On Sat, 1 Aug 2020 02:47:38 +0530 Rahul Lakkireddy wrote:
> I thought /lib/firmware is where firmware related files need to be
> placed and ethtool --flash needs to be used to program them to
> their respective locations on adapter's flash.

Our goal is to provide solid, common interfaces for Linux users to rely
on. Not give way to vendor specific "solutions" like uploading ini files
to perform device configuration.

> Note that we don't have devlink support in our driver yet. And,
> we're a bit confused here on why this already existing ethtool
> feature needs to be duplicated to devlink.

To be clear - I'm suggesting the creation of a more targeted APIs 
to control the settings you have encoded _inside_ the ini file. 
Not a new interface for an whole sale config upload.

Worst case scenario - if the settings are really device specific 
you can try to use devlink device parameters.

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