       ip link add name veth01 netns "${NS0}" type veth peer name veth10 netns 
+       ip link add name veth12 netns "${NS1}" type veth peer name veth21 netns 
+       ip link add name veth23 netns "${NS2}" type veth peer name veth32 netns 
+       iface_config "${NS0}" veth01 2001:db8::10 
+       iface_config "${NS1}" veth10 2001:db8::11 
+       iface_config "${NS1}" veth12 2001:db8::21 
+       iface_config "${NS2}" veth21 2001:db8::22 
+       iface_config "${NS2}" veth23 2001:db8::32 
+       iface_config "${NS3}" veth32 2001:db8::33 
+# Set up the parts of the overlay network that are common to all tests:
+#   * add an IPv4 and an IPv6 overlay network address on the loopback device of
+#     the edge namespaces,
+#   * enable IP forwarding in the intermediate namespaces.
+# We can't configure the MPLS syctls yet as the mpls_router module may not be
+# loaded at this point.
+       ip -netns "${NS0}" address add dev lo
+       ip -netns "${NS3}" address add dev lo
+       ip -netns "${NS0}" address add 2001:db8::100/128 dev lo
+       ip -netns "${NS3}" address add 2001:db8::103/128 dev lo
+       ip netns exec "${NS1}" sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
+       ip netns exec "${NS2}" sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
+       ip netns exec "${NS1}" sysctl -qw net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
+       ip netns exec "${NS2}" sysctl -qw net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
+# Run "ping" from NS0 and print the result
+# Parameters:
+#   * $1: the variant of ping to use (normally either "ping" or "ping6"),
+#   * $2: the IP address to ping,
+#   * $3: a human readable description of the purpose of the test.
+# If the test fails and PAUSE_ON_FAIL is active, the user is given the
+# possibility to continue with the next test or to quit immediately.
+       local PING="$1"; readonly PING
+       local IP="$2"; readonly IP
+       local MSG="$3"; readonly MSG
+       local RET
+       printf "TEST: %-60s  " "${MSG}"
+       set +e
+       ip netns exec "${NS0}" "${PING}" -w 5 -c 1 "${IP}" > /dev/null 2>&1
+       RET=$?
+       set -e
+       if [ "${RET}" -eq 0 ]; then
+               printf "[ OK ]\n"
+       else
+               ERR=1
+               printf "[FAIL]\n"
+               if [ "${PAUSE_ON_FAIL}" = "yes" ]; then
+                       printf "\nHit enter to continue, 'q' to quit\n"
+                       read a
+                       if [ "$a" = "q" ]; then
+                               exit 1
+                       fi
+               fi
+       fi
+# Run reachability tests
+# Parameters:
+#   * $1: human readable string describing the underlay protocol.
+# $IPV4, $IPV6, $MPLS_UC and $MULTIPROTO are inherited from the calling
+# function.
+       local UNDERLAY="$1"; readonly UNDERLAY
+       local MODE
+       local MSG
+       if [ "${MULTIPROTO}" = "multiproto" ]; then
+               MODE=" (multiproto mode)"
+       else
+               MODE=""
+       fi
+       if [ $IPV4 ]; then
+               ping_test_one "ping" "" "IPv4 packets over 
+       fi
+       if [ $IPV6 ]; then
+               ping_test_one "${PING6}" "2001:db8::103" "IPv6 packets over 
+       fi
+       if [ $MPLS_UC ]; then
+               ping_test_one "${PING6}" "2001:db8::103" "Unicast MPLS packets 
over ${UNDERLAY}${MODE}"
+       fi
+# Set up a bareudp overlay and run reachability tests over IPv4 and IPv6
+# Parameters:
+#   * $1: the packet type (protocol) to be handled by bareudp,
+#   * $2: a flag to activate or deactivate bareudp's "multiproto" mode.
