> Thanks - so you are suggesting we enable 802.3 flow-control / pause-frames?
> (it's currently disabled)

I do, but do test it before you bet on it. I've never tested such a
scenario but from my experience the lower the rtt the lesser are the
problems that the high speed algorithms are trying to solve.


> -----Original Message-----
> Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; netdev@vger.kernel.org
> Sent: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 8:39 AM
> Subject: Re: TCP congestion control for fast, short-distance networks ?
>  * [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [070404 18:29]:
> >Hello,
> >
> >We are currently using both 1 Gb & 10 Gb links, that interconnect 
> several
> servers that are very *local* to
> >each other.
> >Typical RTT times range from 0.2 ms - 0.3 ms.
> >
> >We are currently using TCP reno - is there a more suitable congestion 
> control
> algorithm for our
> >application,
> >especially using the 10 Gb links ?
> >(Most of the High-Speed TCP algorithms seem suitable for large RTT,
> long-distance networks).
> I'm not aware of any tests for high speed links with very low RTTs, but
> I suspect that the new algorithms will not change much, if the
> connections you have are indeed local than the Ethernet pause mechanism
> is more effective for the flow control you need.
> Baruch
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