On Tue,  8 Sep 2020 17:42:40 +0300 Parav Pandit wrote:
> A devlink port may be for a controller consist of PCI device.


> A devlink instance holds ports of two types of controllers.
> (1) controller discovered on same system where eswitch resides
> This is the case where PCI PF/VF of a controller and devlink eswitch
> instance both are located on a single system.
> (2) controller located on external host system.
> This is the case where a controller is located in one system and its
> devlink eswitch ports are located in a different system.
> When a devlink eswitch instance serves the devlink ports of both
> controllers together, PCI PF/VF numbers may overlap.
> Due to this a unique phys_port_name cannot be constructed.
> For example in below such system controller-A and controller-B, each has
> PCI PF pf0 whose eswitch ports are present in controller-A.
> These results in phys_port_name as "pf0" for both.
> Similar problem exists for VFs and upcoming Sub functions.
> An example view of two controller systems:
>                 -----------------------------------------------------
>                 |                                                   |
>                 |           --------- ---------                     |
> -------------   |           | vf(s) | | sf(s) |                     |
> | server    |   | -------   ----/---- ---/-----  -------            |
> | pci rc    |=====| pf0 |______/________/        | pf1 |            |
> | connection|   | -------                        -------            |
> -------------   |     | controller-B (no eswitch) (controller num=1)|
>                 ------|----------------------------------------------
>                 (internal wire)
>                       |
>                 -----------------------------------------------------
>                 |  devlink eswitch ports and reps                   |
>                 |  ---------------------------------------------    |
>                 |  |ctrl-A | ctrl-B | ctrl-A | ctrl-B | ctrl-B |    |
>                 |  |pf0    | pf0    | pf0vfN | pf0vfN | pf0sfN |    |
>                 |  ---------------------------------------------    |


ctrl-A doesn't have VFs, but sfs below.

pf1 reprs are not listed.

Perhaps it'd be clearer if controllers where not interleaved?

>                 |                                                   |
>                 |           ---------                               |
>                 |           | sf(s) |                               |
>                 | -------   ---/-----    -------                    |
>                 | | pf0 |_____/          | pf1 |                    |
>                 | -------                -------                    |
>                 |                                                   |
>                 |  local controller-A (eswitch) (controller num=0)  |
>                 -----------------------------------------------------

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