+       local ETHERTYPE="$1"; readonly ETHERTYPE
+       local MULTIPROTO="$2"; readonly MULTIPROTO
+       local IPV4
+       local IPV6
+       local MPLS_UC
+       case "${ETHERTYPE}" in
+               "ipv4")
+                       IPV4="ipv4"
+                       if [ "${MULTIPROTO}" = "multiproto" ]; then
+                               IPV6="ipv6"
+                       else
+                               IPV6=""
+                       fi
+                       MPLS_UC=""
+                       ;;
+               "ipv6")
+                       IPV6="ipv6"
+                       IPV4=""
+                       MPLS_UC=""
+                       ;;
+               "mpls_uc")
+                       MPLS_UC="mpls_uc"
+                       IPV4=""
+                       IPV6=""
+                       ;;
+               *)
+                       exit 1
+                       ;;
+       esac
+       readonly IPV4
+       readonly IPV6
+       readonly MPLS_UC
+       # Create the bareudp devices in the intermediate namespaces
+       ip -netns "${NS1}" link add name bareudp_ns1 up type bareudp dstport 
6635 ethertype "${ETHERTYPE}" "${MULTIPROTO}"
+       ip -netns "${NS2}" link add name bareudp_ns2 up type bareudp dstport 
6635 ethertype "${ETHERTYPE}" "${MULTIPROTO}"
+       # Prepare the ingress qdisc in the intermediate namespaces
+       tc -netns "${NS1}" qdisc add dev veth10 ingress
+       tc -netns "${NS2}" qdisc add dev veth23 ingress
+       # IPv4 over UDPv4
+       if [ $IPV4 ]; then
+               # Route the overlay addresses in the edge namespaces
+               ip -netns "${NS0}" route add src via
+               ip -netns "${NS3}" route add src via
+               # Route the overlay addresses in the intermediate namespaces
+               # (used after bareudp decapsulation)
+               ip -netns "${NS1}" route add via
+               ip -netns "${NS2}" route add via
+               # Encapsulation instructions for bareudp over IPv4
+               tc -netns "${NS1}" filter add dev veth10 ingress protocol ipv4  
+                       flower dst_ip                            
+                       action tunnel_key set src_ip dst_ip id 0 \
+                       action mirred egress redirect dev bareudp_ns1
+               tc -netns "${NS2}" filter add dev veth23 ingress protocol ipv4  
+                       flower dst_ip                            
+                       action tunnel_key set src_ip dst_ip id 0 \
+                       action mirred egress redirect dev bareudp_ns2
+       fi
+       # IPv6 over UDPv4
+       if [ $IPV6 ]; then
+               # Route the overlay addresses in the edge namespaces
+               ip -netns "${NS0}" route add 2001:db8::103/128 src 
2001:db8::100 via 2001:db8::11
+               ip -netns "${NS3}" route add 2001:db8::100/128 src 
2001:db8::103 via 2001:db8::32
+               # Route the overlay addresses in the intermediate namespaces
+               # (used after bareudp decapsulation)
+               ip -netns "${NS1}" route add 2001:db8::100/128 via 2001:db8::10
+               ip -netns "${NS2}" route add 2001:db8::103/128 via 2001:db8::33
+               # Encapsulation instructions for bareudp over IPv4
+               tc -netns "${NS1}" filter add dev veth10 ingress protocol ipv6  
+                       flower dst_ip 2001:db8::103/128                         
+                       action tunnel_key set src_ip dst_ip id 0 \
+                       action mirred egress redirect dev bareudp_ns1
+               tc -netns "${NS2}" filter add dev veth23 ingress protocol ipv6  
+                       flower dst_ip 2001:db8::100/128                         
+                       action tunnel_key set src_ip dst_ip id 0 \
+                       action mirred egress redirect dev bareudp_ns2
+       fi
+       # MPLS (unicast) over UDPv4
+       if [ $MPLS_UC ]; then
+               # Route the overlay addresses in the edge namespaces
+               ip -netns "${NS0}" route add 2001:db8::103/128 src 
2001:db8::100 encap mpls 103 via 2001:db8::11
+               ip -netns "${NS3}" route add 2001:db8::100/128 src 
2001:db8::103 encap mpls 100 via 2001:db8::32
+               # Accept incoming MPLS packets in the intermediate namespaces
+               ip netns exec "${NS1}" sysctl -qw net.mpls.platform_labels=1000
+               ip netns exec "${NS2}" sysctl -qw net.mpls.platform_labels=1000
+               ip netns exec "${NS1}" sysctl -qw 
+               ip netns exec "${NS2}" sysctl -qw 
+               # Route the MPLS packets in the intermediate namespaces
+               # (used after bareudp decapsulation)
+               ip -netns "${NS1}" -family mpls route add 100 via inet6 
+               ip -netns "${NS2}" -family mpls route add 103 via inet6 
+               # Encapsulation instructions for bareudp over IPv4
+               tc -netns "${NS1}" filter add dev veth10 ingress protocol 
