Hi Hongbo,

On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 05:48:45PM +0800, hongbo.w...@nxp.com wrote:
> From: "hongbo.wang" <hongbo.w...@nxp.com>
> This feature can be test in the following case:
> Customer <-----> swp0  <-----> swp1 <-----> ISP
> Customer will send and receive packets with single VLAN tag(CTAG),
> ISP will send and receive packets with double VLAN tag(STAG and CTAG).
> This refers to "4.3.3 Provider Bridges and Q-in-Q Operation" in
> VSC99599_1_00_TS.pdf.
> The related test commands:
> 1.
> devlink dev param set pci/0000:00:00.5 name qinq_port_bitmap \
> value 2 cmode runtime
> 2.
> ip link add dev br0 type bridge vlan_protocol 802.1ad
> ip link set dev swp0 master br0
> ip link set dev swp1 master br0
> ip link set dev br0 type bridge vlan_filtering 1
> 3.
> bridge vlan del dev swp0 vid 1 pvid
> bridge vlan add dev swp0 vid 100 pvid untagged
> bridge vlan add dev swp1 vid 100
> Result:
> Customer(tpid:8100 vid:111) -> swp0 -> swp1 -> ISP(STAG \
>             tpid:88A8 vid:100, CTAG tpid:8100 vid:111)
> ISP(tpid:88A8 vid:100 tpid:8100 vid:222) -> swp1 -> swp0 ->\
>             Customer(tpid:8100 vid:222)
> Signed-off-by: hongbo.wang <hongbo.w...@nxp.com>
> ---

Can you please explain what is the purpose of the devlink parameter
command? As far as I understand, the commands from step 2 and 3 should
behave like that, even without running the command at step 1.


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