From: Michael Jeanson <>

The objective of the tests is to check that ICMP errors generated while
crossing between VRFs are properly routed back to the source host.

The first ttl test sends a ping with a ttl of 1 from h1 to h2 and parses the
output of the command to check that a ttl expired error is received.

The second ttl test runs traceroute from h1 to h2 and parses the output to
check for a hop on r1.

The mtu test sends a ping with a payload of 1450 from h1 to h2, through
r1 which has an interface with a mtu of 1400 and parses the output of the
command to check that a fragmentation needed error is received.

[ The IPv6 MTU test still fails with the symmetric routing setup. It
  appears to be caused by source address selection picking ::1.  Fixing
  this is beyond the scope of this series. ]

Signed-off-by: Michael Jeanson <>
Reviewed-by: David Ahern <>
Cc: David Ahern <>
Cc: Jakub Kicinski <>
Cc: David S. Miller <>
Changes since v2:
- Renamed test script to
- Added a default symmetric routing topology
- Documented the asymmetric routing topology
Changes since v1:
- Formating and indentation fixes
- Added '-t' to getopts
- Reworked verbose output of grep'd commands with a new function
- Expanded ip command names
- Added fragmentation tests
 tools/testing/selftests/net/Makefile          |   1 +
 .../selftests/net/        | 626 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 627 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 tools/testing/selftests/net/

diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/Makefile 
index 9491bbaa0831..3e7fb1e70c77 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/net/Makefile
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/Makefile
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ TEST_PROGS +=
 TEST_GEN_FILES =  socket nettest
 TEST_GEN_FILES += psock_fanout psock_tpacket msg_zerocopy reuseport_addr_any
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/net/ 
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..23cf924754a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/net/
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# Copyright (c) 2019 David Ahern <>. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Michael Jeanson <>. All rights 
+# Symmetric routing topology
+#                     blue         red
+# +----+              .253 +----+ .253              +----+
+# | h1 |-------------------| r1 |-------------------| h2 |
+# +----+ .1                +----+                .2 +----+
+#         172.16.1/24                  172.16.2/24
+#    2001:db8:16:1/64                  2001:db8:16:2/64
+# Route from h1 to h2 and back goes through r1, incoming vrf blue has a route
+# to the outgoing vrf red for the n2 network and red has a route back to n1.
+# The red VRF interface has a MTU of 1400.
+# The first test sends a ping with a ttl of 1 from h1 to h2 and parses the
+# output of the command to check that a ttl expired error is received.
+# The second test runs traceroute from h1 to h2 and parses the output to check
+# for a hop on r1.
+# The third test sends a ping with a packet size of 1450 from h1 to h2 and
+# parses the output of the command to check that a fragmentation error is
+# received.
+# Asymmetric routing topology
+# This topology represents a customer setup where the issue with icmp errors
+# and VRF route leaking was initialy reported. The MTU test isn't done here
+# because of the lack of a return route in the red VRF.
+#                     blue         red
+#                     .253 +----+ .253
+#                     +----| r1 |----+
+#                     |    +----+    |
+# +----+              |              |              +----+
+# | h1 |--------------+              +--------------| h2 |
+# +----+ .1           |              |           .2 +----+
+#         172.16.1/24 |    +----+    | 172.16.2/24
+#    2001:db8:16:1/64 +----| r2 |----+ 2001:db8:16:2/64
+#                     .254 +----+ .254
+# Route from h1 to h2 goes through r1, incoming vrf blue has a route to the
+# outgoing vrf red for the n2 network but red doesn't have a route back to n1.
+# Route from h2 to h1 goes through r2.
+# The objective is to check that the incoming vrf routing table is selected
+# to send an ICMP error back to the source when the ttl of a packet reaches 1
+# while it is forwarded between different vrfs.