mpls_uc      \
+                       flower mpls_label 103                                   
+                       action tunnel_key set src_ip dst_ip id 0 \
+                       action mirred egress redirect dev bareudp_ns1
+               tc -netns "${NS2}" filter add dev veth23 ingress protocol 
mpls_uc      \
+                       flower mpls_label 100                                   
+                       action tunnel_key set src_ip dst_ip id 0 \
+                       action mirred egress redirect dev bareudp_ns2
+       fi
+       # Test IPv4 underlay
+       ping_test "UDPv4"
+       # Cleanup bareudp encapsulation instructions, as they were specific to
+       # the IPv4 underlay, before setting up and testing the IPv6 underlay
+       tc -netns "${NS1}" filter delete dev veth10 ingress
+       tc -netns "${NS2}" filter delete dev veth23 ingress
+       # IPv4 over UDPv6
+       if [ $IPV4 ]; then
+               # New encapsulation instructions for bareudp over IPv6
+               tc -netns "${NS1}" filter add dev veth10 ingress protocol ipv4  
+                       flower dst_ip                            
+                       action tunnel_key set src_ip 2001:db8::21 dst_ip 
2001:db8::22 id 0 \
+                       action mirred egress redirect dev bareudp_ns1
+               tc -netns "${NS2}" filter add dev veth23 ingress protocol ipv4  
+                       flower dst_ip                            
+                       action tunnel_key set src_ip 2001:db8::22 dst_ip 
2001:db8::21 id 0 \
+                       action mirred egress redirect dev bareudp_ns2
+       fi
+       # IPv6 over UDPv6
+       if [ $IPV6 ]; then
+               # New encapsulation instructions for bareudp over IPv6
+               tc -netns "${NS1}" filter add dev veth10 ingress protocol ipv6  
+                       flower dst_ip 2001:db8::103/128                         
+                       action tunnel_key set src_ip 2001:db8::21 dst_ip 
2001:db8::22 id 0 \
+                       action mirred egress redirect dev bareudp_ns1
+               tc -netns "${NS2}" filter add dev veth23 ingress protocol ipv6  
+                       flower dst_ip 2001:db8::100/128                         
+                       action tunnel_key set src_ip 2001:db8::22 dst_ip 
2001:db8::21 id 0 \
+                       action mirred egress redirect dev bareudp_ns2
+       fi
+       # MPLS (unicast) over UDPv6
+       if [ $MPLS_UC ]; then
+               # New encapsulation instructions for bareudp over IPv6
+               tc -netns "${NS1}" filter add dev veth10 ingress protocol 
mpls_uc          \
+                       flower mpls_label 103                                   
+                       action tunnel_key set src_ip 2001:db8::21 dst_ip 
2001:db8::22 id 0 \
+                       action mirred egress redirect dev bareudp_ns1
+               tc -netns "${NS2}" filter add dev veth23 ingress protocol 
mpls_uc          \
+                       flower mpls_label 100                                   
+                       action tunnel_key set src_ip 2001:db8::22 dst_ip 
2001:db8::21 id 0 \
+                       action mirred egress redirect dev bareudp_ns2
+       fi
+       # Test IPv6 underlay
+       ping_test "UDPv6"
+       # Cleanup
+       if [ $IPV4 ]; then
+               ip -netns "${NS0}" route delete
+               ip -netns "${NS1}" route delete
+               ip -netns "${NS2}" route delete
+               ip -netns "${NS3}" route delete
+       fi
+       if [ $IPV6 ]; then
+               ip -netns "${NS0}" route delete 2001:db8::103/128
+               ip -netns "${NS1}" route delete 2001:db8::100/128
+               ip -netns "${NS2}" route delete 2001:db8::103/128
+               ip -netns "${NS3}" route delete 2001:db8::100/128
+       fi
+       if [ $MPLS_UC ]; then
+               ip -netns "${NS0}" route delete 2001:db8::103/128
+               ip -netns "${NS1}" -family mpls route delete 100
+               ip -netns "${NS2}" -family mpls route delete 103
+               ip -netns "${NS3}" route delete 2001:db8::100/128
+       fi
+       tc -netns "${NS1}" qdisc delete dev veth10 ingress
+       tc -netns "${NS2}" qdisc delete dev veth23 ingress
+       ip -netns "${NS1}" link delete bareudp_ns1
+       ip -netns "${NS2}" link delete bareudp_ns2
+while getopts :p o
+       case $o in
+               p) PAUSE_ON_FAIL="yes";;
+               *) exit 1;;
+       esac
+# Create namespaces before setting up the exit trap.
+# Otherwise, exit_cleanup_all() could delete namespaces that were not created
+# by this script.
+set -e
+trap exit_cleanup_all EXIT
+test_overlay mpls_uc nomultiproto
+test_overlay ipv4 nomultiproto
+test_overlay ipv6 nomultiproto
+test_overlay ipv4 multiproto
+if [ "${ERR}" -eq 1 ]; then
+       echo "Some tests failed." >&2
+       ERR=0

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