On 2020-06-23 7:52 p.m., Po Liu wrote:
Hi Jamal,
My question: Is this any different from how stats are structured?
My question: Why cant you apply the same semantics for the counters?
Does your hardware have an indexed counter/stats table? If yes then you
That is the point i was trying to get to. Basically:
You have a counter table which is referenced by "index"
You also have a meter/policer table which is referenced by "index".
For policers, they maintain their own stats. So when i say:
tc ... flower ... action police ... index 5
The index referred to is in the policer table
But for other actions, example when i say:
tc ... flower ... action drop index 10
The index is in the counter/stats table.
It is not exactly "10" in hardware, the driver magically hides
it from the user - so it could be hw counter index 1234
The old approach is to assume the classifier (flower in this
case) has a counter. The reason for this assumption is older
hardware was designed to deal with a single action per match.
So a counter to the filter is also the counter to the
(single) action. I get the feeling your hardware fits in that
Modern use cases have evolved from the ACL single match and action
approach. Maintaining the old thought/architecture breaks in two
use cases:
1) when you have multiple actions per policy filter. You need
counter-per-action for various reasons
2) Sharing of counters across filters and action. This can
be achieve
tc supports the above and is sufficient to cover the old use
I am just worried, architecturally, we are restricting ourselves
to the old scheme.
Another reason this is important is for the sake of analytics.
A user space app can poll just for the stats table in hardware
(or the cached version in the kernel) and reduce the amount of
data crossing to user space..