+# helpers
+       echo
+       echo 
+       echo "$*"
+       echo 
+       echo
+       local rc=$1
+       local expected=$2
+       local msg="$3"
+       if [ "${rc}" -eq "${expected}" ]; then
+               printf "TEST: %-60s  [ OK ]\n" "${msg}"
+               nsuccess=$((nsuccess+1))
+       else
+               ret=1
+               nfail=$((nfail+1))
+               printf "TEST: %-60s  [FAIL]\n" "${msg}"
+               if [ "${PAUSE_ON_FAIL}" = "yes" ]; then
+                       echo
+                       echo "hit enter to continue, 'q' to quit"
+                       read -r a
+                       [ "$a" = "q" ] && exit 1
+               fi
+       fi
+       local cmd="$*"
+       local out
+       local rc
+       if [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ]; then
+               echo "COMMAND: $cmd"
+       fi
+       # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+       out=$(eval $cmd 2>&1)
+       rc=$?
+       if [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && [ -n "$out" ]; then
+               echo "$out"
+       fi
+       [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && echo
+       return $rc
+       local grep_pattern="$1"
+       shift
+       local cmd="$*"
+       local out
+       local rc
+       if [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ]; then
+               echo "COMMAND: $cmd"
+       fi
+       # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+       out=$(eval $cmd 2>&1)
+       if [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && [ -n "$out" ]; then
+               echo "$out"
+       fi
+       echo "$out" | grep -q "$grep_pattern"
+       rc=$?
+       [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && echo
+       return $rc
+# setup and teardown
+       local ns
+       for ns in h1 h2 r1 r2; do
+               ip netns del $ns 2>/dev/null
+       done
+       local ns=$1
+       ip -netns "${ns}" rule del pref 0
+       ip -netns "${ns}" rule add pref 32765 from all lookup local
+       ip -netns "${ns}" -6 rule del pref 0
+       ip -netns "${ns}" -6 rule add pref 32765 from all lookup local
+       local ns=$1
+       local vrf=$2
+       local table=$3
+       ip -netns "${ns}" link add "${vrf}" type vrf table "${table}"
+       ip -netns "${ns}" link set "${vrf}" up
+       ip -netns "${ns}" route add vrf "${vrf}" unreachable default metric 8192
+       ip -netns "${ns}" -6 route add vrf "${vrf}" unreachable default metric 
+       ip -netns "${ns}" addr add dev "${vrf}"
+       ip -netns "${ns}" -6 addr add ::1 dev "${vrf}" nodad
+       local ns
+       # make sure we are starting with a clean slate
+       cleanup
+       #
+       # create nodes as namespaces
+       #
+       for ns in h1 h2 r1; do
+               ip netns add $ns
+               ip -netns $ns link set lo up
+               case "${ns}" in
+               h[12]) ip netns exec $ns sysctl -q -w 
+                      ip netns exec $ns sysctl -q -w 
+                       ;;
+               r1)    ip netns exec $ns sysctl -q -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
+                      ip netns exec $ns sysctl -q -w 
+               esac
+       done
+       #
+       # create interconnects
+       #
+       ip -netns h1 link add eth0 type veth peer name r1h1
+       ip -netns h1 link set r1h1 netns r1 name eth0 up
+       ip -netns h2 link add eth0 type veth peer name r1h2
+       ip -netns h2 link set r1h2 netns r1 name eth1 up
+       #
+       # h1
+       #
+       ip -netns h1 addr add dev eth0 ${H1_N1_IP}/24
+       ip -netns h1 -6 addr add dev eth0 ${H1_N1_IP6}/64 nodad
+       ip -netns h1 link set eth0 up
+       # h1 to h2 via r1
+       ip -netns h1    route add ${H2_N2} via ${R1_N1_IP} dev eth0
+       ip -netns h1 -6 route add ${H2_N2_6} via "${R1_N1_IP6}" dev eth0
+       #
+       # h2
+       #
+       ip -netns h2 addr add dev eth0 ${H2_N2_IP}/24
+       ip -netns h2 -6 addr add dev eth0 ${H2_N2_IP6}/64 nodad
+       ip -netns h2 link set eth0 up
+       # h2 to h1 via r1
+       ip -netns h2 route add default via ${R1_N2_IP} dev eth0
+       ip -netns h2 -6 route add default via ${R1_N2_IP6} dev eth0
+       #
+       # r1
+       #
+       setup_vrf r1
+       create_vrf r1 blue 1101
+       create_vrf r1 red 1102
+       ip -netns r1 link set mtu 1400 dev eth1
+       ip -netns r1 link set eth0 vrf blue up
+       ip -netns r1 link set eth1 vrf red up
+       ip -netns r1 addr add dev eth0 ${R1_N1_IP}/24
+       ip -netns r1 -6 addr add dev eth0 ${R1_N1_IP6}/64 nodad
+       ip -netns r1 addr add dev eth1 ${R1_N2_IP}/24
+       ip -netns r1 -6 addr add dev eth1 ${R1_N2_IP6}/64 nodad
+       # Route leak from blue to red
+       ip -netns r1 route add vrf blue ${H2_N2} dev red
+       ip -netns r1 -6 route add vrf blue ${H2_N2_6} dev red
+       # Route leak from red to blue
+       ip -netns r1 route add vrf red ${H1_N1} dev blue
+       ip -netns r1 -6 route add vrf red ${H1_N1_6} dev blue
+       # Wait for ip config to settle
+       sleep 2
+       local ns
+       # make sure we are starting with a clean slate
+       cleanup
+       #
+       # create nodes as namespaces
+       #
+       for ns in h1 h2 r1 r2; do
+               ip netns add $ns
+               ip -netns $ns link set lo up
+               case "${ns}" in
+               h[12]) ip netns exec $ns sysctl -q -w 
+                      ip netns exec $ns sysctl -q -w 
+                       ;;
+               r[12]) ip netns exec $ns sysctl -q -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
+                      ip netns exec $ns sysctl -q -w 
+               esac
+       done
+       #
+       # create interconnects
+       #
+       ip -netns h1 link add eth0 type veth peer name r1h1
+       ip -netns h1 link set r1h1 netns r1 name eth0 up
+       ip -netns h1 link add eth1 type veth peer name r2h1
+       ip -netns h1 link set r2h1 netns r2 name eth0 up
+       ip -netns h2 link add eth0 type veth peer name r1h2
+       ip -netns h2 link set r1h2 netns r1 name eth1 up
+       ip -netns h2 link add eth1 type veth peer name r2h2
+       ip -netns h2 link set r2h2 netns r2 name eth1 up
+       #
+       # h1
+       #
+       ip -netns h1 link add br0 type bridge
+       ip -netns h1 link set br0 up
+       ip -netns h1 addr add dev br0 ${H1_N1_IP}/24
+       ip -netns h1 -6 addr add dev br0 ${H1_N1_IP6}/64 nodad
+       ip -netns h1 link set eth0 master br0 up
+       ip -netns h1 link set eth1 master br0 up
+       # h1 to h2 via r1
+       ip -netns h1    route add ${H2_N2} via ${R1_N1_IP} dev br0
+       ip -netns h1 -6 route add ${H2_N2_6} via "${R1_N1_IP6}" dev br0
+       #
+       # h2
+       #
+       ip -netns h2 link add br0 type bridge
+       ip -netns h2 link set br0 up
+       ip -netns h2 addr add dev br0 ${H2_N2_IP}/24
+       ip -netns h2 -6 addr add dev br0 ${H2_N2_IP6}/64 nodad
+       ip -netns h2 link set eth0 master br0 up
+       ip -netns h2 link set eth1 master br0 up
+       # h2 to h1 via r2
+       ip -netns h2 route add default via ${R2_N2_IP} dev br0
+       ip -netns h2 -6 route add default via ${R2_N2_IP6} dev br0
+       #
+       # r1
+       #
+       setup_vrf r1
+       create_vrf r1 blue 1101
+       create_vrf r1 red 1102
+       ip -netns r1 link set mtu 1400 dev eth1
+       ip -netns r1 link set eth0 vrf blue up
+       ip -netns r1 link set eth1 vrf red up
+       ip -netns r1 addr add dev eth0 ${R1_N1_IP}/24
+       ip -netns r1 -6 addr add dev eth0 ${R1_N1_IP6}/64 nodad
+       ip -netns r1 addr add dev eth1 ${R1_N2_IP}/24
+       ip -netns r1 -6 addr add dev eth1 ${R1_N2_IP6}/64 nodad
+       # Route leak from blue to red
+       ip -netns r1 route add vrf blue ${H2_N2} dev red
+       ip -netns r1 -6 route add vrf blue ${H2_N2_6} dev red
+       # No route leak from red to blue
+       #
+       # r2
+       #
+       ip -netns r2 addr add dev eth0 ${R2_N1_IP}/24
+       ip -netns r2 -6 addr add dev eth0 ${R2_N1_IP6}/64 nodad
+       ip -netns r2 addr add dev eth1 ${R2_N2_IP}/24
+       ip -netns r2 -6 addr add dev eth1 ${R2_N2_IP6}/64 nodad
+       # Wait for ip config to settle
+       sleep 2
+       ip netns exec h1 ping -c1 -w1 ${H2_N2_IP} >/dev/null 2>&1
+       log_test $? 0 "Basic IPv4 connectivity"
+       return $?
+       ip netns exec h1 "${ping6}" -c1 -w1 ${H2_N2_IP6} >/dev/null 2>&1
+       log_test $? 0 "Basic IPv6 connectivity"
+       return $?
+       if [ ! -x "$(command -v traceroute)" ]; then
+               echo "SKIP: Could not run IPV4 test without traceroute"
+               return 1
+       fi
+       if [ ! -x "$(command -v traceroute6)" ]; then
+               echo "SKIP: Could not run IPV6 test without traceroute6"
+               return 1
+       fi
+       local ttype="$1"
+       [ "x$ttype" = "x" ] && ttype="$DEFAULT_TTYPE"
+       log_section "IPv4 ($ttype route): VRF ICMP error route lookup 
+       check_traceroute || return
+       setup_"$ttype"
+       check_connectivity || return
+       run_cmd_grep "${R1_N1_IP}" ip netns exec h1 traceroute ${H2_N2_IP}
+       log_test $? 0 "Traceroute reports a hop on r1"
+       ipv4_traceroute asym
+       local ttype="$1"
+       [ "x$ttype" = "x" ] && ttype="$DEFAULT_TTYPE"
+       log_section "IPv6 ($ttype route): VRF ICMP error route lookup 
+       check_traceroute6 || return
+       setup_"$ttype"
+       check_connectivity6 || return
+       run_cmd_grep "${R1_N1_IP6}" ip netns exec h1 traceroute6 ${H2_N2_IP6}
+       log_test $? 0 "Traceroute6 reports a hop on r1"
+       ipv6_traceroute asym
+       local ttype="$1"
+       [ "x$ttype" = "x" ] && ttype="$DEFAULT_TTYPE"
+       log_section "IPv4 ($ttype route): VRF ICMP ttl error route lookup ping"
+       setup_"$ttype"
+       check_connectivity || return
+       run_cmd_grep "Time to live exceeded" ip netns exec h1 ping -t1 -c1 -W2 
+       log_test $? 0 "Ping received ICMP ttl exceeded"
+       ipv4_ping_ttl asym
+       local ttype="$1"
+       [ "x$ttype" = "x" ] && ttype="$DEFAULT_TTYPE"
+       log_section "IPv4 ($ttype route): VRF ICMP fragmentation error route 
lookup ping"
+       setup_"$ttype"
+       check_connectivity || return
+       run_cmd_grep "Frag needed" ip netns exec h1 ping -s 1450 -Mdo -c1 -W2 
+       log_test $? 0 "Ping received ICMP Frag needed"
+       ipv4_ping_frag asym
+       local ttype="$1"
+       [ "x$ttype" = "x" ] && ttype="$DEFAULT_TTYPE"
+       log_section "IPv6 ($ttype route): VRF ICMP ttl error route lookup ping"
+       setup_"$ttype"
+       check_connectivity6 || return
+       run_cmd_grep "Time exceeded: Hop limit" ip netns exec h1 "${ping6}" -t1 
-c1 -W2 ${H2_N2_IP6}
+       log_test $? 0 "Ping received ICMP Hop limit"
+       ipv6_ping_ttl asym
+       local ttype="$1"
+       [ "x$ttype" = "x" ] && ttype="$DEFAULT_TTYPE"
+       log_section "IPv6 ($ttype route): VRF ICMP fragmentation error route 
lookup ping"
+       setup_"$ttype"
+       check_connectivity6 || return
+       run_cmd_grep "Packet too big" ip netns exec h1 "${ping6}" -s 1450 -Mdo 
-c1 -W2 ${H2_N2_IP6}
+       log_test $? 0 "Ping received ICMP Packet too big"
+       ipv6_ping_frag asym
+# usage
+        cat <<EOF
+usage: ${0##*/} OPTS
+       -4          Run IPv4 tests only
+       -6          Run IPv6 tests only
+        -t TEST     Run only TEST
+       -p          Pause on fail
+       -v          verbose mode (show commands and output)
+# main
+# Some systems don't have a ping6 binary anymore
+command -v ping6 > /dev/null 2>&1 && ping6=$(command -v ping6) || 
ping6=$(command -v ping)
+TESTS_IPV4="ipv4_ping_ttl ipv4_traceroute ipv4_ping_frag ipv4_ping_ttl_asym 
+TESTS_IPV6="ipv6_ping_ttl ipv6_traceroute ipv6_ping_frag ipv6_ping_ttl_asym 
+while getopts :46t:pvh o
+       case $o in
+               4) TESTS=ipv4;;
+               6) TESTS=ipv6;;
+               t) TESTS=$OPTARG;;
+               p) PAUSE_ON_FAIL=yes;;
+               v) VERBOSE=1;;
+               h) usage; exit 0;;
+               *) usage; exit 1;;
+       esac
+# show user test config
+if [ -z "$TESTS" ]; then
+elif [ "$TESTS" = "ipv4" ]; then
+        TESTS="$TESTS_IPV4"
+elif [ "$TESTS" = "ipv6" ]; then
+        TESTS="$TESTS_IPV6"
+for t in $TESTS
+       case $t in
+       ipv4_ping_ttl|ping)              ipv4_ping_ttl;;&
+       ipv4_ping_ttl_asym|ping)         ipv4_ping_ttl_asym;;&
+       ipv4_traceroute|traceroute)      ipv4_traceroute;;&
+       ipv4_traceroute_asym|traceroute) ipv4_traceroute_asym;;&
+       ipv4_ping_frag|ping)             ipv4_ping_frag;;&
+       ipv6_ping_ttl|ping)              ipv6_ping_ttl;;&
+       ipv6_ping_ttl_asym|ping)         ipv6_ping_ttl_asym;;&
+       ipv6_traceroute|traceroute)      ipv6_traceroute;;&
+       ipv6_traceroute_asym|traceroute) ipv6_traceroute_asym;;&
+       ipv6_ping_frag|ping)             ipv6_ping_frag;;&
+       # setup namespaces and config, but do not run any tests
+       setup_sym|setup)                 setup_sym; exit 0;;
+       setup_asym)                      setup_asym; exit 0;;
+       help)                       echo "Test names: $TESTS"; exit 0;;
+       esac
+printf "\nTests passed: %3d\n" ${nsuccess}
+printf "Tests failed: %3d\n"   ${nfail}
+exit $ret

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